1,510 research outputs found

    Frustration and glassiness in spin models with cavity-mediated interactions

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    We show that the effective spin-spin interaction between three-level atoms confined in a multimode optical cavity is long-ranged and sign-changing, like the RKKY interaction; therefore, ensembles of such atoms subject to frozen-in positional randomness can realize spin systems having disordered and frustrated interactions. We argue that, whenever the atoms couple to sufficiently many cavity modes, the cavity-mediated interactions give rise to a spin glass. In addition, we show that the quantum dynamics of cavity-confined spin systems is that of a Bose-Hubbard model with strongly disordered hopping but no on-site disorder; this model exhibits a random-singlet glass phase, absent in conventional optical-lattice realizations. We briefly discuss experimental signatures of the realizable phases.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Phase boundary and finite temperature crossovers of the quantum Ising model in two dimensions

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    We revisit the two-dimensional quantum Ising model by computing renormalization group flows close to its quantum critical point. The low but finite temperature regime in the vicinity of the quantum critical point is squashed between two distinct non-Gaussian fixed points: the classical fixed point dominated by thermal fluctuations and the quantum critical fixed point dominated by zero-point quantum fluctuations. Truncating an exact flow equation for the effective action we derive a set of renormalization group equations and analyze how the interplay of quantum and thermal fluctuations, both non-Gaussian in nature, influences the shape of the phase boundary and the region in the phase diagram where critical fluctuations occur. The solution of the flow equations makes this interplay transparent: we detect finite temperature crossovers by computing critical exponents and we confirm that the power law describing the finite temperature phase boundary as a function of control parameter is given by the correlation length exponent at zero temperature as predicted in an epsilon-expansion with epsilon=1 by Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 55, 142 (1997).Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    Continuous time contests with private information

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    This paper introduces a class of contest models in which each player decides when to stop a privately observed Brownian motion with drift and incurs costs depending on his stopping time. The player who stops his process at the highest value wins a prize. We prove existence and uniqueness of a Nash equilibrium outcome and derive the equilibrium distribution in closed form. As the variance tends to zero, the equilibrium outcome converges to the symmetric equilibrium of an all-pay auction. For two players and constant costs, each player’s equilibrium profit decreases if the drift increases, the variance decreases, or the costs decrease

    Soft quantum vibrations of a PT-symmetric nonlinear ion chain

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    Theoretical Physic

    Effects of Next-Nearest-Neighbor Hopping on the Hole Motion in an Antiferromagnetic Background

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    In this paper we study the effect of next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the dynamics of a single hole in an antiferromagnetic (N\'{e}el) background. In the framework of large dimensions the Green function of a hole can be obtained exactly. The exact density of states of a hole is thus calculated in large dimensions and on a Bethe lattice with large coordination number. We suggest a physically motivated generalization to finite dimensions (e.g., 2 and 3). In d=2d=2 we present also the momentum dependent spectral function. With varying degree, depending on the underlying lattice involved, the discrete spectrum for holes is replaced by a continuum background and a few resonances at the low energy end. The latter are the remanents of the bound states of the t−Jt-J model. Their behavior is still largely governed by the parameters tt and JJ. The continuum excitations are more sensitive to the energy scales tt and t1t_1.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B, Revtex, 23 pages, 10 figures available on request from [email protected]

    Off-diagonal Interactions, Hund's Rules and Pair-binding in Hubbard Molecules

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    We have studied the effect of including nearest-neighbor, electron-electron interactions, in particular the off-diagonal (non density-density) terms, on the spectra of truncated tetrahedral and icosahedral ``Hubbard molecules,'' focusing on the relevance of these systems to the physics of doped C60_{60}. Our perturbation theoretic and exact diagonalization results agree with previous work in that the density-density term suppresses pair-binding. However, we find that for the parameter values of interest for C60C_{60} the off-diagonal terms {\em enhance} pair-binding, though not enough to offset the suppression due to the density-density term. We also find that the critical interaction strengths for the Hund's rules violating level crossings in C60−2_{60}^{-2}, C60−3_{60}^{-3} and C60−4_{60}^{-4} are quite insensitive to the inclusion of these additional interactions.Comment: 20p + 5figs, Revtex 3.0, UIUC preprint P-94-10-08
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