143 research outputs found

    Accepting higher morbidity in exchange for sacrificing fewer animals in studies developing novel infection-control strategies.

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    Preventing bacterial infections from becoming the leading cause of death by the year 2050 requires the development of novel, infection-control strategies, building heavily on biomaterials science, including nanotechnology. Pre-clinical (animal) studies are indispensable for this development. Often, animal infection outcomes bear little relation to human clinical outcome. Here, we review conclusions from pathogen-inoculum dose-finding pilot studies for evaluation of novel infection-control strategies in murine models. Pathogen-inoculum doses are generally preferred that produce the largest differences in quantitative infection outcome parameters between a control and an experimental group, without death or termination of animals due to having reached an inhumane end-point during the study. However, animal death may represent a better end-point for evaluation than large differences in outcome parameters or number of days over which infection persists. The clinical relevance of lower pre-clinical outcomes, such as bioluminescence, colony forming units (CFUs) retrieved or more rapid clearance of infection is unknown, as most animals cure infection without intervention, depending on pathogen-species and pathogen-inoculum dose administered. In human clinical practice, patients suffering from infection present to hospital emergency wards, frequently in life-threatening conditions. Animal infection-models should therefore use prevention of death and recurrence of infection as primary efficacy targets to be addressed by novel strategies. To compensate for increased animal morbidity and mortality, animal experiments should solely be conducted for pre-clinical proof of principle and safety. With the advent of sophisticated in vitro models, we advocate limiting use of animal models when exploring pathogenesis or infection mechanisms

    Tolerability and pharmacokinetic evaluation of inhaled dry powder hydroxychloroquine in healthy volunteers

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    RATIONALE: Inhaled antimicrobials enable high local concentrations where needed and, compared to orally administration, greatly reduce the potential for systemic side effects. In SARS-CoV-2 infections, hydroxychloroquine sulphate (HCQ) administered as dry powder via inhalation could be safer than oral HCQ allowing higher and therefore more effective pulmonary concentrations without dose limiting toxic effects. OBJECTIVES: To assess the local tolerability, safety and pharmacokinetic parameters of HCQ inhalations in single ascending doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg using the Cyclops dry powder inhaler. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers were included in the study. Local tolerability and safety were assessed by pulmonary function tests, electrocardiogram and recording adverse events. To estimate systemic exposure, serum samples were collected before and 0.5, 2 and 3.5 h after inhalation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Dry powder HCQ inhalations were well tolerated by the participants, except for transient bitter taste in all participants and minor coughing irritation. There was no significant change in QTc-interval or drop in FEV1 post inhalation. The serum HCQ concentration remained below 10 μg/L in all samples. CONCLUSION: Single doses of inhaled dry powder HCQ up to 20 mg are safe and well tolerated. Our data support that further studies with inhaled HCQ dry powder to evaluate pulmonary pharmacokinetics and efficacy are warranted

    Colistin dry powder inhalation with the Twincer (TM):An effective and more patient friendly alternative to nebulization

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    BACKGROUND: Nebulization of antimicrobial drugs such as tobramycin and colistin is a cornerstone in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, nebulization has a high treatment burden. The Twincerâ„¢ is a dry powder inhaler specifically developed for the inhalation of antibiotics such as colistin. The aim of this study was to compare patient outcomes and experience with colistin dry powder by the Twincer with nebulization of colistin or tobramycin in adult CF patients in a real-life setting. METHODS: This was a retrospective study from 01-01-2015 until 01-07-2018. Effectiveness was evaluated by comparing FEV1 decline and exacerbation rate during a mean of 4.1 years of nebulization therapy prior to the initiation of the Twincer against the same values during a mean of 1.7 years of treatment with the Twincer. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were evaluated, of whom twelve could be included in the effectiveness analysis, with a total of twenty patient years. Of all patients 71.4% preferred therapy with the Twincer over nebulization. Twincer use resulted in high treatment adherence with an average adherence rate of 92.5%. There was no significant difference in annual decline in FEV1%pred prior to and after start changing from nebulization to the use of the Twincer powder inhaler (median decline -1.56 [-5.57-5.31] and 1.35 [-8.45-6.36]) respectively, p = 0.45 (linear mixed effect model)). No significant difference was found in the number of intravenous or combined total intravenous and oral antibiotic courses during Twincer therapy compared to when using nebulization (1.68 and 2.49 courses during Twincer therapy versus 1.51 and 2.94 courses during nebulization, p = 0.88 and p = 0.63). CONCLUSION: Colistin dry powder inhalation with the Twincer is a more patient friendly alternative to nebulization, and we did not observe significant differences in the clinical outcome, regarding lung function and exacerbation rates

