28,195 research outputs found

    B->gamma e nu Transitions from QCD Sum Rules

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    B->gamma e nu transitions have recently been studied in the framework of QCD factorization. The attractiveness of this channel for such an analysis lies in the fact that, at least in the heavy quark limit, the only hadron involved is the B meson itself, so one expects a very simple description of the form factor in terms of a convolution of the B meson distribution amplitude with a perturbative kernel. This description, however, does not include contributions suppressed by powers of the b quark mass. In this letter, we calculate corrections to the factorized expression which are induced by the ``soft'' hadronic component of the photon. We demonstrate that the power-suppression of these terms is numerically not effective for physical values of the bb quark mass and that they increase the form factor by about 30% at zero momentum transfer. We also derive a sum rule for lambda_B, the first negative moment of the B meson distribution amplitude, and find lambda_B = 0.6 GeV (to leading order in QCD).Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    A DAQ System for Linear Collider TPC Prototypes based on the ALEPH TPC Electronics

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    Within the international studies of a high energy linear electron positron collider, several groups are developing and testing prototypes for a Linear Collider TPC. This detector is planned to be used as a central part in the tracking system of a detector at such a machine. In this note we describe a DAQ system, which has been developed for the use in tests of TPC prototypes. It is based on electronics used at the ALEPH experiment at CERN.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Heavy to Light Meson Exclusive Semileptonic Decays in Effective Field Theory of Heavy Quark

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    We present a general study on exclusive semileptonic decays of heavy (B, D, B_s) to light (pi, rho, K, K^*) mesons in the framework of effective field theory of heavy quark. Transition matrix elements of these decays can be systematically characterized by a set of wave functions which are independent of the heavy quark mass except for the implicit scale dependence. Form factors for all these decays are calculated consistently within the effective theory framework using the light cone sum rule method at the leading order of 1/m_Q expansion. The branching ratios of these decays are evaluated, and the heavy and light flavor symmetry breaking effects are investigated. We also give comparison of our results and the predictions from other approaches, among which are the relations proposed recently in the framework of large energy effective theory.Comment: 18 pages, ReVtex, 5 figures, added references and comparison of results, and corrected signs in some formula

    Light-cone sum rules for BπB \to \pi form factors revisited

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    We reconsider and update the QCD light-cone sum rules for BπB\to \pi form factors. The gluon radiative corrections to the twist-2 and twist-3 terms in the correlation functions are calculated. The MSˉ\bar{MS} bb-quark mass is employed, instead of the one-loop pole mass used in the previous analyses. The light-cone sum rule for fBπ+(q2)f^+_{B\pi}(q^2) is fitted to the measured q2q^2-distribution in BπlνlB\to \pi l \nu_l, fixing the input parameters with the largest uncertainty: the Gegenbauer moments of the pion distribution amplitude. For the BπB\to \pi vector form factor at zero momentum transfer we predict fBπ+(0)=0.260.03+0.04f^+_{B\pi}(0)= 0.26^{+0.04}_{-0.03}. Combining it with the value of the product VubfBπ+(0)|V_{ub}f^+_{B\pi}(0)| extracted from experiment, we obtain Vub=(3.5±0.4±0.2±0.1)×103|V_{ub}|=(3.5\pm 0.4\pm 0.2\pm 0.1) \times 10^{-3}. In addition, the scalar and penguin BπB\to \pi form factors fBπ0(q2)f^0_{B\pi}(q^2) and fBπT(q2)f^T_{B\pi}(q^2) are calculated.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, one figure and a few comments added, version to appear in JHE

    Analysis of B-> \phi K Decays in QCD Factorization

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    We analyze the decay BϕKB\to \phi K within the framework of QCD-improved factorization. We found that although the twist-3 kaon distribution amplitude dominates the spectator interactions, it will suppress the decay rates slightly. The weak annihilation diagrams induced by (SP)(S+P)(S-P)(S+P) penguin operators, which are formally power-suppressed by order (Λ/mb)2(\Lambda/m_b)^2, are chirally and logarithmically enhanced. Therefore, these annihilation contributions are not subject to helicity suppression and can be sizable. The predicted branching ratio of BϕKB^-\to\phi K^- is (3.8±0.6)×106(3.8\pm0.6)\times 10^{-6} in the absence of annihilation contributions and it becomes (4.31.4+3.0)×106(4.3^{+3.0}_{-1.4})\times 10^{-6} when annihilation effects are taken into account. The prediction is consistent with CLEO and BaBar data but smaller than the BELLE result.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. A major change for the presentation of branching-ratio predictions. Experimental data are update

    The BsKB_{s}\to K Form Factor in The Whole Kinematically Accessible Range

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    A systematic analysis is presented of the BsKB_{s}\to K form factor f(q2)f(q^{2}) in the whole range of momentum transfer q2q^{2}, which would be useful to analyzing the future data on BsKB_{s}\to K decays and extracting Vub| V_{ub}|. With a modified QCD light cone sum rule (LCSR) approach, in which the contributions cancel out from the twist 3 wavefunctions of KK meson, we investigate in detail the behavior of f(q2)f(q^{2}) at small and intermediate q2q^{2} and the nonperturbative quantity fBgBBsKf_{B^{\ast}}g_{B^{\ast}B_{s}K} (fB(f_{B^{\ast}} is the decay constant of BB^{\ast} meson and gBBsKg_{B^{\ast}B_{s}K} the BBsKB^{\ast}B_{s}K strong coupling), whose numerical result is used to study q2q^{2} dependence of f(q2)f(q^{2}) at large q2q^{2} in the single pole approximation. Based on these findings, a form factor model from the best fit is formulated, which applies to the calculation on f(q2)f(q^{2}) in the whole kinematically accessible range. Also, a comparison is made with the standard LCSR predictions.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 1 eps figure, Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Lattice deformations at martensite-martensite interfaces in Ni-Al

