7 research outputs found

    Determination of solidus and liquidus temperatures for S34MnV steel grade by thermal analysis and calculations

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    The paper is devoted to the comparison of the results in the frame of solidus and liquidus temperatures obtained by thermo analytical methods with the generally used empirically based formulas and thermo dynamical Computherm software. The series of thermal analysis measurements of high temperature phase transformations of real steel grade (S34MnV) under conditions of two analytical devices (Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter; Setaram Multi High Temperature Calorimeter (MHTC)) were carried out. Two thermo analytical methods were used (DSC and Direct Thermal Analysis). The different weight of samples was used (2,6 g; 23 g). The liquidus and solidus temperatures for close to equilibrium conditions during heating (DSC: 1 °C/min; 2 °C/min) and during cooling (Direct Thermal Analysis: 1 °C/min) were determined and compared. Then, the discussion on the different values obtained by experiments and empirically based calculation is realised

    Modelowanie numeryczne procesu makrosegregacji w ciężkim wlewku stalowym

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    The paper presents new knowledge and experience from numerical modelling of macrosegregation in heavy steel ingot using ProCAST software. The main aim of numerical modelling realized under the conditions of the Department of Metallurgy and Foundry and Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre at VSB-TU Ostrava is the optimization of the production of heavy steel ingots produced in V´ITKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. Input parameters of computation were determined by the real conditions of parallel experimental casting of a 90-ton steel ingot. The input data were also verified by thermal analysis and thermography measurement. The numerical results of macrosegregation were compared with the chemical analysis evaluated in a real ingot section. According to the comparison, attention will be focused next on determination of the effect of boundary conditions of filling and solidification of the ingot on the size of macrosegregation.W artykule przedstawiono doswiadczenia i nowe informacje uzyskane o procesie makrosegregacji w wielkogabarytowym wlewku stalowym przy pomocy modelowania numerycznego z uzyciem oprogramowania ProCast. Głównym celem badan o charakterze modelowania numerycznego prowadzonych na Wydziale Metalurgii i Odlewnictwa oraz w Regionalnym Centrum Technologii i Inzynierii Materiałowej VSB-TU Ostrava jest optymalizacja produkcji wielkogabarytowych wlewków stalowych produkowanych w VITKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. Dane wejsciowe do obliczen zostały wyznaczone w oparciu o opracowana analize rzeczywistych warunków odlewania stacjonarnego 90-tonowego wlewka stalowego. Zostały one dodatkowo zweryfikowane poprzez analize termiczna i pomiary termograficzne. Wyniki obliczen numerycznych porównano z wynikami analizy chemicznej przeprowadzonej dla wlewka rzeczywistego. Uzyskane rezultaty upowazniaja do podjecia w dalszej czesci badan problematyki dotyczacej okreslenia wpływu warunków brzegowych napełniania wlewnicy i krzepniecia wlewka na wielkosc procesu makrosegregacji

    Prediction of qualitative parameters of slab steel ingot using numerical modelling

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    The paper describes the verification of casting and solidification of heavy slab ingot weighing 40 t from tool steel by means of numerical modelling with use of a finite element method. The pre-processing, processing and post-processing phases of numerical modelling are outlined. Also, the problems with determination of the thermodynamic properties of materials and with determination of the heat transfer between the individual parts of the casting system are discussed. The final porosity, macrosegregation and the risk of cracks were predicted. The results allowed us to use the slab ingot instead of the conventional heavy steel ingot and to improve the ratio, the chamfer and the external shape of the wall of the new design of the slab ingot

    Measurement the Thermal Profile of Steelmaking Ladle with Subsequent Evaluation the Reasons of Lining Damage

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    Based on the operational measurement, of which content was to determine ladle thermal profile, there were analysed causes of possible damage of lining in steel ladles by steel breakout through the ladle shell. There exists connection between thermal state of ladle lining during the operation and its lifetime. There were reached to the conclusion that the cause of failure in the lining of ladle is except for high temperature of bath, also wide interval of temperature change during the tap operation, in consequence with possible insufficient pre-heating of ladle, discontinuous operation of aggregate and damage of insulating lining layer, respectively deformation of ladles shell

    Experimental verification of hematite ingot mould heat capacity and its direct utilisation in simulation of casting process

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    Heat capacity of alloys (metals) is one of the crucial thermophysical parameters used for process behaviour prediction in many applications. Heat capacity is an input variable for many thermodynamical (e.g. Thermocalc, Pandat, MTData, …) and kinetic programs (e.g. IDS-Solidification analysis package, …). The dependences of heat capacity on common variables (temperature, pressure, ...) are also commonly used as the input data in software packages (e.g. ProCast, Magmasoft, ANSYS Fluent, …) that are applicable in the field of applied research for simulations of technological processes. It follows from the above that the heat capacities of materials, alloys in our case, play a very important role in the field of basic and applied research. Generally speaking, experimental data can be found in the literature, but corresponding (needed) data for the given alloy can very seldom be found or can differ from the tabulated ones. The knowledge of proper values of heat capacities of alloys at the corresponding temperature can be substantially used for addition to and thus towards the precision of the existing database and simulation software. This study presents the values of C p measured for the hematite ingot mould and comparison of the measured data with the C p values obtained using the software CompuTherm with respect to simulation of technological casting process.Web of Science112148047