43 research outputs found

    Determination of the working time requirement for suckling sows in the pen of Wels

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    These days, especially in organic piglet production, it is necessary to reduce the production costs to be competitive on the market. A large proportion of the production costs are caused by labor and construction costs to ensure a high level of animal welfare. The farrowing pen of Wels, currently existing in prototype form, was designed to fulfill organic farming requirements, improve animal welfare, and minimize the costs for construction and labor. The housing system is characterized by four separate functional areas: the lying area, the excretion and moving area, the feeding area for the sow, and a piglet nest. To identify the working time requirements of routine and special tasks, a time study, based on the work element method and an electronic time recording system (ortim b3) (a Pocket PC with time recording software), was conducted. The influencing variables and the time measurements were collected by directly observing work processes in the farrowing unit, which had 5 farrowing pens, over a period of 21 days at the “LFZ Raumberg Gumpenstein.” The data were descriptive and statistically analyzed to obtain planning data on the element basis. The time requirement was modeled according to the related task and in total over the suckling period. The routine tasks consisted in transporting the feed to the pen, feeding the sows, monitoring the sows and piglets, mucking out the dung corridor with a tractor and sprinkling straw in it, as well as filling up the hay rack. The labor input was 3.99 AKmin per sow and day in total. The special tasks included inoculating the piglets, marking with ear tags, castrating the male piglets, cleaning the whole pen and the dung corridor, and preparing the farrowing pen for the next sows. Special work required 25.9 MPmin per sow over the keeping period of 21 days. The total working time requirements over the period of 21 days were 1.82 MPh per sow. Overall, the farrowing pen of Wels has low time requirements and can be seen as a good alternative to the existing organic pens

    Exploiting exciton-exciton interactions in semiconductor quantum dots for quantum-information processing

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    We propose an all-optical implementation of quantum-information processing in semiconductor quantum dots, where electron-hole excitations (excitons) serve as the computational degrees of freedom (qubits). We show that the strong dot confinement leads to an overall enhancement of Coulomb correlations and to a strong renormalization of the excitonic states, which can be exploited for performing conditional and unconditional qubit operations.Comment: 5 pages revtex, 2 encapsulated postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication

    Spin entanglement using coherent light and cavity-QED

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    A scheme for probabilistic entanglement generation between two distant single electron doped quantum dots, each placed in a high-Q microcavity, by detecting strong coherent light which has interacted dispersively with both subsystems and experienced Faraday rotation due to the spin selective trion transitions is discussed. In order to assess the applicability of the scheme for distant entanglement generation between atomic qubits proposed by T.D. Ladd et al. [New J. Phys. 8, 184 (2006)] to two distant quantum dots, one needs to understand the limitations imposed by hyperfine interactions of the quantum dot spin with the nuclear spins of the material and by non-identical quantum dots. Feasibility is displayed by calculating the fidelity for Bell state generation analytically within an approximate framework. The fidelity is evaluated for a wide range of parameters and different pulse lengths, yielding a trade-off between signal and decoherence, as well as a set of optimal parameters. Strategies to overcome the effect of non-identical quantum dots on the fidelity are examined and the timescales imposed by the nuclear spins are discussed, showing that efficient entanglement generation is possible with distant quantum dots. In this context, effects due to light hole transitions become important and have to be included. The scheme is discussed for one- as well as for two-sided cavities, where one must be careful with reflected light which carries spin information. The validity of the approximate method is checked by a more elaborate semiclassical simulation which includes trion formation.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, typos corrected, reference update

    Linear optical absorption spectra of mesoscopic structures in intense THz fields: free particle properties

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    We theoretically study the effect of THz radiation on the linear optical absorption spectra of semiconductor structures. A general theoretical framework, based on non-equilibrium Green functions, is formulated, and applied to the calculation of linear optical absorption spectrum for several non-equilibrium mesoscopic structures. We show that a blue-shift occurs and sidebands appear in bulk-like structures, i.e., the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect [A.-P. Jauho and K. Johnsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4576 (1996)]. An analytic calculation leads to the prediction that in the case of superlattices distinct stable steps appear in the absorption spectrum when conditions for dynamical localization are met.Comment: 13 Pages, RevTex using epsf to include 8 ps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B (3 April 97

    The effect of Auger heating on intraband carrier relaxation in semiconductor quantumrods

