308 research outputs found

    Integration of multifunctions with respect to a multimeasure

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    We define the bilinear integral of a measurable multifunction with respect to a multimeasure and study the properties of the resulting set-valued set function

    Vertex-Coloring with Star-Defects

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    Defective coloring is a variant of traditional vertex-coloring, according to which adjacent vertices are allowed to have the same color, as long as the monochromatic components induced by the corresponding edges have a certain structure. Due to its important applications, as for example in the bipartisation of graphs, this type of coloring has been extensively studied, mainly with respect to the size, degree, and acyclicity of the monochromatic components. In this paper we focus on defective colorings in which the monochromatic components are acyclic and have small diameter, namely, they form stars. For outerplanar graphs, we give a linear-time algorithm to decide if such a defective coloring exists with two colors and, in the positive case, to construct one. Also, we prove that an outerpath (i.e., an outerplanar graph whose weak-dual is a path) always admits such a two-coloring. Finally, we present NP-completeness results for non-planar and planar graphs of bounded degree for the cases of two and three colors

    Can computed tomographic angiography accurately exclude digestive tract injury after penetrating cervical trauma?

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    CITATION: Maritz, J. P. B., Bagadia, A. & Lubbe, J. A. 2020. Can computed tomographic angiography accurately exclude digestive tract injury after penetrating cervical trauma? South African Journal of Surgery, 58(4):192-198, doi:10.17159/2078-5151/2020/v58n4a3159.The original publication is available at: http://www.scielo.org.zaABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Multislice computed tomographic angiography (MCTA) has become the method of choice to screen for arterial injury in penetrating cervical trauma (PCT). There is, however, limited knowledge on its accuracy in terms of digestive tract injury (DTI). Currently, our unit liberally employs both computed tomographic angiography (CTA) and contrast swallow for platysma breaching penetrating neck injuries. This study aimed to determine the accuracy of specific computed tomography findings in the diagnosis of DTI after PCT. METHODS: This was a retrospective review of all consecutive patients with PCT who had undergone MCTA that presented at a single, tertiary, high-volume trauma centre from January 2013 until December 2015. Blinded radiological review of 140 MCTA investigations (33 in the injury group and 107 in the control group) was performed in order to calculate the diagnostic accuracy of trajectory, air, and conventional MCTA signs in the diagnosis of DTI after PCT. RESULTS: Over the study period, 906 patients presenting with PCT had undergone MCTA and a total of 33 patients (3.6%) had confirmed DTI on aggregate gold standard of diagnosis. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of MCTA for detecting DTI was 100%, 65.4%, 47.1%, and 100%, respectively. No injuries were missed on MCTA. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that DTI can be safely excluded by means of careful assessment of specific signs on CTA in patients presenting after PCT, obviating the need for further investigation.Publisher's versio

    The functionally grading elastic and viscoelastic properties of the body region of the knee meniscus

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    The knee meniscus is a highly porous structure which exhibits a grading architecture through the depth of the tissue. The superficial layers on both femoral and tibial sides are constituted by a fine mesh of randomly distributed collagen fibers while the internal layer is constituted by a network of collagen channels of a mean size of 22.14 μm aligned at a 30∘ inclination with respect to the vertical. Horizontal dog-bone samples extracted from different depths of the tissue were mechanically tested in uniaxial tension to examine the variation of elastic and viscoelastic properties across the meniscus. The tests show that a random alignment of the collagen fibers in the superficial layers leads to stiffer mechanical responses (E = 105 and 189 MPa) in comparison to the internal regions (E = 34 MPa). All regions exhibit two modes of relaxation at a constant strain (τ1=6.4 to 7.7 s, τ2 = 49.9 to 59.7 s)

    High resolution micro-computed tomography reveals a network of collagen channels in the body region of the knee meniscus

