759 research outputs found

    Prediction of big five personality traits from mobile application usage

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    Abstract. Smartphones evolved being an integral part of our daily lives and in recent days. Studies show that smartphone usage is correlated to user personality traits. This critical ecosystem is dependent on several variables such as geographic location, demographic traits, ethnic impact or cultural influence and so on. While significant number of demographic, environmental and medical analysis is done based on smartphone usage, there are inadequate amount of study carried out to analyse human personality. All of these information provide pivotal insights for improving user experience, creating recommendations, identifying marketing strategies and for a general overall usage improvement. This study is done with application usage data collected over 6 months from 739 Android smartphone users along with a 50-item Big Five Personality Trait questionnaire. The analysis focuses on the fact that, category-level aggregated application usage is enough for predicting Big Five personality traits achieving 9–14% error which is 86–91% accuracy on average. This study concludes that user personality generates a fundamental impact on smartphone application and application category usage. This work reflects the possible personality-driven research in future and depicts the significance and involvement of application categories in achieving proper accuracy in general traits, while pursuing for personality study

    No more recalcitrant: Chickpea regeneration and genetic transformation

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    Chickpea production is limited worldwide because of abiotic and biotic stresses. Efforts to overcome these production constraints through traditional breeding are difficult due to limited genetic variation. Novel regeneration is pre-requisite for genetic transformation offers the opportunity to overcome hybridization barriers and introduce novel genes for resistance. Although direct gene transfer via direct DNA transfer has been reported, Agrobacterium mediated transformation is the preferred method and standard protocols have been established for the production of transgenic plantlets derived from cocultivation of embryonic axes. This was soon adopted due to difficulties associated with regeneration of whole plants from callus. Only few reports have been reported using genetic transformation/transgene(s) against abiotic stress tolerance transgenic chickpea plants. Transgenic chickpea using bacterial codA gene tolerance against abiotic stresses have been developed. Chickpea improvement and application of genomics tools to the study of the chickpea genome will be enhanced through the use of genetic transformation

    Interparietal and pre-interparietal bones in the population of south coastal Andhra Pradesh, India

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    The squamous occipital bone consists of two parts: a cartilaginous supraoccipital part below and a membranous interparietal (IP) part above the highest nuchal line. The IP part develops from two pairs of ossification centres which form the two lateral plates and a median central piece. Any anomalous ossification of these centres gives rise to IP bones. Occasional separate ossified part of the IP region give rise pre-interparietal (PIP) bones which, when present, should be within the territory of the lambdoid suture. The present study was undertaken to observe the incidence of IP and PIP bones in skulls belonging to the south coastal population of Andhra Pradesh, India, hitherto unreported. In a total of 84 skulls, IP bones were found in 8 (9.5%) skulls and PIP bones in 6 (7.1%) skulls. The occurrence of IP and PIP bones can be correlated with the development of the squamous part of the occipital bones, and any alterations in the fusion of its ossification centres and its nuclei result in these anomalous bones. Knowledge of these bones may be important in dealing with situations resulting from fractures of occipital bones, and to rule out their incidence between races or populations in different parts of the world. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 3: 185–190


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Voice Recognition is a fascinating field spanning several areas of computer science and mathematics. Reliable speaker recognition is a hardproblem, requiring a combination of many techniques; however modern methods have been able to achieve an impressive degree of accuracy. Theobjective of this work is to examine various speech and speaker recognition techniques and to apply them to build a simple voice recognition system.Method: The project is implemented on software which uses different techniques such as Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC), VectorQuantization (VQ) which are implemented using MATLAB.Results: MFCC is used to extract the characteristics from the input speech signal with respect to a particular word uttered by a particular speaker. VQcodebook is generated by clustering the training feature vectors of each speaker and then stored in the speaker database.Conclusion: Verification of the speaker is carried out using Euclidian Distance. For voice recognition we implement the MFCC approach using softwareplatform MatlabR2013b.Keywords: Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficient, Vector quantization, Voice recognition, Hidden Markov model, Euclidean distance

    A cross sectional study of depression during pregnancy and its risk factors among pregnant women attending a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, India

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    Background: Depression during pregnancy is a recognized global health issue which can lead to wide range of maternal and neonatal complications to extremes like maternal suicide to infanticide. This study was done to estimate the magnitude of depression during pregnancy and its risk factors among pregnant women attending a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry.Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was done among 220 pregnant women attending routine antenatal checkup in outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, using a systematic random sampling technique. A semi structured questionnaire using Patient Health Questionnaire-9 was used to screen the mothers for antenatal depression.Results: 220 pregnant women were evaluated for antenatal depression. Mean age of the study participants was 25.02±3.13 years. Using PHQ-9 authors found that 19.5% pregnant women were having risk for antenatal depression, of which the mild, moderate and moderately severe levels of depression were 16.4%, 1.4% and 1.8% respectively. The risk of antenatal depression was statistically significant among the women age more than 30 years, husband’s educational status as higher secondary and below, residence in rural area, multigravida, having a male child, strained relationship, no support during pregnancy and pressure for a male child. Logistic regression analysis revealed age ≥30 years (aOR 3.03, 95% CI 1.04-8.82), and no support during pregnancy (aOR 3.30, 95% CI 1.10-9.90) were the significant factors.Conclusions: Since the risk for antepartum depression is huge in this region, there is a need for screening for antepartum depression as a routine antenatal checkup in the out patient department. Reinforcing the importance of appropriate for conception and support for the mother during pregnancy plays a vital role in reducing the magnitude of this depression


