2,645 research outputs found

    The Measure Problem in Cosmology

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    The Hamiltonian structure of general relativity provides a natural canonical measure on the space of all classical universes, i.e., the multiverse. We review this construction and show how one can visualize the measure in terms of a "magnetic flux" of solutions through phase space. Previous studies identified a divergence in the measure, which we observe to be due to the dilatation invariance of flat FRW universes. We show that the divergence is removed if we identify universes which are so flat they cannot be observationally distinguished. The resulting measure is independent of time and of the choice of coordinates on the space of fields. We further show that, for some quantities of interest, the measure is very insensitive to the details of how the identification is made. One such quantity is the probability of inflation in simple scalar field models. We find that, according to our implementation of the canonical measure, the probability for N e-folds of inflation in single-field, slow-roll models is suppressed by of order exp(-3N) and we discuss the implications of this result.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Revised version with clarifying remarks on meaning of adopted measure, extra references and minor typographical correction

    Criticality in strongly correlated fluids

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    In this brief review I will discuss criticality in strongly correlated fluids. Unlike simple fluids, molecules of which interact through short ranged isotropic potential, particles of strongly correlated fluids usually interact through long ranged forces of Coulomb or dipolar form. While for simple fluids mechanism of phase separation into liquid and gas was elucidated by van der Waals more than a century ago, the universality class of strongly correlated fluids, or in some cases even existence of liquid-gas phase separation remains uncertain.Comment: Proceedings of Scaling Concepts and Complex Systems, Merida, Mexic

    A Physicist's Proof of the Lagrange-Good Multivariable Inversion Formula

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    We provide yet another proof of the classical Lagrange-Good multivariable inversion formula using techniques of quantum field theory.Comment: 9 pages, 3 diagram

    Wetting and Minimal Surfaces

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    We study minimal surfaces which arise in wetting and capillarity phenomena. Using conformal coordinates, we reduce the problem to a set of coupled boundary equations for the contact line of the fluid surface, and then derive simple diagrammatic rules to calculate the non-linear corrections to the Joanny-de Gennes energy. We argue that perturbation theory is quasi-local, i.e. that all geometric length scales of the fluid container decouple from the short-wavelength deformations of the contact line. This is illustrated by a calculation of the linearized interaction between contact lines on two opposite parallel walls. We present a simple algorithm to compute the minimal surface and its energy based on these ideas. We also point out the intriguing singularities that arise in the Legendre transformation from the pure Dirichlet to the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem.Comment: 22 page

    Probabilities from Entanglement, Born's Rule from Envariance

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    I show how probabilities arise in quantum physics by exploring implications of {\it environment - assisted invariance} or {\it envariance}, a recently discovered symmetry exhibited by entangled quantum systems. Envariance of perfectly entangled ``Bell-like'' states can be used to rigorously justify complete ignorance of the observer about the outcome of any measurement on either of the members of the entangled pair. For more general states, envariance leads to Born's rule, pkψk2p_k \propto |\psi_k|^2 for the outcomes associated with Schmidt states. Probabilities derived in this manner are an objective reflection of the underlying state of the system -- they represent experimentally verifiable symmetries, and not just a subjective ``state of knowledge'' of the observer. Envariance - based approach is compared with and found superior to pre-quantum definitions of probability including the {\it standard definition} based on the `principle of indifference' due to Laplace, and the {\it relative frequency approach} advocated by von Mises. Implications of envariance for the interpretation of quantum theory go beyond the derivation of Born's rule: Envariance is enough to establish dynamical independence of preferred branches of the evolving state vector of the composite system, and, thus, to arrive at the {\it environment - induced superselection (einselection) of pointer states}, that was usually derived by an appeal to decoherence. Envariant origin of Born's rule for probabilities sheds a new light on the relation between ignorance (and hence, information) and the nature of quantum states.Comment: Figure and an appendix (Born's rule for continuous spectra) added. Presentation improved. (Comments still welcome...

