18,666 research outputs found
Partially Unbiased Entangled Bases
In this contribution we group the operator basis for d^2 dimensional Hilbert
space in a way that enables us to relate bases of entangled states with single
particle mutually unbiased state bases (MUB), each in dimensionality d. We
utilize these sets of operators to show that an arbitrary density matrix for
this d^2 dimensional Hilbert space system is analyzed by via d^2+d+1
measurements, d^2-d of which involve those entangled states that we associate
with MUB of the d-dimensional single particle constituents. The number
lies in the middle of the number of measurements needed for bipartite
state reconstruction with two-particle MUB (d^2+1) and those needed by
single-particle MUB [(d^2+1)^2].Comment: 5 page
Patent Landscape of Helminth Vaccines and Related Technologies
Executive Summary This report focuses on patent landscape analysis of technologies related to vaccines targeting parasitic worms, also known as helminths. These technologies include methods of formulating vaccines, methods of producing of subunits, the composition of complete vaccines, and other technologies that have the potential to aid in a global response to this pathogen. The purpose of this patent landscape study was to search, identify, and categorize patent documents that are relevant to the development of vaccines that can efficiently promote the development of protective immunity against helminths. The search strategy used keywords which the team felt would be general enough to capture (or “recall”) the majority of patent documents which were directed toward vaccines against helminths. After extensive searching of patent literature databases, approximately 2847 publications were identified and collapsed to about 446 INPADOC families. Relevant patent families, almost half of the total relevant families (210 being total number of relevant families), were then identified and sorted into the categories of trematodes, cestodes, nematodes or nonspecific helminth. The 210 patent families that were divided into these four major categories were then further divided into sub categories relating to common fields of technology (e.g. DNA vaccine, vaccine formulations, methods to produce subunits) This sorting process increased the precision of the result set. The four major categories (cestodes, nematodes, trematodes, and non specific applications) as well as the overall data set of the 210 relevant family members were subjected to a range of analytics in order to extract as much information as possible from the dataset. First, patent landscape maps were generated to assess the accuracy of the sorting procedure and to reveal the relationships between the various technologies that are involved in creating an effective vaccine. Then, filings trends are analyzed for the overall dataset of the 210 relevant families as well as by the categories of trematodes, cestodes, and nematodes. The country of origin each member of the 210 relevant families was determined, and the range of distribution to other jurisdictions was assessed. Filings were also analyzed by year, by assignee. Finally, the various patent classification systems were mapped to find which particular classes tend to hold helminth vaccine-related technologies. Besides the keywords developed during the searches and the landscape map generation, the classifications represent an alternate way for further researchers to identify emerging helminth vaccine technologies. The analysis included creation of a map of keywords describing the relationship of the various technologies involved in the development of helminth vaccines. The map has regions corresponding to plasmids and other gene based technologies used in DNA vaccines for Japonicum Schistosoma. Important technologies listed on the map include the use of reverse genetics to create reassorted viruses targeted for the use in veterinary applications. Additionally, the map suggests that numerous subunits exist for use in vaccines targeting cestodes, trematodes, and nematodes. Another major finding was that the number of patent documents related to helminths being published has been steadily increasing in the last decade, as shown in the figure below. Until the early-1990s, there were only a few helminth vaccine related patent documents being published each year. The number of publications increased noticeably when TRIPS took effect, resulting in publication of patent applications. However, since 2006 the number of vaccine publications has exploded. In the years 2011 and 2012, about 23 references disclosing parasitic worm vaccine technologies were published each year. Thus, interest in developing new and more efficacious helminth vaccines has been growing in recent years. The origin of the vaccine-related inventions was also analyzed. The team determined the country in which the priority application was filed, which was taken as an indication of the country where the invention was made or where the inventors intended to practice the invention. By far, most of the relevant families originated with patent applications filed in the United States and China. Other prominent priority countries were the United Kingdom, Japan, Brazil, Australia and France. Countries with the most filings were also analyzed. Countries that were heavily targeted for patent filings included the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Top assignees for these families were mostly large pharmaceutical companies, with the majority of patent families coming from Heska, followed by Merck & Co., Institute Pasteur, AusBiotech Biotechnology, and Biological Sciences Research Council. Lastly, the jurisdictions were inventors have sought protection for their vaccine technologies were determined, and the number of patent families filing in a given country is plotted on the world map shown (Fig. 25). The United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and France have the highest level of filings, followed by Germany, Brazil, India, United Kingdom and Spain. However, although there are a significant number of filings in Brazil, the remainder of Central and South America has only sparse filings. Of concern, with the exception of South Africa, few other African nations have a significant number of filings. In summary, the goal of this report is to provide a knowledge resource for making informed policy decisions and for creating strategic plans concerning the assembly of vaccines targeting highly prevalent helminth infections. The ITTI team has defined the current state of the art of technologies involved in the manufacture of helminth vaccines, and the important assignees, inventors, and countries have been identified. This document should aid in evaluating the current state of vaccines technologies targeting helminths and the potential outgrows of these technological fields. Furthermore, as this report illustrates, the steady increase in helminth patenting, expanded diversity of assignees and greater global filings, indicates that intellectual property protection does not inhibit the development of crucial innovations for this class of neglected diseases, but, on the contrary, appears to be a driver of accelerated research and development
