436 research outputs found

    Leukakystojen enukleaatio ja marsupialisaatio

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    Tiivistelmä. Kirurgisilla toimenpiteillä voidaan hoitaa kasvojen alueella esiintyviä hyvän- ja pahanlaatuisia patologisia leesioita. Patologisiin leesioihin kuuluvat muun muassa kystat ja kystankaltaiset leesiot. Kystaksi kutsutaan yleisesti patologista, usein epiteelin verhoamaa onteloa, joka voi olla nesteen tai puolikiinteän aineen täyttämä. Leukakystat voidaan jakaa kahteen kategoriaan alkuperänsä mukaan. Toinen ryhmä on odontogeenisestä epiteelistä alkunsa saaneet kystat eli hammasperäiset kystat ja toinen on oraalisesta epiteelistä alkunsa saavat kystat. Vaikka kystat on jaettu alkuperänsä mukaan, kirurgiset toimenpiteet eivät eroa eri alkuperää olevien pienikokoisten kystien välillä. Leukakystoja hoidetaan pääasiallisesti neljän eri toimenpiteen avulla. Nämä toimenpiteet ovat enukleaatio, marsupialisaatio, enukleaation ja marsupialisaation yhdistelmä ja enukleaatio kyretoimalla. Enukleaatio on toimenpide, jossa kysta poistetaan kokonaisuudessaan kerralla. Enukleaatio tulisi suorittaa varovaisesti, jotta kysta ei repeytyisi. Tämä vähentää kystan uudelleenmuodostumisriskiä. Marsupialisaatio puolestaan on toimenpide, jossa kirurgisesti muodostetaan yhteys kystasta oraalionteloon. Toimenpiteessä kystasta poistetaan vain se osa, joka lähtee kystan ja oraaliontelon välistä ikkunaa muodostaessa. Toimenpiteen tarkoituksena on pienentää kystan sisäistä painetta. Kystan sisäisen paineen vähentyessä kysta pienenee ja luu pääsee muodostumaan uudelleen alueelle, josta kysta on sitä resorboinut. Suuri osa leukojen alueen uusiutuvista kystista on keratokystia. Keratokysta luokiteltiin vuonna 2005 keratokystiseksi odontogeeniseksi tuumoriksi. Tuumoreiden luokittelu muuttui kuitenkin vuonna 2017, ja tällöin keratokysta luokiteltiin jälleen kystaksi. Yksimielisyyttä siitä, mikä on paras kirurginen tapa poistaa keratokysta, ei olla saatu. Aggressiiviset lähestymistavat kuten osteotomia ja resektio omaavat suuria riskejä ja haittapuolia. Siitä syystä on tärkeää löytää kirurginen toimenpide, jolla mahdollisimman vähillä haittavaikutuksilla saadaan aikaan alhainen uusiutumisriski. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vuosina 2007–2017 OYS hammas- ja suusairauksien klinikassa hoidettujen follikulaari- ja keratokystien esiintyvyyttä, kystien kokoa, hoitomenetelmiä ja kystien uusiutumistaipumusta. Tutkimustulokset olivat linjassa kansainvälisten tutkimusraporttien kanssa. Keratokystat uusivat helpommin kuin follikulaarikystat ja tiheämmän jälkiseurannan ansiosta residiivit havaitaan aiemmin

    Systemic fungal endophytes and ploidy level in Festuca vivipara populations in North European Islands

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    Exploring the regional pattern of variation in traits driven by symbiotic interactions may provide insights to understand the evolutionary processes that operate over plant populations. Polyploidy, which is associated with fitness improvement, is expected to increase with latitude and altitude. However, it has never been explored in relation with the occurrence of epichloid fungal endophytes in plants. Both, variation in ploidy level and in the incidence of fungal endophytes, are known to occur in species of fine fescues. Here, we surveyed the occurrence of systemic fungal endophytes in natural Festuca vivipara populations in North European islands. In addition, we identified the fungal species associated with this grass and determined the predominant ploidy level for each population. Endophytes were found in four of six, two of three, and one of three populations for Faroe Islands, Iceland and Great Britain, respectively. With an average low incidence level of 15 % in infected populations, there was no relationship between infection level and either latitude or altitude. The phylogenetic analysis based on sequences ITS and the tub2 genes, supports that the endophytic species is EpichloA &lt;&lt; festucae, the same as in other fine fescues. We found no variation in ploidy level as all the plants were tetraploid (4X) with 28 chromosomes, a pattern which contrasts with the variation reported in previous antecedents. Our results suggest that apart from low and variable benefits of the endophyte to the plants, there would be a complex dynamics between epichloid endophytes and species of the fine fescue complex which merits further studies.</p

