1,246 research outputs found

    Repeatability of innervation zone identification in the external anal sphincter muscle

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    Knowledge of the distribution of the innervation zones (IZs) of the external anal sphincter (EAS) may be useful for preventing anal sphincter incompetence during vaginal delivery. A method proposed for the automatic estimation of the distribution of IZs of EAS from high-density surface electromyography (EMG) was evaluated for repeatability in continent volunteers. Methods: In 13 healthy female subjects (age: 35 11 years) surface EMG signals were acquired using an anal probe with three circumferential electrode arrays (of 16 contacts each) at different depths within the anal canal (15mm distance between the centers of adjacent arrays), during four independent experimental sessions. Three maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of 10 sec were performed for each session for a total of 12 contractions per subject. Repeatability of the estimation of the distribution of IZ was tested by evaluating the coefficient of multiple correlations (CMC) between the IZ distributions estimated from the signals recorded from each subject. Results: A high repeatability (CMC > 0.8) was found comparing IZ distributions estimated from signals recorded by each array within the same session. A slightly lower value was obtained considering signals recorded during different sessions (CMC > 0.7), but a higher value (CMC > 0.8) was obtained after aligning the estimated IZ distributions. The realignment compensates for the operator's error in repositioning the probe in the same position during different sessions. Conclusion: This result justifies clinical studies using high-density surface EMG in routine examinations, providing information about IZs of EAS and assessing the possibilities of preventing neuronal trauma during vaginal delivery

    MEMS-based hemispherical resonator gyroscopes

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    pre-printThis paper introduces a fabrication technique that uses planar MEMS micromachining processes to produce hemispherical resonating shells for gyroscopes. The hemispheres exhibit a quality factor in excess of 20,000 with resonant frequencies in the range of 20 kHz for the 4-node wineglass mode. The fabrication process enables production of almost perfect hemispheres (less than 1% asphericity near the pedestal) with an average surface roughness of 5nm. The high degree of sphericity contains the relative frequency mismatch Δf/f between the two degenerate modes to 0.02%. Simplicity of the fabrication process and the successful testing of the drive/sense mechanism in the resonator make it a good candidate for use as gyroscopes

    Metabolomic evaluation of Mitomycin C and rapamycin in a personalized treatment of pancreatic cancer

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    In a personalized treatment designed for a patient with pancreatic cancer resistant to other treatments, the success of Mitomycin C (MMC) has been highlighted. This was revealed in a murine xenograft tumor model encompassing pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells extracted from the patient. The patient was found to exhibit a biallelic inactivation of the PALB2 gene, involved in DNA repair in addition to another mutation in the TSC2 gene that induces susceptibility of the tumor to therapeutic targets of the PI3K-mTOR pathway. The aim of the study was to apply metabolomics to elucidate the modes of action of each therapy, suggesting why MMC was so successful in this patient and why it could be a more popular choice in future pancreatic cancer treatment. The effectiveness of MMC compared to rapamycin (RM), another relevant therapeutic agent has been evaluated through liquid- and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomic analyses of the xenograft tumors. The relative concentrations of many metabolites in the xenograft tumors were found to be increased by MMC relative to other treatments (RM and a combination of both), including a number that are involved in central carbon metabolism (CCM). Metabolic fingerprinting revealed statistically significantly altered pathways including, but not restricted to, the pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, TCA cycle, purine metabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis, in addition to many significant lipid and amino acid alterations. Given the genetic background of the patient, it was expected that the combined therapy would be most effective; however, the most effective was MMC alone. It is proposed that the effectiveness of MMC is owed to its direct effect on CCM, a vital region of tumor metabolism

    Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in children: Not only kidney but also lung

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    Background: Henoch-Sch\uf6nlein Purpura (HSP) is the most common vasculitis of childhood and affects the small blood vessels. Pulmonary involvement is a rare complication of HSP and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is the most frequent clinical presentation. Little is known about the real incidence of lung involvement during HSP in the pediatric age and about its diagnosis, management and outcome. Methods: In order to discuss the main clinical findings and the diagnosis and management of lung involvement in children with HSP, we performed a review of the literature of the last 40 years. Results: We identified 23 pediatric cases of HSP with lung involvement. DAH was the most frequent clinical presentation of the disease. Although it can be identified by chest x-ray (CXR), bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is the gold standard for diagnosis. Pulse methylprednisolone is the first-line of therapy in children with DAH. An immunosuppressive regimen consisting of cyclophosphamide or azathioprine plus corticosteroids is required when respiratory failure occurs. Four of the twenty-three patients died, while 18 children had a resolution of the pulmonary involvement. Conclusions: DAH is a life-threatening complication of HSP. Prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment are essential in order to achieve the best outcome

    Rational Design of Sustainable Liquid Microcapsules for Spontaneous Fragrance Encapsulation

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    The high volatility, water-immiscibility, and light/oxygen-sensitivity of most aroma compounds represent a challenge to their incorporation in liquid consumer products. Current encapsulation methods entail the use of petroleum-based materials, initiators, and crosslinkers as well as mixing, heating, and purification steps. Hence, more efficient and eco-friendly approaches to encapsulation must be sought. Herein, we propose a simple method by making use of a pre-formed amphiphilic polymer and employing the Hansen Solubility Parameters approach to determine which fragrances could be encapsulated by spontaneous coacervation in water. The coacervates do not precipitate as solids but they remain suspended as colloidally stable liquid microcapsules, as demonstrated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The effective encapsulation of fragrance is proven through confocal Raman spectroscopy, while the structure of the capsules is investigated by means of cryo FIB/SEM, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering

