559 research outputs found

    Particolarismo identitario vs. Deterritorializzazione. In ricordo di Mario Manno

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    Prima di lasciarci, Manno stava lavorando sull\u2019oscuro rapporto tra Heidegger e gli ebrei e, lungo questa strada, non solo era impegnato nella rilettura del filosofo di Me fkirch, ma stava rinnovando i suoi studi sulla cultura ebraica. Con l\u2019energia di chi \ue8 nel pieno delle forze, s\u2019era gettato in un\u2019impresa tanto stimolante quanto densa di risvolti inquietanti

    Gramsci e Foucault, Foucault e Gramsci

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    The purpose of this essay is to analyze the scientific literature that has argued about the presence of possible relationships and similarities between Gramsci and Foucault. In particular, I will focus on the notions of hegemony, power, governmentality, ideology, discourse

    Foucault e la teoria del capitale umano

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    Durante il corso al Coll\ue8ge de France del 1978/79, Foucault prende in esame il neoliberalismo tedesco (ordoliberalismo) e quello statunitense (Scuola di Chicago), concentrandosi, relativamente al secondo, sulla teoria del capitale umano (c.u.). Teoria di indubbio interesse per le scienze dell\u2019educazione, nei cui confronti la cultura pedagogica italiana ha mostrato un\u2019attenzione (in vero ancora per certi versi sporadica) motivata pure dal fatto che le sue parole-chiave sono diventate lessico comune sia nei discorsi (pi\uf9 o meno specialistici) sulle relazioni tra formazione e lavoro (e non solo) nella societ\ue0 della conoscenza, sia nei documenti internazionali concernenti il nesso tra sviluppo economico e istruzione

    Two-photon imaging of cell-specific fluorophores in transgenic mice – an exploratory tool to study mechanisms of white matter injury

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    Relatively little is known about specific pathways leading to structural and functional disruption of axons and glial cells in white matter. Because focal cerebral ischemia in humans damages both gray and white matter, an understanding of white matter injury is important in devising potential therapeutic approaches. We have developed a novel brain slice model from transgenic mice under control of cell-specific promoters to understand interactions between oligodendrocytes and axons under high resolution twophoton microscopy. Our data extends over previous findings the vulnerability of oligodendrocytes and axons both in culture and in slice preparations to glutamate toxicity during stroke and hypoglycemia. Conditions as different as stroke, trauma, perinatal brain injury, and multiple sclerosis may share common mechanisms of white matter injury.N/

    Separaxion anxiety in pediatric migraine without aura: A pilot study

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    Background: Separation anxiety (SA) can be defined as the fear reaction and protest manifested by children when the main caregivers move away from him/her or in front of unfamiliar person. SA near eight months may be considered as an important and normal phase of the correct and typical social neurodevelopment. Aims of the present pilot study is assessing the prevalence of separation anxiety in a population of patients with migraine without aura (MwA). Materials and methods: 119 children (69 males) suffering from MwA (mean age 1.78 ± 7:59) were consecutively recruited. The control population consisted of 231 (114 males) healthy subjects similar for age (7.64 ± 1:34; p = 0.768) and gender (p=0.987) The Screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED) test was used to assess the prevalence of separation anxiety among MwA children. Results: Healthy individuals are on average less affected (mean 4.72 ± 0:32) of the Separation Anxiety Disorder respect of MwA children (mean 6.83 ± 0.97; p < 0.001) (Figure 1). Conclusion. MwA presents many psychiatric comorbidities and among ones separation anxiety may be considered in the clinical and therapeutic management of pediatric primary headache

    Behavioural disorders in children and adolescents: A conceptual review about the therapeutic alliance with family and school

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    Aim: In disruptive behavioral disorders, given the wide range of symptomatic manifestations and the complexity of the sociofamiliar contexts in which they develop, it is now proven that more visible and more stable results can be achieved over time through multimodal and multidimensional interventions. These are accomplished through the integration of psychotherapeutic interventions for the child and parents, counseling interventions for all the various practitioners who come into contact with the child in school, sports, and social settings, through the possibility of organizing multiple settings in patient can be followed by several health professionals such as child and adolescent neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychomotricist, occupation therapist, psychologist

    Review about comorbidities of behavioural disorders in children and adolescents: The focus on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) present high comorbidity rate mainly for opposite-defiant disorders that are frequent among children, adolescents and adults affected by with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), probably as result of common temperamental risk factors such as attention, distraction, impulsivity. ADHD tend to manifest in about 50% of individuals diagnosed as disruptive behavioral disorders
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