454 research outputs found

    Weak antilocalization and disorder-enhanced electron interactions in crystalline GeSbTe

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    Phase change materials can be reversibly switched between amorphous and crystalline states and often show strong contrast in the optical and electrical properties of these two phases. They are now in widespread use for optical data storage, and their fast switching and a pronounced change of resistivity upon crystallization are also very attractive for nonvolatile electronic data storage. Nevertheless there are still several open questions regarding the electronic states and charge transport in these compounds. In this work we study electrical transport in thin metallic films of the disordered, crystalline phase change material Ge1_1Sb2_2Te4_4. We observe weak antilocalization and disorder enhanced Coulomb interaction effects at low temperatures, and separate the contributions of these two phenomena to the temperature dependence of the resistivity, Hall effect, and magnetoresistance. Strong spin-orbit scattering causes positive magnetoresistance at all temperatures, and a careful analysis of the low-field magnetoresistance allows us to extract the temperature dependent electron dephasing rate and study other scattering phenomena. We find electron dephasing due to inelastic electron-phonon scattering at higher temperatures, electron-electron scattering dephasing at intermediate temperatures, and a crossover to weak temperature dependence below 1 K

    Experimental and ab initio molecular dynamics study of the structure and physical properties of liquid GeTe

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    GeTe is a prototypical phase-change material employed in data storage devices. In this work, the atomic structure of liquid GeTe is studied by x-ray and neutron diffraction in the temperature range from 1197 to 998 K. The dynamic viscosity is measured from 1273 to 953 K, which is 55 K below the solidification point, using an oscillating-cup viscometer. The density of liquid GeTe between 1293 and 973 K is determined by the high-energy γ-ray attenuation method. The experiments are complemented with ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations based on density functional theory (DFT). Compatibility of the AIMD-DFT models with the diffraction data is proven by simultaneous fitting of all data sets in the frame of the reverse Monte Carlo simulation technique. It is shown that octahedral order dominates in liquid GeTe, although tetrahedral structures are also present. The viscosity of the equilibrium and weakly undercooled liquid GeTe obeys the Arrhenius law with a small activation energy of the order of 0.3 eV, which is indicative of a highly fragile liquid. The calculated density of states and electronic wave functions point to the existence of a pseudogap and localized electron states within the gap in the equilibrium liquid near the melting point as well as in the undercooled liquid

    Cadmium influences the 5-fluorouracil cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cells

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    The aim of the research was to evaluate a heavy metal, cadmium (Cd), which was used to produce alterations in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Moreover, we analyzed both immunohistochemical and ultrastructural alterations induced by the antineoplastic drug, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), after exposure to different concentrations of cd. Also, we compared the effects of these compounds on actin and tubulin cytoskeleton proteins. Under ultramicroscopic observation, control cells looked polymorphous with filopodia. In cells already treated with small concentrations of Cd, after brief times of incubation, we observed an intense metabolic activity with larger, clearer, and elongated mitochondria characterized by thin and numerous dilated cristae. 5-FU-treated cells showed cytotoxicity signs with presence of pore-like alterations in the cell membrane and evident degeneration of cytoplasm and cell nuclei. The addition of 5-FU (1.5 µM) to the cells treated with Cd (5 µM–20 µM) did not induce significant ultrastructural changes in comparison with cells treated only with Cd. In Cd+5FU-treated cells mitochondria with globular aspect and regular cristae indicated the active metabolic state. In cells treated only with Cd we observed alterations in actin distribution, while tubulin branched out throughout the cytoplasm. With the association of Cd+5FU, we observed less morphological alterations in both tubulin and actin cytoskeleton proteins. Although the mechanism remains unknown at present, our findings suggest that Cd prevents the cytotoxic effect of 5-FU on breast cancer cells. These preliminary results could have an important clinical application in patients with breast cancer

    Incidence and Progression to Cirrhosis of New HCV infections in Persons Living with HIV.

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of HCV seroconversion and the risk of severe fibrosis/cirrhosis in HCV seroconverters among persons with HIV. METHODS: We analyzed data on 4,059 persons with HIV enrolled in a cohort study in Italy. RESULTS: Incidence rate of seroconversion was 0.6/100 person-years overall, and drug users and men-who-have-sex-with-men were at highest risk. The cumulative risk of progression to severe fibrosis/cirrhosis was 30% by 10 years after seroconversion. CONCLUSIONS: New HCV infections have a rapidly progressive course in this population. Persons with HIV and HCV superinfection should be prioritized for treatment with anti-HCV direct-acting antivirals

    PIN92 Quality of Life Among Hiv Patients: Results from the Ianua Clinical Trial

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    OBJECTIVES To understand the relationship between socio-demographic variables, clinical factors, highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and health related quality of life (QoL) in HIV-infected individuals participants in the IANUA multicenter study. METHODS Data relating to patients with HIV infection admitted to 3 infectious disease units in Genoa (Italy) between 2012 and 2014 are collected and analyzed. Univariate and multivariate association of demographic and clinical factors with QoL (computed using EQ-5D-3L) are examined. QoL determinants are assessed using a tobit model, while a logistic model is implemented in order to investigate the relation between specific patients characteristics and the likelihood of having higher QoL. RESULTS Results of the empirical modeling suggest that being Italian and having a job are positively associate with QoL, whereas being a female, taking other drugs in addition to anti-retroviral drugs and being subsidisied are negatively related to QoL. Among clinical factors, CD4 cell count level cannot be considered as significant predictor of QoL, while higher QoL seem to be defined by single tablet regimens. CONCLUSION The study investigates the major determinants of QoL among HIV patients and the results provide some informative tools useful to improve strategies aiming at maximizing QoL. As monitoring of QoL is nowadays a priority for clinicians, further work will be based on \u201cdynamic\u201d analysis comparing QoL at the initial time and QoL at 6-months follow up

