5,058 research outputs found

    GA tuning of pitch controller for small scale MAVs

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    The paper presents the application of intelligent tuning methods for the control of a prototype MAV in order to address problems associated with bandwidth limited actuators and gust alleviation. Specifically, as a proof of concept, the investigation is focused on the pitch control of a MAV. The work is supported by experimental results from wind tunnel testing that shows the merits of the use of Genetic Algorithm (GA) tuning techniques compared to classical, empirical tuning methodologies. To provide a measure of relative merit, the controller responses are evaluated using the ITAE performance index. In this way, the proposed method is shown to induce far superior dynamic performance compared to traditional approaches

    A back to back multilevel converter for driving low inductance brushless AC machines

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    Traditionally, multilevel converters are utilised in medium voltage applications, allowing the DC-link voltage to exceed the switch maximum blocking voltage. Here, their application to control high- efficiency brushless permanent magnet synchronous machines exhibiting low phase inductance is explored, the relative advantages being shown to include reduced current ripple and improved harmonic spectrum. A cost benefit analysis is included along with experimental results from a prototype 5-level back-to-back converter

    Modelling and regulation of dual-output LCLC resonant converters

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    The analysis, design and control of 4th-order LCLC voltage-output series-parallel resonant converters (SPRCs) for the provision of multiple regulated outputs, is described. Specifically, state-variable concepts are employed and new analysis techniques are developed to establish operating mode boundaries with which to describe the internal behaviour of a dual-output resonant converter topology. The designer is guided through the most important criteria for realising a satisfactory converter, and the impact of parameter choices on performance is explored. Predictions from the resulting models are compared with those obtained from SPICE simulations and measurements from a prototype power supply under closed loop control

    A cascaded H-bridge BLDC drive incorporating battery management

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    A multilevel BLDC drive is proposed using cascaded H-bridges with isolated sources to provide superior output waveforms and reduced current ripple whilst incorporating observer based SoC estimation. Energy management, based on SoC, is incorporated to improve battery performance, reduce variation between cells and to control charge/discharge profiles

    Battery health determination by subspace parameter estimation and sliding mode control for an all-electric Personal Rapid Transit vehicle — the ULTra

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    The paper describes a real-time adaptive battery modelling methodology for use in an all electric personal rapid transit (PRT) vehicle. Through use of a sliding-mode observer and online subspace parameter estimation, the voltages associated with monitoring the state of charge (SoC) of the battery system are shown to be accurately estimated, even with erroneous initial conditions in both the model and parameters. In this way, problems such as self- discharge during storage of the cells and SoC drift (as usually incurred by coulomb-counting methods due to overcharging or ambient temperature fluctuations) are overcome. Moreover, through online monitoring of the degradation of the estimated parameters, battery ageing (State of Health) can be monitored and, in the case of safety- critical systems, cell failure may be predicted in time to avoid inconvenience to passenger networks. Due to the adaptive nature of the proposed methodology, this system can be implemented over a wide range of operating environments, applications and battery topologies, by adjustment of the underlying state-space model

    Rapid steady-state analysis of CLL resonant power converters

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    Cyclic averaging techniques are applied to the CLL resonant power converter to provide steady-state converter characteristics for rapid stress analysis. This is shown to facilitate the determination of mode duties and initial conditions through knowledge of the operational modes of the rectifier at various operating frequencies. Comparisons are made with FMA-based cyclic analyses, and Spice simulations, that show, respectively, improved accuracy and vastly improved execution speeds

    State-variable modelling of CLL resonant converters

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    The paper presents the derivation and application of state-variable models to high-order topologies of resonant converters. In particular, a 3rd order CLL resonant circuit is considered with bridge rectification and both a capacitive output filter (voltage output), and an LC output filter (current output). The state-variable model accuracy is verified against component-based simulation packages (Spice) and practical measurements, and it is shown that the resulting models facilitate rapid analysis compared to their integration-based counterparts (Spice, Saber), without the loss of accuracy normally associated with fundamental mode approximation (FMA) techniques. Moreover, unlike FMA, the models correctly predict the resonant peaks associated with harmonic excitation of the tank resonance. Subsequently, it is shown that excitation of the resonant tank by odd harmonics of the input voltage can be utilised to provide overcurrent protection in the event of an output short-circuit. Further, through judicious control of operating frequency, it is shown that 'inductive' zero voltage switching (ZVS) can still be obtained, facilitating reductions in gate-drive switching losses, thereby improving efficiency and thermal management of the supply under fault conditions. Although the results are ultimately generic to other converter counterparts, measured results from two prototype 36 V input, 11-14.4V output, 3rd - order CLL converters are included to practically demonstrate the attributes of the proposed analysis and control schemes

    Hardware-in-the-loop tuning of a feedback controller for a buck converter using a GA

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    This paper presents a methodology for tuning a PID-based feedback controller for a buck converter using the ITAE controller performance index. The controller parameters are optimized to ensure that a reasonable transient response can be achieved whilst retaining stable operation. Experimental results demonstrate the versatility of the on-line tuning methodology

    Analysis and control of dual-output LCLC resonant converters, and the impact of leakage inductance

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    The analysis, design and control of 4th-order LCLC voltage-output series-parallel resonant converters (SPRCs) for the provision of multiple regulated outputs, is described. Specifically, state-variable concepts are developed to establish operating mode boundaries with which to describe the internal behaviour of dual-output resonant converters, and the impact of output leakage inductance. The resulting models are compared with those obtained from SPICE simulations and measurements from a prototype power supply under closed loop control to verify the analysis, modeling and control predictions

    Observer based feedback control of 3rd order LCC resonant converters

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    The paper considers specific issues related to the design and realisation of observer-based feedback of isolated output voltage for resonant power converters. To provide a focus to the study, a 3rd order LCC converter is employed as a candidate topology. It is shown that whilst resonant converters nominally operate at high switching frequencies to facilitate the use of small reactive components, by appropriate pre-conditioning of non-isolated resonant-tank voltages and currents, the resulting observer can be implemented at relatively low sampling frequencies, and hence, take advantage of low-cost digital hardware. Experimental results are used to demonstrate the accuracy of observer estimates under both transient and steady-state operating conditions, and to show operation of the observer as part of a closed-loop feedback system where the LCC resonant converter is used as a regulated power supply