An Interneuron Circuit Reproducing Essential Spectral Features of Field Potentials
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Reinoud Maex, ‘An Interneuron Circuit Reproducing Essential Spectral Features of Field Potentials’, Neural Computation, March 2018. Under embargo until 22 June 2018. The final, definitive version of this paper is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/NECO_a_01068. © 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Content in the UH Research Archive is made available for personal research, educational, and non-commercial purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all content is protected by copyright, and in the absence of an open license, permissions for further re-use should be sought from the publisher, the author, or other copyright holder.Recent advances in engineering and signal processing have renewed the interest in invasive and surface brain recordings, yet many features of cortical field potentials remain incompletely understood. In the present computational study, we show that a model circuit of interneurons, coupled via both GABA(A) receptor synapses and electrical synapses, reproduces many essential features of the power spectrum of local field potential (LFP) recordings, such as 1/f power scaling at low frequency (< 10 Hz) , power accumulation in the γ-frequency band (30–100 Hz), and a robust α rhythm in the absence of stimulation. The low-frequency 1/f power scaling depends on strong reciprocal inhibition, whereas the α rhythm is generated by electrical coupling of intrinsically active neurons. As in previous studies, the γ power arises through the amplifica- tion of single-neuron spectral properties, owing to the refractory period, by parameters that favour neuronal synchrony, such as delayed inhibition. The present study also confirms that both synaptic and voltage-gated membrane currents substantially contribute to the LFP, and that high-frequency signals such as action potentials quickly taper off with distance. Given the ubiquity of electrically coupled interneuron circuits in the mammalian brain, they may be major determinants of the recorded potentials.Peer reviewe
Conceptual Frameworks for Multimodal Social Signal Processing
This special issue is about a research area which is developing rapidly. Pentland gave it a name which has become widely used, ‘Social Signal Processing’ (SSP for short), and his phrase provides the title of a European project, SSPnet, which has a brief to consolidate the area. The challenge that Pentland highlighted was understanding the nonlinguistic signals that serve as the basis for “subconscious discussions between humans about relationships, resources, risks, and rewards”. He identified it as an area where computational research had made interesting progress, and could usefully make more
Small Displacement, Long Life On-Orbit Compressor Design and Fabrication
The focus is the generation of technology and fabrication of prototype hardware applicable to seven Space Station compressor system applications. The compressors are of the single acting reciprocating piston type and, in general, may be termed miniature in size compared with normal commercially available equipment. The initial technology development is focused on improved valve designs, and the control of pulsations and heating effects in order to increase compressor efficiency and reduce cycle temperatures, thus permitting significantly increased stage pressure ratios. The initial test compressor was successfully operated at pressure ratios of up to 50:1, and this significant extension of allowable pressure ratio will result in a reduction of the number of required stages and, hence, total hardware thereby reducing system weight and volume. These experiments have also identified the need to employ low shaft speeds, on the order of 250 to 500 rpm, to enhance heat transfer and increase life. The prototype compressor currently being designed, is to be driven by a low-speed brushless dc motor sealed in a case common to the compressor drive mechanism case. The compressor and motor case will communicate with stage suction pressure so that any minor gas leakage past the piston rings will be returned to the suction. Emphasis in this prototype design is being placed on simplicity, durability, commonality of components, and high efficiency
Flight measurement and analysis of AAFE RADSCAT wind speed signature of the ocean
The advanced aerospace flight experiment radiometer scatterometer (AAFE RADSCAT) which was developed as a research tool to evaluate the use of microwave frequency remote sensors to provide wind speed information at the ocean surface is discussed. The AAFE RADSCAT helped establish the feasibility of the satellite scatterometer for measuring both wind speed and direction. The most important function of the AAFE RADSCAT was to provide a data base of ocean normalized radar cross section (NRCS) measurements as a function of surface wind vector at 13.9 GHz. The NRCS measurements over a wide parametric range of incidence angles, azimuth angles, and winds were obtained in a series of RADSCAT aircraft missions. The obtained data base was used to model the relationship between k sub u band radar signature and ocean surface wind vector. The models developed therefrom are compared with those used for inversion of the SEASAT-A satellite scatterometer (SASS) radar measurements to wind speeds
Patent Landscape of Influenza A Virus Prophylactic Vaccines and Related Technologies
Executive Summary: This report focuses on patent landscape analysis of technologies related to prophylactic vaccines targeting pandemic strains of influenza. These technologies include methods of formulating vaccine, methods of producing of viruses or viral subunits, the composition of complete vaccines, and other technologies that have the potential to aid in a global response to this pathogen. The purpose of this patent landscape study was to search, identify, and categorize patent documents that are relevant to the development of vaccines that can efficiently promote the development of protective immunity against pandemic influenza virus strains.
