18 research outputs found

    Insights into the innate immunity of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sessile bivalves of the genus <it>Mytilus </it>are suspension feeders relatively tolerant to a wide range of environmental changes, used as sentinels in ecotoxicological investigations and marketed worldwide as seafood. Mortality events caused by infective agents and parasites apparently occur less in mussels than in other bivalves but the molecular basis of such evidence is unknown. The arrangement of Mytibase, interactive catalogue of 7,112 transcripts of <it>M. galloprovincialis</it>, offered us the opportunity to look for gene sequences relevant to the host defences, in particular the innate immunity related genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have explored and described the Mytibase sequence clusters and singletons having a putative role in recognition, intracellular signalling, and neutralization of potential pathogens in <it>M. galloprovincialis</it>. Automatically assisted searches of protein signatures and manually cured sequence analysis confirmed the molecular diversity of recognition/effector molecules such as the antimicrobial peptides and many carbohydrate binding proteins. Molecular motifs identifying complement C1q, C-type lectins and fibrinogen-like transcripts emerged as the most abundant in the Mytibase collection whereas, conversely, sequence motifs denoting the regulatory cytokine MIF and cytokine-related transcripts represent singular and unexpected findings. Using a cross-search strategy, 1,820 putatively immune-related sequences were selected to design oligonucleotide probes and define a species-specific Immunochip (DNA microarray). The Immunochip performance was tested with hemolymph RNAs from mussels injected with <it>Vibrio splendidus </it>at 3 and 48 hours post-treatment. A total of 143 and 262 differentially expressed genes exemplify the early and late hemocyte response of the <it>Vibrio</it>-challenged mussels, respectively, with AMP trends confirmed by qPCR and clear modulation of interrelated signalling pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The Mytibase collection is rich in gene transcripts modulated in response to antigenic stimuli and represents an interesting window for looking at the mussel immunome (transcriptomes mediating the mussel response to non-self or abnormal antigens). On this basis, we have defined a new microarray platform, a mussel Immunochip, as a flexible tool for the experimental validation of immune-candidate sequences, and tested its performance on <it>Vibrio</it>-activated mussel hemocytes. The microarray platform and related expression data can be regarded as a step forward in the study of the adaptive response of the <it>Mytilus </it>species to an evolving microbial world.</p

    Digenean trematodes infecting the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina have species-specific cercarial emergence patterns that follow daily or semilunar spawning cycles

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    Approximately 1-2% of the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina inhabiting Heron Island Reef are infected with opecoelid digeneans. These largely inhabit the haemocoel surrounding the cerebral ganglia and digestive gland-gonad complex, and infected abalone typically have significantly reduced or ablated gonads. Observations of infected abalone reveal two distinct cercarial emergence patterns, one which correlates tightly with the abalone's highly regular and synchronous fortnightly spawning cycle, and the other which occurs in a circadian pattern. The former appears to be a novel emergence strategy not previously observed in digeneans. While the cercariae in all abalone are morphologically indistinguishable, comparison of sequences from the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS 2) region of the ribosomal DNA reveals a 5.7% difference between cercariae displaying different emergence patterns, indicating these are two distinct species that probably belong to the same genus. The ITS 2 sequences of the species with the daily emergence pattern are identical to that of an undescribed adult opecoelid from the gut of the barramundi cod, Cromileptes altivelis. Combined molecular, morphological and emergence data suggest that while these opecoelid cercariae use the same first intermediate host and are closely related species-members of the genus Allopodocotyle-they fill different ecological niches that are likely to include different definitive hosts

    Acceleration waves in media with microstructure

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    Within the unified approach to modelling of media with microstructure we discuss the propagation of acceleration waves. We describe a medium with microstructure as an elastic continuum with strain energy density which depends on deformations and additional internal variable and their first gradients. We use a Nth-order tensor as a kinematical descriptor of the microstructure. By acceleration wave we mean an isolated surface propagating in medium across which second derivatives of some fields undergo discontinuity jump. Here we formulate the conditions of existence of acceleration waves as algebraic inequality expressed using acoustic tensor