    Performance of Tablet Splitters, Crushers, and Grinders in Relation to Personalised Medication with Tablets

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    Swallowing problems and the required dose adaptations needed to obtain optimal pharmacotherapy may be a hurdle in the use of tablets in daily clinical practice. Tablet splitting, crushing, or grinding is often applied to personalise medication, especially for the elderly and children. In this study, the performance of different types of (commercially available) devices was studied. Included were splitters, screwcap crushers, manual grinders, and electric grinders. Unscored tablets without active ingredient were prepared, with a diameter of 9 and 13 mm and a hardness of 100–220 N. Tablets were split into two parts and the difference in weight was measured. The time needed to pulverise the tablets (crush time) was recorded. The residue remaining in the device (loss) was measured. The powder was sieved to obtain a particle fraction >600 µm and <600 µm. The median particle size and particle size distribution of the later fraction were determined using laser diffraction analysis. Splitting tablets into two equal parts appeared to be difficult with the devices tested. Most screwcap grinders yielded a coarse powder containing larger chunks. Manual and especially electric grinders produced a finer powder, making it suitable for administration via an enteral feeding tube as well as for use in individualised preparations such as capsules. In conclusion, for domestic and incidental use, a screwcap crusher may provide sufficient size reduction, while for the more demanding regular use in hospitals and nursing residences, a manual or electric grinder is preferred

    Can patients with Parkinson's disease use dry powder inhalers during off periods?

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    Because of its rapid onset of action, pulmonary administration of levodopa is an interesting alternative to oral administration for the rescue treatment of Parkinson's disease patients in an off period. We studied the ability of Parkinson's disease patients to operate a dry powder inhaler (DPI) correctly during an off period. We used an instrumented test inhaler with three different resistances to air flow to record flow curves and computed various inhalation parameters. We observed that all (13) patients were able to generate pressure drops > 2 kPa over the highest resistance and 10 out of 13 patients achieved at least 4 kPa. Inhaled volumes (all resistances) varied from 1.2 L to 3.5 L. Total inhalation time and the time to peak inspiratory flow rate both decreased with decreasing inhaler resistance. Twelve out of thirteen patients could hold their breath for at least five seconds after inhalation and nine could extend this time to ten seconds. The data from this study indicate that patients with Parkinson's disease will indeed be able to use a dry powder inhaler during an off period and they provide an adequate starting point for the development of a levodopa powder inhaler to treat this particular patient group

    Associations of AMP and adenosine induced dyspnea sensation to large and small airways dysfunction in asthma

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    Abstract Background Bronchial provocation is often used to confirm asthma. Dyspnea sensation, however, associates poorly with the evoked drop in FEV1. Provocation tests only use the large airways parameter FEV1, although dyspnea is associated with both large- and small airways dysfunction. Aim of this study was to explore if adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) and adenosine evoke an equal dyspnea sensation and if dyspnea associates better with large or small airways dysfunction. Methods We targeted large airways with AMP and small airways with dry powder adenosine in 59 asthmatic (ex)-smokers with ≥5 packyears, 14 ± 7 days apart. All subjects performed spirometry, impulse oscillometry (IOS), and Borg dyspnea score. In 36 subjects multiple breath nitrogen washout (MBNW) was additionally performed. We analyzed the association of the change (Δ) in Borg score with the change in large and small airways parameters, using univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses. MBNW was analyzed separately. Results Provocation with AMP and adenosine evoked similar levels of dyspnea. ΔFEV1 was not significantly associated with ΔBorg after either AMP or adenosine provocation, in both univariate and multivariate analyses. In multivariate linear regression, a decrease in FEF25–75 during adenosine provocation was independently associated with an increase in Borg. In the multivariate analyses for AMP provocation, no significant associations were found between ΔBorg and any large or small airways parameters. Conclusion AMP and adenosine induce equally severe dyspnea sensations. Our results suggest that dyspnea induced with dry powder adenosine is related to small airways involvement, while neither large nor small airways dysfunction was associated with AMP-induced dyspnea. Trail registration NCT01741285 at www.clinicaltrials.gov, first registered Dec 4th, 2012