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    The atomic configurations at macrotwin interfaces between microtwinned martensite plates in Ni65Al35Ni_{65}Al_{35} material are investigated using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The observed structures are interpreted in view of possible formation mechanisms of these interfaces. A distinction is made between cases in which the microtwins, originating from mutually perpendicular \{110\} austenite planes, enclose a final angle larger or smaller than 9090^{\circ}, measured over the boundary. Two different configurations, one with crossing microtwins and the other with ending microtwins producing a step configuration are described. The latter is related with the existence of microtwin sequences with changing variant widths. Although both features appear irrespective of the material’s preparation technique, rapid solidification seems to prefer the step configuration. Depending on the actual case, tapering, bending and tip splitting of the small microtwin variants is observed. Sever lattice deformations and reorientations occur in a region of 5 – 10 nm around the interface while sequences of single plane ledges gradually bending the microtwins are found up to 50 nm away form the interface. These structures and deformations are interpreted in view of the need to accommodate any remaining stresses

    Incompatible sets of gradients and metastability

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    We give a mathematical analysis of a concept of metastability induced by incompatibility. The physical setting is a single parent phase, just about to undergo transformation to a product phase of lower energy density. Under certain conditions of incompatibility of the energy wells of this energy density, we show that the parent phase is metastable in a strong sense, namely it is a local minimizer of the free energy in an L1L^1 neighbourhood of its deformation. The reason behind this result is that, due to the incompatibility of the energy wells, a small nucleus of the product phase is necessarily accompanied by a stressed transition layer whose energetic cost exceeds the energy lowering capacity of the nucleus. We define and characterize incompatible sets of matrices, in terms of which the transition layer estimate at the heart of the proof of metastability is expressed. Finally we discuss connections with experiment and place this concept of metastability in the wider context of recent theoretical and experimental research on metastability and hysteresis.Comment: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, to appea

    Bs0η()η()B_s^0 \to \eta^{(\prime)} \eta^{(\prime)} decays in the pQCD approach

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    We calculate the CP averaged branching ratios and CP-violating asymmetries for Bs0ηη,ηηB_s^0 \to \eta \eta, \eta \eta^\prime and ηη\eta^\prime \eta^\prime decays in the perturbative QCD (pQCD) approach here. The pQCD predictions for the CP-averaged branching ratios are Br(B_s^0 \to \eta \eta) = \left (14.2^{+18.0}_{-7.5}) \times 10^{-6}, Br(B_s^0 \to \eta \eta^\prime)= \left (12.4 ^{+18.2}_{-7.0}) \times 10^{-6}, and Br(B_s^0 \to \eta^{\prime} \eta^{\prime}) = \left (9.2^{+15.3}_{-4.9}) \times 10^{-6}, which agree well with those obtained by employing the QCD factorization approach and also be consistent with available experimental upper limits. The gluonic contributions are small in size: less than 7% for BsηηB_s \to \eta \eta and ηη \eta \eta^\prime decays, and around 18% for BsηηB_s \to \eta' \eta' decay. The CP-violating asymmetries for three decays are very small: less than 3% in magnitude.Comment: 11 pages, 1 ps figure, Revte

    The Semileptonic Decays Dπ(ρ)eνD\to \pi(\rho) e \nu and Bπ(ρ)eνB\to \pi (\rho) e \nu from QCD Sum Rules

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    We investigate the semileptonic decays of B and D mesons into π\pi and ρ\rho mesons, respectively, by means of QCD sum rules. We find that for the vector formfactors involved the pole dominance hypothesis is valid to good accuracy with pole masses in the expected range. Pole dominance, however, does not apply to the axial formfactors which results in specific predictions for the predominant polarization of the ρ\rho meson and the shape of the lepton spectrum. For the total decay rates we find Γ(Bˉ0π+eνˉ)=(5.1±1.1)Vub21012s1\Gamma (\bar B^0 \to \pi^+ e^- \bar\nu) = (5.1\pm 1.1)\,|V_{ub}|^2\, 10^{12}\,{\rm s^{-1}}, Γ(D0πe+ν)=(8.0±1.7)Vcd21010s1\Gamma ( D^0 \to \pi^- e^+ \nu) = (8.0\pm 1.7)\,|V_{cd}|^2\, 10^{10}\,{\rm s^{-1}}, Γ(Bˉ0ρ+eνˉ)=(1.2±0.4)Vub21013s1\Gamma (\bar B^0 \to \rho^+ e^- \bar\nu) = (1.2\pm 0.4\,)\,|V_{ub}|^2\, 10^{13}\,{\rm s^{-1}} and Γ(D0ρe+ν)=(2.4±0.7)Vcd2109s1\Gamma (D^0 \to \rho^- e^+\nu) = (2.4\pm 0.7)\,|V_{cd}|^2\, 10^{9}\,{\rm s^{-1}}.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures included as uu-encoded file, needs REVTEX, TUM--T31--39/9