1,209 research outputs found

    Collisions of Jets of Particles from Active Galactic Nuclei with Neutralino Dark Matter

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    We examine the possibility that energetic Standard Model particles contained in the jets produced by active galactic nuclei (AGN) may scatter off of the dark matter halo which is expected to surround the AGN. In particular, if there are nearby states in the dark sector which can appear resonantly in the scattering, the cross section can be enhanced and a distinctive edge feature in the energy spectrum may appear. We examine bounds on supersymmetric models which may be obtained from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observation of the nearby AGN Centaurus A.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures; v2: version published in JCA

    Baryon Number as the Fourth Color

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    We propose an extension of the Standard Model in which baryon number is promoted to be part of a non-Abelian gauge symmetry at high energies. Specifically, we consider the gauge group SU(4) x SU(2)_L x U(1)_X, where the SU(4) unifies baryon number and color. This symmetry is spontaneously broken down to the Standard Model gauge group at a scale which can be as low as a few TeV. The SU(4) structure implies that each SM quark comes along with an uncolored quark partner, the lightest of which is stabilized by the generalized baryon number symmetry and can play the role of dark matter. We explore circumstances under which one can realize a model of asymmetric dark matter whose relic abundance is connected to the observed baryon asymmetry, and discuss unique signatures that can be searched for at the LHC.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Unparticle Self-Interactions and Their Collider Implications

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    In unparticle physics, operators of the conformal sector have self-interactions, and these are unsuppressed for strong coupling. The 3-point interactions are completely determined by conformal symmetry, up to a constant. We do not know of any theoretical upper bounds on this constant. Imposing current experimental constraints, we find that these interactions mediate spectacular collider signals, such as pp−>U−>UU−>γγγγpp -> U -> UU -> \gamma \gamma \gamma \gamma, γγZZ\gamma \gamma ZZ, ZZZZZZZZ, γγl+l−\gamma \gamma l^+ l^-, ZZl+l−ZZ l^+ l^-, and 4l4l, with cross sections of picobarns or larger at the Large Hadron Collider. Self-interactions may therefore provide the leading discovery prospects for unparticle physics.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; v2: published versio

    Effective Theories of Gamma-ray Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation

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    We explore theories of dark matter in which dark matter annihilations produce mono-energetic gamma rays ("lines") in the context of effective field theory, which captures the physics for cases in which the particles mediating the interaction are somewhat heavier than the dark matter particle itself. Building on earlier work, we explore the generic signature resulting from SU(2)xU(1) gauge invariance that two (or more) lines are generically expected, and determine the expected relative intensities, including the possibility of interference between operators.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figure

    Strange Couplings to the Higgs

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    We explored the coupling of strange quark to the state of mass close to 126 GeV recently observed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC. An enhanced coupling relative to the expectations for a SM Higgs has the effect of increasing both the inclusive production cross section and the partial decay width into jets. For very large modifications, the latter dominates and the net rate into non-jet decay modes such as diphotons is suppressed, with the result that one can use observations of the diphoton decay mode to place an upper limit on the strange quark coupling. We find that the current observations of the diphoton decay mode imply that the coupling of the new resonance to strange quark can be at most ~ 50 times the SM expectation at the 95 % C.L., if one assumes at most a O(1) modification of the coupling to gluons.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Simplified Models for Dark Matter Interacting with Quarks

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    We investigate simplified models in which dark matter particles, taken to be either Dirac or Majorana fermions, couple to quarks via colored mediators. We determine bounds from colliders and direct detection experiments, and show how the interplay of the two leads to a complementary view of this class of dark matter models. Forecasts for future searches in light of the current constraints are presented.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures (39 images) Fixed erroneous calculation and updated plot
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