    Local adaptation in natural European host grass populations with asymmetric symbiosis

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    Recent work on microbiomes is revealing the wealth and importance of plant-microbe interactions. Microbial symbionts are proposed to have profound effects on fitness of their host plants and vice versa, especially when their fitness is tightly linked. Here we studied local adaptation of host plants and possible fitness contribution of such symbiosis in the context of abiotic environmental factors. We conducted a four-way multi-year reciprocal transplant experiment with natural populations of the perennial grass Festuca rubra s.l. from northern and southern Finland, Faroe Islands and Spain. We included F. rubra with and without transmitted symbiotic fungus Epichloë that is vertically transmitted via host seed. We found local adaptation across the European range, as evidenced by higher host fitness of the local geographic origin compared with nonlocals at three of the four studied sites, suggesting that selection pressures are driving evolution in different directions. Abiotic factors did not result in strong fitness effects related to Epichloë symbiosis, indicating that other factors such as herbivory are more likely to contribute to fitness differences between plants naturally occurring with or without Epichloë. Nevertheless, in the case of asymmetric symbiosis that is obligatory for the symbiont, abiotic conditions that affect performance of the host, may also cause selective pressure for the symbiont.</p

    Fast Indexes for Gapped Pattern Matching

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    We describe indexes for searching large data sets for variable-length-gapped (VLG) patterns. VLG patterns are composed of two or more subpatterns, between each adjacent pair of which is a gap-constraint specifying upper and lower bounds on the distance allowed between subpatterns. VLG patterns have numerous applications in computational biology (motif search), information retrieval (e.g., for language models, snippet generation, machine translation) and capture a useful subclass of the regular expressions commonly used in practice for searching source code. Our best approach provides search speeds several times faster than prior art across a broad range of patterns and texts.Comment: This research is supported by Academy of Finland through grant 319454 and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 69094

    Data on litter quality of host grass plants with and without fungal endophytes

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    Certain Pooideae species form persistent symbiosis with fungal endophytes of Epichloë genus. Although endophytes are known to impact the ecology and evolution of host species, their effects on parameters related with quality of plant biomass has been elusive. This article provides information about parameters related with the quality of plant litter biomass of two important grass species (Schedonorus phoenix and Schedonorus pratensis) affected by the symbiosis with fungal endophytes (Epichloë coenophiala and Epichloë uncinata, respectively). Four population origins of S. phoenix and one of S. pratensis were included. Mineral, biochemical and structural parameters were obtained from three samples per factors combination [species (and population origin)×endophyte]. This data can be potentially used in other studies which, by means of 'data reanalyzing' or meta-analysis, attempt to find generalizations about endophyte effects on host plant litter biomass. The present data is associated with the research article "Role of foliar fungal endophytes on litter decomposition among species and population origins" (Gundel et al., In preparation) [1]

    Do dividends signal future earnings in the Nordic stock markets?

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    We study the informational content of dividends on three Nordic civil law markets, where other simultaneous but blurring motives for dividends may be weaker. Using aggregate data on real earnings per share and payout ratios, long time series from 1969 to 2010, and methodologies which address problems of endogeneity, non-stationarity and autocorrelation (including a Vector Error Correction Model approach), we find evidence on dividend signaling in Nordic markets. However, we also find heterogeneity in the relationship between dividends and earnings on markets similar in many respects, suggesting that even small variations in the institutional surroundings may be important for the results