    Fate of gravitational collapse in semiclassical gravity

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    While the outcome of gravitational collapse in classical general relativity is unquestionably a black hole, up to now no full and complete semiclassical description of black hole formation has been thoroughly investigated. Here we revisit the standard scenario for this process. By analyzing how semiclassical collapse proceeds we show that the very formation of a trapping horizon can be seriously questioned for a large set of, possibly realistic, scenarios. We emphasise that in principle the theoretical framework of semiclassical gravity certainly allows the formation of trapping horizons. What we are questioning here is the more subtle point of whether or not the standard black hole picture is appropriate for describing the end point of realistic collapse. Indeed if semiclassical physics were in some cases to prevent formation of the trapping horizon, then this suggests the possibility of new collapsed objects which can be much less problematic, making it unnecessary to confront the information paradox or the run-away end point problem.Comment: revtex4, 14 pages, 2 figure

    The prescribed mean curvature equation in weakly regular domains

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    We show that the characterization of existence and uniqueness up to vertical translations of solutions to the prescribed mean curvature equation, originally proved by Giusti in the smooth case, holds true for domains satisfying very mild regularity assumptions. Our results apply in particular to the non-parametric solutions of the capillary problem for perfectly wetting fluids in zero gravity. Among the essential tools used in the proofs, we mention a \textit{generalized Gauss-Green theorem} based on the construction of the weak normal trace of a vector field with bounded divergence, in the spirit of classical results due to Anzellotti, and a \textit{weak Young's law} for (Λ,r0)(\Lambda,r_{0})-minimizers of the perimeter.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure --- The results on the weak normal trace of vector fields have been now extended and moved in a self-contained paper available at: arXiv:1708.0139

    The role of chaotic resonances in the solar system

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    Our understanding of the Solar System has been revolutionized over the past decade by the finding that the orbits of the planets are inherently chaotic. In extreme cases, chaotic motions can change the relative positions of the planets around stars, and even eject a planet from a system. Moreover, the spin axis of a planet-Earth's spin axis regulates our seasons-may evolve chaotically, with adverse effects on the climates of otherwise biologically interesting planets. Some of the recently discovered extrasolar planetary systems contain multiple planets, and it is likely that some of these are chaotic as well.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Strength and uncertainty of phytoplankton metrics for assessing eutrophication impacts in lakes

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    Phytoplankton constitutes a diverse array of short-lived organisms which derive their nutrients from the water column of lakes. These features make this community the most direct and earliest indicator of the impacts of changing nutrient conditions on lake ecosystems. It also makes them particularly suitable for measuring the success of restoration measures following reductions in nutrient loads. This paper integrates a large volume of work on a number of measures, or metrics, developed for using phytoplankton to assess the ecological status of European lakes, as required for the Water Framework Directive. It assesses the indicator strength of these metrics, specifically in relation to representing the impacts of eutrophication. It also examines how these measures vary naturally at different locations within a lake, as well as between lakes, and how much variability is associated with different replicate samples, different months within a year and between years. On the basis of this analysis, three of the strongest metrics (chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton trophic index (PTI), and cyanobacterial biovolume) are recommended for use as robust measures for assessing the ecological quality of lakes in relation to nutrient-enrichment pressures and a minimum recommended sampling frequency is provided for these three metrics

    Facts, Values and Quanta

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    Quantum mechanics is a fundamentally probabilistic theory (at least so far as the empirical predictions are concerned). It follows that, if one wants to properly understand quantum mechanics, it is essential to clearly understand the meaning of probability statements. The interpretation of probability has excited nearly as much philosophical controversy as the interpretation of quantum mechanics. 20th century physicists have mostly adopted a frequentist conception. In this paper it is argued that we ought, instead, to adopt a logical or Bayesian conception. The paper includes a comparison of the orthodox and Bayesian theories of statistical inference. It concludes with a few remarks concerning the implications for the concept of physical reality.Comment: 30 pages, AMS Late