422 research outputs found

    The Church and Politics

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    Contemporary Catholic Discussion of the Church

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    This talk was delivered at Sacred Heart University on March 26, 1992 as the fifth annual Bishop Walter W. Curtis Lecture

    The Church and Politics

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    Concurrency Control for Perceivedly Instantaneous Transactions in Valid-Time Databases

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    Although temporal databases have received considerable attention as a topic for research, little work in the area has paid attention to the concurrency control mechanisms that might be employed in temporal databases. This paper describes how the notion of the current time --- also called `now' --- in valid-time databases can cause standard serialisation theory to give what are at least unintuitive results, if not actually incorrect results. The paper then describes two modifications to standard serialisation theory which correct the behaviour to give what we term perceivably instantaneous transactions; transactions where serialising T 1 and T 2 as [T 1 ; T 2 ] always implies that the current time seen by T 1 is less than or equal to the current time seen by T 2 . 1 Introduction Query languages for valid-time temporal database normally contain a notion of "currenttime " [TCG + 93, Sno95], usually represented as the value of a special variable now. While it is agreed that the value of..

    Mission and Priesthood in the Church

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    Extracting OWL ontologies from relational databases using data analysis and machine learning

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    Extracting OWL ontologies from relational databases is extremely helpful for realising the Semantic Web vision. However, most of the approaches in this context often drop many of the expressive features of OWL. This is because highly expressive axioms can not be detected from database schema alone, but instead require a combined analysis of the database schema and data. In this paper, we present an approach that transforms a relational schema to a basic OWL schema, and then enhances it with rich OWL 2 constructs using schema and data analysis techniques. We then rely on the user for the verification of these features. Furthermore, we apply machine learning algorithms to help in ranking the resulting features based on user supplied relevance scores. Testing our tool on a number of databases demonstrates that our proposed approach is feasible and effective

    Using schema transformation pathways for data lineage tracing

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    With the increasing amount and diversity of information available on the Internet, there has been a huge growth in information systems that need to integrate data from distributed, heterogeneous data sources. Tracing the lineage of the integrated data is one of the problems being addressed in data warehousing research. This paper presents a data lineage tracing approach based on schema transformation pathways. Our approach is not limited to one specific data model or query language, and would be useful in any data transformation/integration framework based on sequences of primitive schema transformations

    Uncertainty in Semantic Schema Integration

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    In this paper we present a new method of semantic schema integration, based on uncertain semantic mappings. The purpose of semantic schema integration is to produce a unified representation of multiple data sources. First, schema matching is performed to identify the semantic mappings between the schema objects. Then, an integrated schema is produced during the schema merging process based on the identified mappings. If all semantic mappings are known, schema merging can be performed (semi-)automatically
