35 research outputs found

    An Experience of Using Cinemascience Format for 3D Scientific Visualization

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    To visualize any new entity, a visualization algorithm should be designed and programmed. Investigating approaches for programming new scientific visualizations, we come with the following technique: utilize CinemaScience format to describe 3D scenes. CinemaScience is developed for storing and visualizing supercomputer and physical modelling results, and differs with simplicity both for human and machine. It has a set of interesting features, for example it allows to specify dynamics in views dependent on parameters. However, the technique currently known applications are 2D graphics, and in this paper we extend it for 3D case. The main feature of the approach is treating of Cinema artifacts as visual objects of explicit type. We successfully used the suggested approach in various visualization tasks, examples are presented in the paper. We developed the open-source web application that implements the suggested approach. It is open-source and its main features are also described in the paper. © 2021 National Research Nuclear University. All rights reserved