1,308 research outputs found

    Physical applications of second-order linear differential equations that admit polynomial solutions

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    Conditions are given for the second-order linear differential equation P3 y" + P2 y'- P1 y = 0 to have polynomial solutions, where Pn is a polynomial of degree n. Several application of these results to Schroedinger's equation are discussed. Conditions under which the confluent, biconfluent, and the general Heun equation yield polynomial solutions are explicitly given. Some new classes of exactly solvable differential equation are also discussed. The results of this work are expressed in such way as to allow direct use, without preliminary analysis.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    A stochastic-Lagrangian particle system for the Navier-Stokes equations

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    This paper is based on a formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations developed by P. Constantin and the first author (\texttt{arxiv:math.PR/0511067}, to appear), where the velocity field of a viscous incompressible fluid is written as the expected value of a stochastic process. In this paper, we take NN copies of the above process (each based on independent Wiener processes), and replace the expected value with 1N\frac{1}{N} times the sum over these NN copies. (We remark that our formulation requires one to keep track of NN stochastic flows of diffeomorphisms, and not just the motion of NN particles.) We prove that in two dimensions, this system of interacting diffeomorphisms has (time) global solutions with initial data in the space \holderspace{1}{\alpha} which consists of differentiable functions whose first derivative is α\alpha H\"older continuous (see Section \ref{sGexist} for the precise definition). Further, we show that as N→∞N \to \infty the system converges to the solution of Navier-Stokes equations on any finite interval [0,T][0,T]. However for fixed NN, we prove that this system retains roughly O(1N)O(\frac{1}{N}) times its original energy as t→∞t \to \infty. Hence the limit N→∞N \to \infty and T→∞T\to \infty do not commute. For general flows, we only provide a lower bound to this effect. In the special case of shear flows, we compute the behaviour as t→∞t \to \infty explicitly.Comment: v3: Typo fixes, and a few stylistic changes. 17 pages, 2 figure

    Two problems related to prescribed curvature measures

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    Existence of convex body with prescribed generalized curvature measures is discussed, this result is obtained by making use of Guan-Li-Li's innovative techniques. In surprise, that methods has also brought us to promote Ivochkina's C2C^2 estimates for prescribed curvature equation in \cite{I1, I}.Comment: 12 pages, Corrected typo

    Hamiltonian dynamics of homopolymer chain models

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    The Hamiltonian dynamics of chains of nonlinearly coupled particles is numerically investigated in two and three dimensions. Simple, off-lattice homopolymer models are used to represent the interparticle potentials. Time averages of observables numerically computed along dynamical trajectories are found to reproduce results given by the statistical mechanics of homopolymer models. The dynamical treatment, however, indicates a nontrivial transition between regimes of slow and fast phase space mixing. Such a transition is inaccessible to a statistical mechanical treatment and reflects a bimodality in the relaxation of time averages to corresponding ensemble averages. It is also found that a change in the energy dependence of the largest Lyapunov exponent indicates the theta-transition between filamentary and globular polymer configurations, clearly detecting the transition even for a finite number of particles.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    On the Green function of linear evolution equations for a region with a boundary

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    We derive a closed-form expression for the Green function of linear evolution equations with the Dirichlet boundary condition for an arbitrary region, based on the singular perturbation approach to boundary problems.Comment: 9 page

    Molecular random walks and invariance group of the Bogolyubov equation

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    Statistics of molecular random walks in a fluid is considered with the help of the Bogolyubov equation for generating functional of distribution functions. An invariance group of solutions to this equation as functions of the fluid density is discovered. It results in many exact relations between probability distribution of the path of a test particle and its irreducible correlations with the fluid. As the consequence, significant restrictions do arise on possible shapes of the path distribution. In particular, the hypothetical Gaussian form of its long-range asymptotic proves to be forbidden (even in the Boltzmann-Grad limit). Instead, a diffusive asymptotic is allowed which possesses power-law long tail (cut off by ballistic flight length).Comment: 23 pages, no figures, LaTeX AMSART, author's translation from Russian of the paper accepted to the TMPh (``Theoretical and mathematical physics''

    Comment on ``Lyapunov Exponent of a Many Body System and Its Transport Coefficients''

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    In a recent Letter, Barnett, Tajima, Nishihara, Ueshima and Furukawa obtained a theoretical expression for the maximum Lyapunov exponent λ1\lambda_1 of a dilute gas. They conclude that λ1\lambda_1 is proportional to the cube root of the self-diffusion coefficient DD, independent of the range of the interaction potential. They validate their conjecture with numerical data for a dense one-component plasma, a system with long-range forces. We claim that their result is highly non-generic. We show in the following that it does not apply to a gas of hard spheres, neither in the dilute nor in the dense phase.Comment: 1 page, Revtex - 1 PS Figs - Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Geometry of the energy landscape of the self-gravitating ring

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    We study the global geometry of the energy landscape of a simple model of a self-gravitating system, the self-gravitating ring (SGR). This is done by endowing the configuration space with a metric such that the dynamical trajectories are identified with geodesics. The average curvature and curvature fluctuations of the energy landscape are computed by means of Monte Carlo simulations and, when possible, of a mean-field method, showing that these global geometric quantities provide a clear geometric characterization of the collapse phase transition occurring in the SGR as the transition from a flat landscape at high energies to a landscape with mainly positive but fluctuating curvature in the collapsed phase. Moreover, curvature fluctuations show a maximum in correspondence with the energy of a possible further transition, occurring at lower energies than the collapse one, whose existence had been previously conjectured on the basis of a local analysis of the energy landscape and whose effect on the usual thermodynamic quantities, if any, is extremely weak. We also estimate the largest Lyapunov exponent λ\lambda of the SGR using the geometric observables. The geometric estimate always gives the correct order of magnitude of λ\lambda and is also quantitatively correct at small energy densities and, in the limit N→∞N\to\infty, in the whole homogeneous phase.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Some Estimates for Finite Difference Approximations

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    Some estimates for the approximation of optimal stochastic control problems by discrete time problems are obtained. In particular an estimate for the solutions of the continuous time versus the discrete time Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations is given. The technique used is more analytic than probabilistic


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    The features of supply and demand in the service market, the main trends in the market of household services, its dynamics for the period from 2010 to the present in the Russian Federation have been considered. The level of influence of marketing tools on the customer’s perception (collaboration, full information about the service, advertising campaign, employee motivation, presentation of new products, etc.) has been studied, the results of the study have been given, the main measures for creating demand for a company providing consumer services, event budget have been defined. An economic assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed measures in the form of an expected increase in revenue and payback periods has been given. Using the proposed set of measures will allow you to actively influence the process of forming the company’s demand in the market of household services
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