    Polymeric microspheres for the sustained release of a protein-based drug carrier targeting the PDGFβ-receptor in the fibrotic kidney

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    Injectable sustained release drug delivery systems are an attractive alternative for the intravenous delivery of therapeutic proteins. In particular, for chronic diseases such as fibrosis, this approach could improve therapy by reducing the administration frequency while avoiding large variations in plasma levels. In fibrotic tissues the platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFβR) is highly upregulated, which provides a target for site-specific delivery of drugs. Our aim was to develop an injectable sustained release formulation for the subcutaneous delivery of the PDGFβR-targeted drug carrier protein pPB-HSA, which is composed of multiple PDGFβR-recognizing moieties (pPB) attached to human serum albumin (HSA). We used blends of biodegradable multi-block copolymers with different swelling degree to optimize the release rate using the model protein HSA from microspheres produced via a water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion evaporation process. The optimized formulation containing pPB-HSA, showed complete release in vitro within 14 days. After subcutaneous administration to mice suffering from renal fibrosis pPB-HSA was released from the microspheres and distributed into plasma for at least 7days after administration. Furthermore, we demonstrated an enhanced accumulation of pPB-HSA in the fibrotic kidney. Altogether, we show that subcutaneously administered polymeric microspheres present a suitable sustained release drug delivery system for the controlled systemic delivery for proteins such as pPB-HSA

    The antifibrotic potential of a sustained release formulation of a PDGFβ-receptor targeted rho kinase inhibitor

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    Rho kinase activity in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) is associated with activation, transformation and contraction of these cells, leading to extracellular matrix production and portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis. Inhibition of rho kinase activity can reduce these activities, but may also lead to side effects, for instance systemic hypotension. This can be circumvented by liver-specific delivery of a rho kinase inhibitor to effector cells. Therefore, we targeted the rho kinase inhibitor Y27632 to the key pathogenic cells in liver fibrosis, i.e. myofibroblasts including activated HSCs that highly express the PDGF beta-receptor, using the drug carrier pPB-MSA. This carrier consists of mouse serum albumin (MSA) covalently coupled to several PDGF beta-recognizing moieties (pPB). We aimed to create a prolonged release system of such a targeted construct, by encapsulating pPB-MSA-Y27632 in biodegradable polymeric microspheres, thereby reducing short-lasting peak concentrations and the need for frequent administrations. Firstly, we confirmed the vasodilating potency of PDGF beta-receptor targeted Y27632 in vitro in a contraction assay using HSCs seeded on a collagen gel. We subsequently demonstrated the in vivo antifibrotic efficacy of pPB-MSA-Y27632-loaded microspheres in the Mdr2 - / - mouse model of progressive biliary liver fibrosis. A single subcutaneous microsphere administration followed by organ harvest one week later clearly attenuated liver fibrosis progression and significantly suppressed the expression of fibrosis related genes, such as several collagens, profibrotic cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases. In conclusion, we demonstrate that polymeric microspheres are suitable as drug delivery system for the sustained systemic delivery of targeted protein constructs with antifibrotic potential, such as pPB-MSA-Y27632. This formulation appears suitable for the sustained treatment of liver fibrosis and possibly other chronic diseases

    Copper-heparin inhalation therapy to repair emphysema: A scientific rationale

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    Current pharmacotherapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) aims at reducing respiratory symptoms and exacerbation frequency. Effective therapies to reduce disease progression, however, are still lacking. Furthermore, COPD medications showed less favorable effects in emphysema than in other COPD phenotypes. Elastin fibers are reduced and disrupted, whereas collagen levels are increased in emphysematous lungs. Protease/antiprotease imbalance has historically been regarded as the sole cause of emphysema. However, it is nowadays appreciated that emphysema may also be provoked by perturbations in the sequential repair steps following elastolysis. Essentiality of fibulin-5 an
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