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    Objective: The fundamental objective of this analysis is to assess the potential effect of the phenolic plant extract from Syzygium cumini against bacterialculture. This response indicates the antibacterial properties of the phenolic extract of the plant which can be exploited as a feasible antibacterial agent.Methods: The antibacterial activity of the phenolic-rich extract was tested against human pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonasaeruginosa using the disc diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration. Preliminary phytochemical studies revealed the presence ofalkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, glycosides, terpenoid, and tannins.Results: The phenolic extract showed potent inhibitory activity against Gram-positive bacterium S. aureus and Gram-negative bacterium P. aeruginosa.The zone of inhibition obtained in the antibacterial assay was scrutinized, and the results obtained were analyzed in terms of the antibacterial activity.Conclusion: Hereby, inferring from the experimental outcomes, the phenolic plant extract of S. cumini can be used as an effective antibacterial agent.Keywords: Polyphenol, Antibacterial activity, Disc diffusion, Syzygium cumini

    RFID Based Smart Shopping Trolley with PCB Design

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    Shopping is captivating and addictive, but standing in never-ending billing queues is a tiring process. Even though various online shopping platforms are growing, retail shopping has never stepped back. To ease the shopping process and eliminate lengthy billing queues, a new product has to be introduced with the appropriate use of technology. This paper summarizes a Radio Frequency Identification based smart shopping trolley that provides automatic billing and customer satisfaction. The RFID tags on the products are read by the reader present on the shopping cart. The display screen present in the cart provides the cost information and gives the final billing amount. This is then sent to the cashier`s database using Wi-Fi module and hence saves the customer's time. This entire model is designed on the PCB and simulated

    Comparison of short term clinical results following implantation of acrylic foldable intraocular lens and polymethyl meth acrylate rigid intraocular lens in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    The modern cataract surgery has given good visual results, but this could deteriorate over times because of Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO) which is the most frequent complication after cataract extraction. The blood-aqueous as well as blood-retinal barrier damage in diabetic eyes are likely to pose an increased risk of PCO, which can be prevented by improved surgical techniques and by selecting ideal intraocular lens materials and designs. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To compare the post-operative visual outcome and incidence of posterior capsular opacification after implantation of Hydrophobic Acrylic and poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lenses (IOLs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional ethics board. After the implantation of PMMA and Acrylic IOLs, all patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus were studied during the study period from April 2014 to September 2014 as per the protocol excel. INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Patient with age group 40-70 years with uncomplicated senile cataract. 2. Eligible cataracts in diabetics without retinal change 3. Using phacoemulsification technique. 4. Using continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis technique. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Patients with history of previous ocular diseases, surgery. 2. Patients with history of ocular trauma. previous glaucoma , corneal pathologies. 3. Operative complications, posterior segment pathologies. The patients underwent complete ocular examination pre-operatively. It includes, UCVA and BCVA, pupillary reaction, IOP measurement , Slit lamp examination of anterior segment, cataract grading and posterior segment evaluation using +90D lens and B-scan was done. IOL power was calculated by SRK II formula. Diabetics were taken up for surgery only if PPBS was <140 mg /d1. After obtaining consent from the patient, half of these patients were implanted with PMMA and remaining with Acrylic IOLs, and followed for a period of 6 months. During their follow-up UCVA, BCVA, Posterior capsular opacification &its grading were noted. CONCLUSION: Acrylic IOLs produce better visual result in diabetic patients than PMMA IOLs, and that acrylic IOLs may be a better choice in diabetics when PCO is taken into consideration. However, this must be confirmed by further randomized, prospective, and larger studies with longer follow up

    A Prospective study of Intravenous Hydration Therapy in Cases of Oligohydramnios in Third Trimester and Its Effects on Perinatal Outcome

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    BACKGROUND : Amniotic fluid provides a protected milieu for the growing fetus, supplying nutrients facilitating growth, movement and cushioning the fetus against mechanical and biological injury and it helps to avert compression of umbilical cord. Reduction in the volume of amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios. Oligohydroamnios in third trimester is associated with non-reassuring fetal heart pattern, increased labour induction, meconium aspiration syndrome, still birth and neonatal death. OBJECTIVE : This present study is undertaken to assess the effect of intra venous maternal hydration therapy in third trimester oligohydramnios and to assess the perinatal outcome. METHODS : A prospective study on the effect of intravenous hydration therapy in cases of third trimester oligohydramnios and its effects on perinatal outcome was carried out in Government Stanley Medical college, Chennai – 1 150 patients in third trimester pregnancy with oligohydramnios in one group and 150 normal pregnancy patients in third trimester were taken as control group. Maternal hydration in the form of isotonic Ringer lactate solution 1000 ml/day was given intravenously every day to the oligo hydramnios group of patients. Maternal hydration is continued till 37 completed weeks or tests indicate serious fetal compromise or the Fetus has reasonable chances of survival. Main Outcome Measures: Effect of intravenous hydration by means of increase in amniotic fluid index (AFI), and the perinatal outcome between intravenously hydrated oligohydramnios cases, and normal pregnant cases are noted. RESULTS : In a study group post treatment AFI was found to be significantly increased (P =<0.001). In this present study there is no statistical difference in perinatal outcome between the hydration therapy received study group and the control group CONCLUSION : Intravenous maternal hydration therapy with isotonic solution significantly increases AFI in third trimester oligohydramnios and is not associated with any adverse maternal outcomes. Intravenous maternal hydration therapy in third trimester oligohydramnios is associated with as similar perinatal out come as in patients with normal AFI in third trimester
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