    Discovering electron transfer driven changes in chemical bonding in lead chalcogenides (PbX, where X = Te, Se, S, O)

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    Understanding the nature of chemical bonding in solids is crucial to comprehend the physical and chemical properties of a given compound. To explore changes in chemical bonding in lead chalcogenides (PbX, where X = Te, Se, S, O), a combination of property-, bond breaking- and quantum-mechanical bonding descriptors have been applied. The outcome of our explorations reveals an electron transfer driven transition from metavalent bonding in PbX (X = Te, Se, S) to iono-covalent bonding in beta-PbO. Metavalent bonding is characterized by adjacent atoms being held together by sharing about a single electron and small electron transfer (ET). The transition from metavalent to iono-covalent bonding manifests itself in clear changes in these quantum-mechanical descriptors (ES and ET), as well as in property-based descriptors (i.e. Born effective charge, dielectric function, effective coordination number (ECON) and mode-specific Grueneisen parameter, and in bond breaking descriptors (PME). Metavalent bonding collapses, if significant charge localization occurs at the ion cores (ET) and/or in the interatomic region (ES). Predominantly changing the degree of electron transfer opens possibilities to tailor materials properties such as the chemical bond and electronic polarizability, optical band gap and optical interband transitions characterized by the imaginary part of the dielectric function. Hence, the insights gained from this study highlight the technological relevance of the concept of metavalent bonding and its potential for materials design

    Kondo Conductance in an Atomic Nanocontact from First Principles

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    The electrical conductance of atomic metal contacts represents a powerful tool to detect nanomagnetism. Conductance reflects magnetism through anomalies at zero bias -- generally with Fano lineshapes -- due to the Kondo screening of the magnetic impurity bridging the contact. A full atomic-level understanding of this nutshell many-body system is of the greatest importance, especially in view of our increasing need to control nanocurrents by means of magnetism. Disappointingly, zero bias conductance anomalies are not presently calculable from atomistic scratch. In this Letter we demonstrate a working route connecting approximately but quantitatively density functional theory (DFT) and numerical renormalization group (NRG) approaches and leading to a first-principles conductance calculation for a nanocontact, exemplified by a Ni impurity in a Au nanowire. A Fano-like conductance lineshape is obtained microscopically, and shown to be controlled by the impurity s-level position. We also find a relationship between conductance anomaly and geometry, and uncover the possibility of opposite antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic Kondo screening -- the latter exhibiting a totally different and unexplored zero bias anomaly. The present matching method between DFT and NRG should permit the quantitative understanding and exploration of this larger variety of Kondo phenomena at more general magnetic nanocontacts.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary materials under request at [email protected]

    IGLV3-21∗01 is an inherited risk factor for CLL through the acquisition of a single-point mutation enabling autonomous BCR signaling

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    © 2020 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. The prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) depends on different markers, including cytogenetic aberrations, oncogenic mutations, and mutational status of the immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy-chain variable (IGHV) gene. The number of IGHV mutations distinguishes mutated (M) CLL with a markedly superior prognosis from unmutated (UM) CLL cases. In addition, B cell antigen receptor (BCR) stereotypes as defined by IGHV usage and complementaritydetermining regions (CDRs) classify ∼30% of CLL cases into prognostically important subsets. Subset 2 expresses a BCR with the combination of IGHV3-21-derived heavy chains (HCs) with IGLV3- 21-derived light chains (LCs), and is associated with an unfavorable prognosis. Importantly, the subset 2 LC carries a single-point mutation, termed R110, at the junction between the variable and constant LC regions. By analyzing 4 independent clinical cohorts through BCR sequencing and by immunophenotyping with antibodies specifically recognizing wild-type IGLV3-21 and R110-mutated IGLV3-21 (IGLV3-21R110), we show that IGLV3-21R110-expressing CLL represents a distinct subset with poor prognosis independent of IGHV mutations. Compared with other alleles, only IGLV3-21∗01 facilitates effective homotypic BCR-BCR interaction that results in autonomous, oncogenic BCR signaling after acquiring R110 as a single-point mutation. Presumably, this mutation acts as a standalone driver that transforms IGLV3-21∗01-expressing B cells to develop CLL. Thus, we propose to expand the conventional definition of CLL subset 2 to subset 2L by including all IGLV3-21R110-expressing CLL cases regardless of IGHV mutational status. Moreover, the generation ofmonoclonal antibodies recognizing IGLV3-21 or mutated IGLV3-21R110 facilitates the recognition of B cells carrying this mutation in CLL patients or healthy donors
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