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    The meniscus is an integral part of the human knee, preventing joint degradation by distributing load from the femoral condyles to the tibial plateau. Recent qualitative studies suggested that the meniscus is constituted by an intricate net of collagen channels inside which the fluid flows during loading. The aim of this study is to describe in detail the structure in which this fluid flows by quantifying the orientation and morphology of the collagen channels of the meniscal tissue. A 7 mm cylindrical sample, extracted vertically from the central part of a lateral porcine meniscus was freeze-dried and scanned using the highest-to-date resolution Microscopic Computed Tomography. The orientation of the collagen channels, their size and distribution was calculated. Comparisons with confocal multi-photon microscopy imaging performed on portions of fresh tissue have shown that the freeze-dried procedure adopted here ensures that the native architecture of the tissue is maintained. Sections of the probe at different heights were examined to determine differences in composition and structure along the sample from the superficial to the internal layers. Results reveal a different arrangement of the collagen channels in the superficial layers with respect to the internal layers with the internal layers showing a more ordered structure of the channels oriented at 30∘ with respect to the vertical, a porosity of 66.28% and the mean size of the channels of 22.14 Οm

    Spatial and temporal assessment of organic and black carbon at four sites in the interior of South Africa

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    Limited data currently exist for atmospheric organic carbon (OC) and black carbon (BC) in South Africa (SA). In this paper OC and BC measured in SA were explored in terms of spatial and temporal patterns, mass fractions of the total aerosol mass, as well as possible sources. PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected at five sites in SA operated within the Deposition of Biogeochemical Important Trace Species-IGAC DEBITS in Africa (DEBITS-IDAF) network. OC were higher than BC concentrations at all sites in both size fractions, while most OC and BC occurred in the PM2.5 fraction. OC/BC ratios reflected the location of the different sites, as well as possible sources impacting these sites. The OC and BC mass fraction percentages of the total aerosol mass varied up to 24% and 12%, respectively. A relatively well defined seasonal pattern was observed, with higher OC and BC measured from May to October, which coincides with the dry season in the interior of SA. An inverse seasonal pattern was observed for the fractional mass contributions of OC and BC to the total aerosol mass, which indicates substantially higher aerosol load during this time of the year. The relationship between OC and BC concentrations with the distance that air mass back trajectories passed by biomass burning fires and large point sources proved that biomass burning fires contribute significantly to regional OC and BC during the burning season, while large point sources did not contribute that significantly to regional OC and BC. The results from a highly industrialised and populated site also indicated that household combustion for space heating contributed at least to local OC and BC concentrations

    Inhibition of TGF-β Signaling and Decreased Apoptosis in IUGR-Associated Lung Disease in Rats

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    Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with impaired lung function in adulthood. It is unknown whether such impairment of lung function is linked to the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β system in the lung. Therefore, we investigated the effects of IUGR on lung function, expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) components and TGF-β signaling in rats. IUGR was induced in rats by isocaloric protein restriction during gestation. Lung function was assessed with direct plethysmography at postnatal day (P) 70. Pulmonary activity of the TGF-β system was determined at P1 and P70. TGF-β signaling was blocked in vitro using adenovirus-delivered Smad7. At P70, respiratory airway compliance was significantly impaired after IUGR. These changes were accompanied by decreased expression of TGF-β1 at P1 and P70 and a consistently dampened phosphorylation of Smad2 and Smad3. Furthermore, the mRNA expression levels of inhibitors of TGF-β signaling (Smad7 and Smurf2) were reduced, and the expression of TGF-β-regulated ECM components (e.g. collagen I) was decreased in the lungs of IUGR animals at P1; whereas elastin and tenascin N expression was significantly upregulated. In vitro inhibition of TGF-β signaling in NIH/3T3, MLE 12 and endothelial cells by adenovirus-delivered Smad7 demonstrated a direct effect on the expression of ECM components. Taken together, these data demonstrate a significant impact of IUGR on lung development and function and suggest that attenuated TGF-β signaling may contribute to the pathological processes of IUGR-associated lung disease
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