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    The rate at which excited charge carriers relax to their equilibrium state affects many aspects of the performance of nanoscale devices, including switching speed, carrier mobility and luminescent efficiency. Better understanding of the processes that govern carrier relaxation therefore has important technological implications. A significant increase in carrier-carrier interactions caused by strong spatial confinement of electronic excitations in semiconductor nanostructures leads to a considerable enhancement of Auger effects, which can further result in unusual, Auger-process-controlled recombination and energy-relaxation regimes. Here, we report the first experimental observation of efficient Auger heating in CdSe quantum rods at high pump intensities, leading to a strong reduction of carrier cooling rates. In this regime, the carrier temperature is determined by the balance between energy outflow through phonon emission and energy inflow because of Auger heating. This equilibrium results in peculiar carrier cooling dynamics that closely correlate with recombination dynamics, an effect never before seen in bulk or nanoscale semiconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Coupled free-carrier and exciton relaxation in optically excited semiconductors

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    The energy relaxation of coupled free-carrier and exciton populations in semiconductors after low-density ultrafast optical excitation is studied through a kinetic approach. The set of semiclassical Boltzmann equations, usually written for electron and hole populations only, is complemented by an additional equation for the exciton distribution. The equations are coupled by reaction terms describing phonon-mediated exciton binding and dissociation. All the other relevant scattering mechanisms, such as carrier-carrier, carrier-phonon, and exciton-phonon interactions, are also included. The resulting system of rate equations in reciprocal space is solved by an extended ensemble Monte Carlo method. As a first application, we show results for the dynamics of bulk GaAs in the range from 1 to ∼200 ps after photoexcitation. The build-up of an exciton population and its sensitivity to the excitation conditions are discussed in detail. As a consequence of the pronounced energy dependence of the LO-phonon-assisted transition probabilities between free-pair states and excitons, it is found that the efficiency of the exciton-formation process and the temporal evolution of the resulting population are sensitive to the excitation energy. We discuss the effects on luminescence experiments

    Monte Carlo simulation of ultrafast processes in photoexcited semiconductors: Coherent and incoherent dynamics

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    The ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited carriers in a semiconductor is investigated by using a Monte Carlo simulation. In addition to a ‘‘conventional’’ Monte Carlo simulation, the coherence of the external light field and the resulting coherence in the carrier system are fully taken into account. This allows us to treat the correct time dependence of the generation process showing a time-dependent linewidth associated with a recombination from states off resonance due to stimulated emission. The subsequent dephasing of the carriers due to scattering processes is analyzed. In addition, the simulation contains the carrier-carrier interaction in Hartree-Fock approximation giving rise to a band-gap renormalization and excitonic effects which cannot be treated in a conventional Monte Carlo simulation where polarization effects are neglected. Thus the approach presents a unified numerical method for the investigation of phenomena occurring close to the band gap and those typical for the energy relaxation of hot carriers

    Semiconductor Spintronics

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    Spintronics refers commonly to phenomena in which the spin of electrons in a solid state environment plays the determining role. In a more narrow sense spintronics is an emerging research field of electronics: spintronics devices are based on a spin control of electronics, or on an electrical and optical control of spin or magnetism. This review presents selected themes of semiconductor spintronics, introducing important concepts in spin transport, spin injection, Silsbee-Johnson spin-charge coupling, and spindependent tunneling, as well as spin relaxation and spin dynamics. The most fundamental spin-dependent nteraction in nonmagnetic semiconductors is spin-orbit coupling. Depending on the crystal symmetries of the material, as well as on the structural properties of semiconductor based heterostructures, the spin-orbit coupling takes on different functional forms, giving a nice playground of effective spin-orbit Hamiltonians. The effective Hamiltonians for the most relevant classes of materials and heterostructures are derived here from realistic electronic band structure descriptions. Most semiconductor device systems are still theoretical concepts, waiting for experimental demonstrations. A review of selected proposed, and a few demonstrated devices is presented, with detailed description of two important classes: magnetic resonant tunnel structures and bipolar magnetic diodes and transistors. In most cases the presentation is of tutorial style, introducing the essential theoretical formalism at an accessible level, with case-study-like illustrations of actual experimental results, as well as with brief reviews of relevant recent achievements in the field.Comment: tutorial review; 342 pages, 132 figure


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    A theory of deformation potentials for charge carriers in tetrahedral semiconductors is presented. The model is based on an LCAO-formulation and is able to predict optical one-phonon deformation potentials for 36 materials and intravalley two-phonon deformation potentials in Ge,Si and III-V compounds. The comparison with the known experimental deformation potentials shows very good agreement between theory and experiment