The search strategy used keywords which the team felt would be general enough to capture (or “recall”) the majority of patent documents which were directed toward vaccines against influenza A virus. After extensive searching of patent literature databases, approximately 33,500 publications were identified and collapsed to about 3,800 INPADOC families. Relevant documents, almost half of the total, were then identified and sorted into the major categories of vaccine compositions (about 570 families), technologies which support the development of vaccines (about 750 families), and general platform technologies that could be useful but are not specific to the problems presented by pandemic influenza strains (about 560 families). The first two categories, vaccines and supporting technologies, were further divided into particular subcategories to allow an interested reader to rapidly select documents relevant to the particular technology in which he or she is focused. This sorting process increased the precision of the result set.
The two major categories (vaccines and supporting technologies) were subjected to a range of analytics in order to extract as much information as possible from the dataset. First, patent landscape maps were generated to assess the accuracy of the sorting procedure and to reveal the relationships between the various technologies that are involved in creating an effective vaccine. Then, filings trends are analyzed for the datasets. The country of origin for the technologies was determined, and the range of distribution to other jurisdictions was assessed. Filings were also analyzed by year, by assignee, and by inventor. Finally, the various patent classification systems were mapped to find which particular classes tend to hold influenza vaccine-related technologies. Besides the keywords developed during the searches and the landscape map generation, the classifications represent an alternate way for further researchers to identify emerging influenza technologies.
The analysis included creation of a map of keywords, as shown above, describing the relationship of the various technologies involved in the development of prophylactic influenza A vaccines. The map has regions corresponding to live attenuated virus vaccines, subunit vaccines composed of split viruses or isolated viral polypeptides, and plasmids used in DNA vaccines. Important technologies listed on the map include the use of reverse genetics to create reassortant viruses, the growth of viruses in modified cell lines as opposed to the traditional methods using eggs, the production of recombinant viral antigens in various host cells, and the use of genetically-modified plants to produce virus-like particles.
Another major finding was that the number of patent documents related to influenza being published has been steadily increasing in the last decade, as shown in the figure below. Until the mid-1990s, there were only a few influenza patent documents being published each year. The number of publications increased noticeably when TRIPS took effect, resulting in publication of patent applications. However, since 2006 the number of vaccine publications has exploded. In each of 2011 and 2012, about 100 references disclosing influenza vaccine technologies were published. Thus, interest in developing new and more efficacious influenza vaccines has been growing in recent years. This interest is probably being driven by recent influenza outbreaks, such as the H5N1 (bird flu) epidemic that began in the late 1990s and the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic.
The origins of the vaccine-related inventions were also analyzed. The team determined the country in which the priority application was filed, which was taken as an indication of the country where the invention was made or where the inventors intended to practice the invention. By far, most of the relevant families originated with patent applications filed in the United States. Other prominent priority countries were the China and United Kingdom, followed by Japan, Russia, and South Korea. France was a significant priority country only for supporting technologies, not for vaccines. Top assignees for these families were mostly large pharmaceutical companies, with the majority of patent families coming from Novartis, followed by GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, U.S. Merck (Merck, Sharpe, & Dohme), Sanofi, and AstraZeneca. Governmental and nonprofit institutes in China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the United States also are contributing heavily to influenza vaccine research.
Lastly, the jurisdictions were inventors have sought protection for their vaccine technologies were determined, and the number of patent families filing in a given country is plotted on the world map shown on page seven. The United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea and China have the highest level of filings, followed by Germany, Brazil, India, Mexico and New Zealand. However, although there are a significant number of filings in Brazil, the remainder of Central and South America has only sparse filings. Of concern, with the exception of South Africa, few other African nations have a significant number of filings.
In summary, the goal of this report is to provide a knowledge resource for making informed policy decisions and for creating strategic plans concerning the assembly of efficacious vaccines against a rapidly-spreading, highly virulent influenza strain. The team has defined the current state of the art of technologies involved in the manufacture of influenza vaccines, and the important assignees, inventors, and countries have been identified. This document should reveal both the strengths and weaknesses of the current level of preparedness for responding to an emerging pandemic influenza strain. The effects of H5N1 and H1N1 epidemics have been felt across the globe in the last decade, and future epidemics are very probable in the near future, so preparations are necessary to meet this global health threat
Counter Rotating Open Rotor Animation using Particle Image Velocimetry
This article describes the two accompanying fluid dynamics videos for the
"Counter rotating open rotor flow field investigation using stereoscopic
Particle Image Velocimetry" presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS
Division of Fluid Dynamics in Baltimore, Maryland, November 20-22, 2011.Comment: Videos are include
Kinetic Roughening in Growth Models with Diffusion in Higher Dimensions
We present results of numerical simulations of kinetic roughening for a
growth model with surface diffusion (the Wolf-Villain model) in 3+1 and
4+1~dimensions using lattices of a linear size up to in 3+1~D and
in 4+1~D. The effective exponents calculated both from the surface width and
from the height--height correlation function are much larger than those
expected based on results in lower dimensions, due to a growth instability
which leads to the evolution of large mounded structures on the surface. An
increase of the range for incorporation of a freshly deposited particle leads
to a decrease of the roughness but does not suppress the instability.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX 2.09, IC-DDV-93-00
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