146 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation of the Remineralization Potential of Fluoride Varnish Containing 5% Sodium Fluoride and Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate with that of 5% Sodium Fluoride Varnish on Artificial Enamel Caries-Like Lesions in Human Primary and Permanent Teeth: An In Vitro study

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    BACKGROUND: Early carious lesions are reversible, via remineralization. In recent years, newer remineralization dental varnishes based on phosphopeptides from milk protein, casein has been developed. The casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate complexes (CPP-ACP) interact with fluoride ions to produce an amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate, which provides calcium, fluoride and phosphate ions to promote remineralization with fluorapatite that is more resistant to future acid challenge. With this background, the present study was undertaken. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the remineralization potential of fluoride varnish containing 5% sodium fluoride with casein phosphopeptide- amorphous calcium phosphate and to compare it with that of 5% sodium fluoride varnish on artificial enamel caries-like lesions in human primary and permanent teeth, using polarized light microscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty permanent and ten primary sound anterior teeth were coated with nail varnish, leaving three 1x1 mm windows before being immersed in demineralizing solution for four days, following which the testing varnishes were randomly applied to the incisal and cervical windows and nail varnish applied to the middle window. Samples were subjected to pH cycling and longitudinally sectioned and examined under polarized light microscopy. Lesion depth was measured using computerized method with Image-Pro Plus Program. Data was statistically analysed using paired sample t test and independent sample t test. RESULTS: Both varnishes produced significant reduction in lesion depth in both primary and permanent teeth (p=0.000).* The fluoride varnish containing 5% sodium fluoride with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate had enhanced remineralization potential than that of 5% sodium fluoride varnish alone in both primary (p=0.009)* and permanent teeth (p=0.019).* CONCLUSION: There was significant reduction in depth of carious lesions in primary and permanent teeth after treatment with both varnishes; however, the fluoride varnish containing 5% sodium fluoride with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate had increased remineralization potential than that of 5% sodium fluoride varnish both in primary and permanent teeth

    Blind Assistance System using Image Processing

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    Eye diseases usually cause blindness and visual impairment As per the statistics there are over 285 million visually impaired people living worldwide They come across many troubles in their daily life especially while navigating from one place to another on their own They often depend on others for help to satisfy their day-to-day needs So it is quite a challenging task to implement a technological solution to assist them Several technologies were developed for the assistance of visually impaired people One such attempt is that we would wish to make an Integrated Machine Learning System that allows the blind victims to identify and classify real-time objects generating voice feedback and distance Which also produces warnings whether they are very close or far away from the thin


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    Alkaptonuria, also called endogenous ochronosis, and also called as Black Urine Disease, is a rare metabolic autosomal recessive disorder. It occurs by complete inhibition of homogentisic acid oxidase enzyme having its deposition in various tissues. Alkaptonuria is caused due to deficiency of homogentisic acid oxidase involved in the metabolism of tyrosine. Dark discolouration of urine, ochronosis at cartilage and connective tissues, arthritis at the third of fourth decade of life, renal stone disease, spontaneous tendon rupture etc. May be seen in alkaptonuria. Disease severity varies among individual patients, even between siblings, and increase with age because of homogentisic acid accumulation. Usually, life span is not shortened in AKU, but the quality of life is severely effected. Several studies have suggested that Nitisinone may be effective in the treatment of alkaptonuria. Characteristically, the excess HGA means sufferers pass dark urine, which upon standing turns black. This is a feature present from birth. Over time patients develop other manifestations of AKU, due to the deposition of HGA in collagenous tissues, namely ochronosis and ochronotic osteoarthropathy. Although this condition does not reduce life expectancy, it significantly affects the quality of life. The natural history of this condition is becoming better understood, despite gaps in knowledge. Clinical assessment of the condition has also improved along with the development of potentially disease-modifying therapy. Furthermore, recent developments in AKU research have to lead to new understanding of the disease, and further study of the AKU arthropathy has the potential to influence therapy in the management of osteoarthritis

    Dependence of Physical Parameters of Compound Semiconductors on Refractive Index

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    Interesting relationships have been found between refractive index, plasmon energy, electronic polarisability, bond length, microhardness, bulk modulus, force constants and lattice energy. An attempt has been made for the first time to correlate only one physical parameter with others. The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental values as well as with the values reported in the literature. Refractive index data is the only one parameter required to estimate all the above parameters

    An update on Cention N: An aesthetic direct bulk-fill restorative material

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    The demand for aesthetic restorative materials has increased in recent years. Glass ionomer cements (GIC), their modifications, and various composite restorative materials have been developed as direct tooth-coloured restorative materials. However, none of these materials can be compared to the properties of amalgam restorative materials. Recently, a new direct tooth-coloured, bulk-fill, and aesthetic restorative material, Cention N, was developed. This material is easy to handle and has properties similar to those of type-IX GIC. This article provides an update on the composition and properties of Cention N restorative material

    Building Fault Tollrence within Clouds at Network Level

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    Cloud computing technologies and infrastructure facilities are coming up in a big way making it cost effective for the users to implement their IT based solutions to run business in most cost-effective and economical way. Many intricate issues however, have cropped-up which must be addressed to be able to use clouds the purpose for which they are designed and implemented. Among all, fault tolerance and securing the data stored on the clouds takes most of the importance. Continuous availability of the services is dependent on many factors. Faults bound to happen within a network, software, and platform or within the infrastructure which are all used for establishing the cloud. The network that connects various servers, devices, peripherals etc., have to be fault tolerant to start-with so that intended and un-interrupted services to the user can be made available. A novel network design method that leads to achieve high availability of the network and thereby the cloud itself has been presented in this pape

    String theory and the Kauffman polynomial

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    We propose a new, precise integrality conjecture for the colored Kauffman polynomial of knots and links inspired by large N dualities and the structure of topological string theory on orientifolds. According to this conjecture, the natural knot invariant in an unoriented theory involves both the colored Kauffman polynomial and the colored HOMFLY polynomial for composite representations, i.e. it involves the full HOMFLY skein of the annulus. The conjecture sheds new light on the relationship between the Kauffman and the HOMFLY polynomials, and it implies for example Rudolph's theorem. We provide various non-trivial tests of the conjecture and we sketch the string theory arguments that lead to it.Comment: 36 pages, many figures; references and examples added, typos corrected, final version to appear in CM

    Super-A-polynomials for Twist Knots

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    We conjecture formulae of the colored superpolynomials for a class of twist knots KpK_p where p denotes the number of full twists. The validity of the formulae is checked by applying differentials and taking special limits. Using the formulae, we compute both the classical and quantum super-A-polynomial for the twist knots with small values of p. The results support the categorified versions of the generalized volume conjecture and the quantum volume conjecture. Furthermore, we obtain the evidence that the Q-deformed A-polynomials can be identified with the augmentation polynomials of knot contact homology in the case of the twist knots.Comment: 22+16 pages, 16 tables and 5 figures; with a Maple program by Xinyu Sun and a Mathematica notebook in the ancillary files linked on the right; v2 change in appendix B, typos corrected and references added; v3 change in section 3.3; v4 corrections in Ooguri-Vafa polynomials and quantum super-A-polynomials for 7_2 and 8_1 are adde