7,326 research outputs found

    Properties of Dynamic Earthquake Ruptures With Heterogeneous Stress Drop

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    Earthquake rupture is a notoriously complex process, at all observable scales. We introduce a simplified semi-dynamic crack model to investigate the connection between the statistical properties of stress and those of macroscopic source parameters such as rupture size, seismic moment, apparent stress drop and radiated energy. Rupture initiation is treated consistently with nucleation on a linear slip-weakening fault, whereas rupture propagation and arrest are treated according to the Griffith criterion. The available stress drop is prescribed as a spatially correlated random field and is shown to potentially sustain a broad range of magnitudes. By decreasing the amplitude of the stress heterogeneities or increasing their correlation length the distribution of earthquake sizes presents a transition from Gutenberg- Richter to characteristic earthquake behavior. This transition is studied through a mean-field analysis. The bifurcation to characteristic earthquake behavior is sharp, reminiscent of a first-order phase transition. A lower roll-off magnitude observed in the Gutenberg-Richter regime is shown to depend on the correlation length of the available stress drop, rather than being a direct signature of the nucleation process. More generally, we highlight the possible role of the stress correlation length scale on deviations from earthquake source self-similarity. The present reduced model is a building block towards understanding the effect of structural and dynamic fault heterogeneities on the scaling of source parameters and on basic properties of seismicity

    Non-equilibrium work fluctuations for oscillators in non-Markovian baths

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    We study work fluctuation theorems for oscillators in non-Markovian heat baths. By calculating the work distribution function for a harmonic oscillator with motion described by the generalized Langevin equation, the Jarzynski equality (JE), transient fluctuation theorem (TFT), and Crooks' theorem (CT) are shown to be exact. In addition to this derivation, numerical simulations of anharmonic oscillators indicate that the validity of these nonequilibrium theorems do not depend on the memory of the bath. We find that the JE and the CT are valid under many oscillator potentials and driving forces whereas the TFT fails when the driving force is asymmetric in time and the potential is asymmetric in position.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic Fields Recorded by Chondrules Formed in Nebular Shocks

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    Recent laboratory efforts (Fu et al., 2014) have constrained the remanent magnetizations of chondrules and the magnetic field strengths at which the chondrules were exposed to as they cooled below their Curie points. An outstanding question is whether the inferred paleofields represent the background magnetic field of the solar nebula or were unique to the chondrule-forming environment. We investigate the amplification of the magnetic field above background values for two proposed chondrule formation mechanisms, large-scale nebular shocks and planetary bow shocks. Behind large-scale shocks, the magnetic field parallel to the shock front is amplified by factors 1030\sim 10-30, regardless of the magnetic diffusivity. Therefore, chondrules melted in these shocks probably recorded an amplified magnetic field. Behind planetary bow shocks, the field amplification is sensitive to the magnetic diffusivity. We compute the gas properties behind a bow shock around a 3000 km-radius planetary embryo, with and without atmospheres, using hydrodynamics models. We calculate the ionization state of the hot, shocked gas, including thermionic emission from dust, and thermal ionization of gas-phase potassium atoms, and the magnetic diffusivity due to Ohmic dissipation and ambipolar diffusion. We find that the diffusivity is sufficiently large that magnetic fields have already relaxed to background values in the shock downstream where chondrules acquire magnetizations, and that these locations are sufficiently far from the planetary embryos that chondrules should not have recorded a significant putative dynamo field generated on these bodies. We conclude that, if melted in planetary bow shocks, chondrules probably recorded the background nebular field.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Multiple Scales in the Fine Structure of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance in ^{208}Pb

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    The fine structure of the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in ^{208}Pb, observed in high-resolution (p,p') and (e,e') experiments, is studied using the entropy index method. In a novel way, it enables to determine the number of scales present in the spectra and their magnitude. We find intermediate scales of fluctuations around 1.1 MeV, 460 keV and 125 keV for an excitation energy region 0 - 12 MeV. A comparison with scales extracted from second RPA calculations, which are in good agreement with experiment, shows that they arise from the internal mixing of collective motion with two particle-two hole components of the nuclear wavefunction.Comment: 14 pages including 6 figures (to be published in Phys. Lett. B

    Local Temperature and Universal Heat Conduction in FPU chains

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    It is shown numerically that for Fermi Pasta Ulam (FPU) chains with alternating masses and heat baths at slightly different temperatures at the ends, the local temperature (LT) on small scales behaves paradoxically in steady state. This expands the long established problem of equilibration of FPU chains. A well-behaved LT appears to be achieved for equal mass chains; the thermal conductivity is shown to diverge with chain length N as N^(1/3), relevant for the much debated question of the universality of one dimensional heat conduction. The reason why earlier simulations have obtained systematically higher exponents is explained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised published versio