161 research outputs found

    3D laser nano-printing on fibre paves the way for super-focusing of multimode laser radiation

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    Multimode high-power laser diodes suffer from inefficient beam focusing, leading to a focal spot 10–100 times greater than the diffraction limit. This inevitably restricts their wider use in ‘direct-diode’ applications in materials processing and biomedical photonics. We report here a ‘super-focusing’ characteristic for laser diodes, where the exploitation of self-interference of modes enables a significant reduction of the focal spot size. This is achieved by employing a conical microlens fabricated on the tip of a multimode optical fibre using 3D laser nano-printing (also known as multi-photon lithography). When refracted by the conical surface, the modes of the fibre-coupled laser beam self-interfere and form an elongated narrow focus, usually referred to as a ‘needle’ beam. The multiphoton lithography technique allows the realisation of almost any optical element on a fibre tip, thus providing the most suitable interface for free-space applications of multimode fibre-delivered laser beams. In addition, we demonstrate the optical trapping of microscopic objects with a super-focused multimode laser diode beam thus rising new opportunities within the applications sector where lab-on-chip configurations can be exploited. Most importantly, the demonstrated super-focusing approach opens up new avenues for the ‘direct-diode’ applications in material processing and 3D printing, where both high power and tight focusing is required

    Phase diagrams of classical spin fluids: the influence of an external magnetic field on the liquid-gas transition

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    The influence of an external magnetic field on the liquid-gas phase transition in Ising, XY, and Heisenberg spin fluid models is studied using a modified mean field theory and Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated that the theory is able to reproduce quantitatively all characteristic features of the field dependence of the critical temperature T_c(H) for all the three models. These features include a monotonic decrease of T_c with rising H in the case of the Ising fluid as well as a more complicated nonmonotonic behavior for the XY and Heisenberg models. The nonmonotonicity consists in a decrease of T_c with increasing H at weak external fields, an increase of T_c with rising H in the strong field regime, and the existence of a minimum in T_c(H) at intermediate values of H. Analytical expressions for T_c(H) in the large field limit are presented as well. The magnetic para-ferro phase transition is also considered in simulations and described within the mean field theory.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures (to be submitted to Phys. Rev. E

    Outer Space and International Cooperation

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    State of strain near an elliptical hole in an elasticoplastic body

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