2,281 research outputs found

    After House Bill 920: An Analysis of Needed Real Property Tax Reform

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    This Note will analyze the current state of real property tax law in Ohio and its relationship to H.B. 920. The tax reform provision of H.B. 920 will be separately analyzed from both the historical perspective surrounding its passage and the technical perspective of its mathematical calculations. A further analysis of the relationship between taxation by uniform rule under Article XII, § 2 of the Ohio Constitution will be undertaken. The conclusion will focus on a constitutionally valid solution to the problem of property tax reform while, at the same time, noting several essential and unusual questions

    Femtosecond study of the interplay between excitons, trions, and carriers in (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells

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    We present an absorption study of the neutral and positively charged exciton (trion) under the influence of a femtosecond, circularly polarized, resonant pump pulse. Three populations are involved: free holes, excitons, and trions, all exhibiting transient spin polarization. In particular, a polarization of the hole gas is created by the formation of trions. The evolution of these populations is studied, including the spin flip and trion formation processes. The contributions of several mechanisms to intensity changes are evaluated, including phase space filling and spin-dependent screening. We propose a new explanation of the oscillator strength stealing phenomena observed in p-doped quantum wells, based on the screening of neutral excitons by charge carriers. We have also found that binding heavy holes into charged excitons excludes them from the interaction with the rest of the system, so that oscillator strength stealing is partially blockedComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kinetic Characterization and X-ray Structure of a Mutant of Haloalkane Dehalogenase with Higher Catalytic Activity and Modified Substrate Range

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    Conversion of halogenated aliphatics by haloalkane dehalogenase proceeds via the formation of a covalent alkyl-enzyme intermediate which is subsequently hydrolyzed by water. In the wild type enzyme, the slowest step for both 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane conversion is a unimolecular enzyme isomerization preceding rapid halide dissociation. Phenylalanine 172 is located in a helix-loop-helix structure that covers the active site cavity of the enzyme, interacts with the Clβ of 1,2-dichloroethane during catalysis, and could be involved in stabilization of this helix-loop-helix region of the cap domain of the enzyme. To obtain more information about the role of this residue in dehalogenase function, we performed a mutational analysis of position 172 and studied the kinetics and X-ray structure of the Phe172Trp enzyme. The Phe172Trp mutant had a 10-fold higher kcat/Km for 1-chlorohexane and a 2-fold higher kcat for 1,2-dibromoethane than the wild-type enzyme. The X-ray structure of the Phe172Trp enzyme showed a local conformational change in the helix-loop-helix region that covers the active site. This could explain the elevated activity for 1-chlorohexane of the Phe172Trp enzyme, since it allows this large substrate to bind more easily in the active site cavity. Pre-steady-state kinetic analysis showed that the increase in kcat found for 1,2-dibromoethane conversion could be attributed to an increase in the rate of an enzyme isomerization step that preceeds halide release. The observed conformational difference between the helix-loop-helix structures of the wild-type enzyme and the faster mutant suggests that the isomerization required for halide release could be a conformational change that takes place in this region of the cap domain of the dehalogenase. It is proposed that Phe172 is involved in stabilization of the helix-loop-helix structure that covers the active site of the enzyme and creates a rigid hydrophobic cavity for small apolar halogenated alkanes.

    Ferron-like states in YBa_2Cu_3O_(6+x)

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    With the use of the Hubbard model bound hole states in YBa_2Cu_3O_(6+x) are studied. For the parameters of this crystal the exchange interaction between the spin-carrying chain ion O^- and Cu-O plane sites is shown to ensure the formation of a large ferromagnetically ordered clusters around holes in the plane.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    S-adenosyl-L-methionine: (S)-scoulerine 9-O-methyltransferase, a highly stereo- and regio-specific enzyme in tetrahydroprotoberberine biosynthesis

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    Suspension cultures of Berberis species are useful sources for the detection and isolation of a new enzyme which transfers the methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine specifically to the 9-position of the (S)-enantiomer of scoulerine, producing (S)-tetrahydrocolumbamine. The enzyme was enriched 27-fold; it is not particle bound, has a pH optimum of 8.9, a molecular weight of 63 000 and shows a high degree of substrate specificity

    Vortices on Hyperbolic Surfaces

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    It is shown that abelian Higgs vortices on a hyperbolic surface MM can be constructed geometrically from holomorphic maps f:MNf:M \to N, where NN is also a hyperbolic surface. The fields depend on ff and on the metrics of MM and NN. The vortex centres are the ramification points, where the derivative of ff vanishes. The magnitude of the Higgs field measures the extent to which ff is locally an isometry. Witten's construction of vortices on the hyperbolic plane is rederived, and new examples of vortices on compact surfaces and on hyperbolic surfaces of revolution are obtained. The interpretation of these solutions as SO(3)-invariant, self-dual SU(2) Yang--Mills fields on R4\R^4 is also given.Comment: Revised version: new section on four-dimensional interpretation of hyperbolic vortices added

    Polar type density of states in non-unitary odd-parity superconducting states of gap with point nodes

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    It is shown that the density of states (DOS) proportional to the excitation energy, the so-called polar like DOS, can arise in the odd-parity states with the superconducting gap vanishing at points even if the spin-orbit interaction for Cooper pairing is strong enough. Such gap stuructures are realized in the non-unitary states, F_{1u}(1,i,0), F_{1u}(1,varepsilon,varepsilon^{2}), and F_{2u}(1,i,0), classified by Volovik and Gorkov, Sov. Phys.-JETP Vol.61 (1985) 843. This is due to the fact that the gap vanishes in quadratic manner around the point on the Fermi surface. It is also shown that the region of quadratic energy dependence of DOS, in the state F_{2u}(1,varepsilon,varepsilon^{2}), is restricted in very small energy region making it difficult to distinguish from the polar-like DOS.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matter Lette

    Many-body theory of pump-probe spectra for highly excited semiconductors

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    We present a unified theory for pump-probe spectra in highly excited semiconductors, which is applicable throughout the whole density regime including the high-density electron-hole BCS state and the low-density excitonic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The analysis is based on the BCS-like pairing theory combined with the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equation, which first enables us to incorporate the state-filling effect, the band-gap renormalization and the strong/weak electron-hole pair correlations in a unified manner. We show that the electron-hole BCS state is distinctly stabilized by the intense pump-light, and this result strongly suggests that the macroscopic quantum state can be observed under the strong photoexcitation. The calculated spectra considerably deviate from results given by the BCS-like mean field theory and the simple BS equation without electron-hole pair correlation especially in the intermediate density states between the electron-hole BCS state and the excitonic BEC state. In particular, we find the sharp stimulated emission and absorption lines which originate from the optical transition accompanied by the collective phase fluctuation mode in the electron-hole BCS state. From the pump-probe spectral viewpoint, we show that this fluctuation mode changes to the exciton mode with decreasing carrier densityComment: RevTeX 11 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.B1