    Genomic diversity and population structure analysis reveal few genetic differences among Ethiopian indigenous sheep populations

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    African sheep, like other domestic sheep, are domesticated from the Asiatic mouflon (Ovis orientalis). They entered the continent through the North and the Horn of Africa regions following maritime and terrestrial trading routes. Ethiopia is one of the main entry points of various plant and animal domesticates into Africa. It is characterised by diverse agro-ecologies, ancient human ethnic diversity and the presence of indigenous sheep breeds/populations of unprecedented morphological diversity (e.g. tail types). Here, we investigate the genome diversity and population structure of 146 unrelated animals from 11 Ethiopian indigenous sheep populations. DNA was extracted from ear tissue punches and genotyped with the Illumina Ovine 50K SNP BeadChip assay. Sheep populations from The Caribbean, Europe, Middle East and China as well as from western, northern and southern Africa were included to clarify the genetic history of origin, introduction and dispersal of the species into Ethiopia. Principal component analysis (PCA), clearly separated all Ethiopian sheep from the other populations. Population structure and phylogenetic (neighbour-joining tree) analysis subdivided the Ethiopian indigenous sheep into three genetic clusters corresponding to their tail morphology (rump fat-tailed, short fat-tailed and long fat/thin-tailed population). It supports a common genetic ancestry for populations of each tail type in the country. Genetic distances among the Ethiopian populations were positively correlated with geographic distances (Mantel test, P < 0.001, r = 0.465) and the highest genetic diversity was recorded in the fat-tailed (short, rump and/or long fat-tailed) close to the Bab-el-Mandeb strait. However, despite their distinct morphology and separate geographic distribution, little genetic differentiation between Ethiopian populations are observed. This is most likely a consequence of their ancient and modern intermixing following their introduction into the country

    Repeatability of innervation zone identification in the external anal sphincter muscle

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    Knowledge of the distribution of the innervation zones (IZs) of the external anal sphincter (EAS) may be useful for preventing anal sphincter incompetence during vaginal delivery. A method proposed for the automatic estimation of the distribution of IZs of EAS from high-density surface electromyography (EMG) was evaluated for repeatability in continent volunteers. Methods: In 13 healthy female subjects (age: 35 11 years) surface EMG signals were acquired using an anal probe with three circumferential electrode arrays (of 16 contacts each) at different depths within the anal canal (15mm distance between the centers of adjacent arrays), during four independent experimental sessions. Three maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of 10 sec were performed for each session for a total of 12 contractions per subject. Repeatability of the estimation of the distribution of IZ was tested by evaluating the coefficient of multiple correlations (CMC) between the IZ distributions estimated from the signals recorded from each subject. Results: A high repeatability (CMC > 0.8) was found comparing IZ distributions estimated from signals recorded by each array within the same session. A slightly lower value was obtained considering signals recorded during different sessions (CMC > 0.7), but a higher value (CMC > 0.8) was obtained after aligning the estimated IZ distributions. The realignment compensates for the operator’s error in repositioning the probe in the same position during different sessions. Conclusion: This result justifies clinical studies using high-density surface EMG in routine examinations, providing information about IZs of EAS and assessing the possibilities of preventing neuronal trauma during vaginal delivery

    Age estimation by tooth/pulp ratio in canines by peri-apical X-rays: reliability in age determination of Spanish and Italian medieval skeletal remains

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    Estimation of age at death is an unavoidable step in the process of human identification, both in forensic practice and in the anthropological and palaeopathological study of skeletal remains. In several cases, in which medical or demographic records are completely lacking, a reliable estimation of the age at death becomes very important. Skeletal remains from archaeological contexts suffer from several biasing factors such as post-mortem changes, taphonomy and various burial practices depending on age, sex and social status of the deceased persons. Currently, anthropological methods of age determination reveal several possibilities of inaccuracy. Of all the body parts used in age estimation, teeth are the least affected by any taphonomic process. Although there are many dental methods for age at death estimation, some of them are very complex and/or destructive and they are not normally used in anthropology. However, study of the apposition of secondary dentine by examining peri-apical X-rays of canines is beginning to supply very interesting results. The aim of this work was to test Cameriere\u2019s method on a large sample of historical subjects from several cemeteries in Spain and Italy. The Spanish sample belongs to the Medieval cemetery of La Torrecilla (Arenas del Rey, Granada) and is housed in the Laboratory of Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Granada. The Italian samples come from the Medieval cemeteries of Comacchio (Ferrara) and Castel S. Pietro (Bologna). In order to test the reliability of Cameriere\u2019s method, age estimations of canines were compared with the mean ranges of age of the most commonly applied anthropological methods such as tooth wear changes in the pubic symphysis or the metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium. Tests on these Middle Ages cemeteries produced satisfactory results, indicating that Cameriere\u2019s method is a reliable tool in determining age at death in skeletal remains of archaeological context

    Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus: insight the Filoviridae family

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    Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus (belonging to the Filoviridae family) emerged four decades ago and cause epidemics of haemorrhagic fever with high case-fatality rates. The genome of filoviruses encodes seven proteins. No significant homology is observed between filovirus proteins and any known macromolecule. Moreover, Marburgvirus and Ebolavirus show significant differences in protein homology. The natural maintenance cycle of filoviruses is unknown, the natural reservoir, the mode of transmission, the epidemic disease generation, and temporal dynamics are unclear. Lastly, Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus are considered as potential biological weapons. Vaccine appears the unique therapeutic frontier. Here, molecular and clinical aspects of filoviral haemorrhagic fevers are summarized
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