344 research outputs found

    Increase in cation exchange capacity by the action of maize rhizosphere on Mg or Fe biotite-rich rocks.

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    O intemperismo de alguns minerais silicáticos em rochas moídas pode ocorrer em alguns dias de cultivo e gerar diferentes propriedades físico-químicas, com benefícios potenciais a solos tropicais. Objetivou-se investigar a influência da rizosfera do milho (Zea mays L.) nos produtos do intemperismo e na capacidade de troca de cátions da biotita-Mg da biotita xisto e biotita-Fe da biotita sienito. Um experimento em vasos foi conduzido de forma que plantas e rochas moídas foram avaliadas por sete ciclos de cultivo sucessivos. Os nutrientes ferro e potássio foram adquiridos da biotita xisto e da biotita sienito durante o cultivo. O intemperismo das biotitas promovido pela rizosfera causou mudanças mineralógicas. A mudança mais expressiva nos padrões da difração de raios-X ocorreu na fração com partículas < 53 &#956;m, mas as frações 53-300 &#956;m também mudaram. A alteração na biotita-Mg, que possui menor relação Fe/Mg nos sítios octaedrais que a biotita-Fe, foi responsável pelo maior aumento na capacidade de troca de cátions nas frações < 300 &#956;m. Entretanto, o processo de intemperismo da biotita-Fe, a qual apresenta alta relação Fe/Mg nos sítios octaedrais, não aumentou a capacidade de troca de cátion

    Successive off take of elements by maize grown in pure basalt powder.

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    Abstract: Basalt powder wastes from mining activities have potential to be used as a natural fertilizer. Basalt minerals in agricultural soils may release plant nutrients and increase soil negative charge. In this work, the weathering of basalt promoted by maize rhizosphere was investigated. We studied the chemical and mineralogical composition of basalt, including cation exchange capacity, as well as the rate of elements offtake by maize grown in a pure basalt powder during seven successive growth cycles. A pot experiment was carried out under controlled environmental conditions; plant and rock materials were evaluated at the end of successive growth cycles. X-ray powder diffraction analysis showed diopside and andesine as main minerals of basalt, and smectite. Scanning electron microscopy images evidenced new amorphous components resulting from rhizosphere-induced weathering. The elements K, Ca, Mg, Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn were measured in plant tissue, and related to the weathering of basalt minerals. The studied basalt, therefore, provides nutrients to plants and exhibits physicochemical properties, such as cation exchange capacity, especially important for highly weathered soils presenting low cation exchange capacity, such as Oxisols.Article Number - 9A4418A6291

    Improving the Efficiency of Physical Examination Services

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    The objective of our project was to improve the efficiency of the physical examination screening service of a large hospital system. We began with a detailed simulation model to explore the relationships between four performance measures and three decision factors. We then attempted to identify the optimal physician inquiry starting time by solving a goal-programming problem, where the objective function includes multiple goals. One of our simulation results shows that the proposed optimal physician inquiry starting time decreased patient wait times by 50% without increasing overall physician utilization

    Excitonic recombination dynamics in shallow quantum wells

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    We report a comprehensive study of carrier-recombination dynamics in shallow AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells. At low crystal temperature (2 K), the excitonic radiative recombination time is shown to be strongly enhanced in shallow quantum wells with x>0.01, consistently with a model that takes into account the thermal equilibrium between the three-dimensional exciton gas of the barrier and the two-dimensional exciton gas, which are closer in energy as x decreases. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of a thermally activated escape mechanism due to the low effective barrier height in these structures. The nonradiative recombination is shown to dominate the carrier dynamics for temperatures as low as 10 K for x≈0.01. Our experimental observations are analyzed using three different variational exciton calculations. In particular, we study the crossover from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional behavior of the exciton, which occurs for x as low as 0.01 and affects mainly the oscillator strength, whereas the transition energies in shallow quantum wells can be calculated, to a large extent, using the same approximations as for conventional quantum wells. The peculiar behavior of the oscillator strength at the crossover to the weak confinement regime is obtained by expansion in a large basis

    Immunohistochemical analysis of the mechanistic target of rapamycin and hypoxia signalling pathways in basal cell carcinoma and trichoepithelioma

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    Background: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer in Caucasians. Trichoepithelioma (TE) is a benign neoplasm that strongly resembles BCC. Both are hair follicle (HF) tumours. HFs are hypoxic microenvironments, therefore we hypothesized that hypoxia-induced signalling pathways could be involved in BCC and TE as they are in other human malignancies. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) and mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) are key players in these pathways. Objectives: To determine whether HIF1/mTOR signalling is involved in BCC and TE. Methods: We used immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded BCC (n = 45) and TE (n = 35) samples to assess activity of HIF1, mTORC1 and their most important target genes. The percentage positive tumour cells was assessed manually in a semi-quantitative manner and categorized (0%, 80%). Results: Among 45 BCC and 35 TE examined, expression levels were respectively 81% and 57% (BNIP3), 73% and 75% (CAIX), 79% and 86% (GLUT1), 50% and 19% (HIF1 alpha), 89% and 88% (pAKT), 55% and 61% (pS6), 15% and 25% (pMTOR), 44% and 63% (PHD2) and 44% and 49% (VEGF-A). CAIX, Glut1 and PHD2 expression levels were significantly higher in TE when only samples with at least 80% expression were included. Conclusions: HIF and mTORC1 signalling seems active in both BCC and TE. There are no appreciable differences between the two with respect to pathway activity. At this moment immunohistochemical analyses of HIF, mTORC1 and their target genes does not provide a reliable diagnostic tool for the discrimination of BCC and TE

    Zum biochemischen Wirkungsmechanismus des adrenocorticotropen Hormons

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    Es wird eine Übersicht über zwei Hypothesen und die dazugehörigen Befunde zum Wirkungsmechanismus des adrenocorticotropen Hormons gegeben: 1. Der Gehalt der Nebenniere an cyclischem Adenosinmonophosphat wird durch ACTH erhöht, die stimulierende Wirkung des Hormons auf die Corticoidsynthese wird durch cyclisches Adenosinmonophosphat imitiert. Die Beschleunigung der Corticoidsynthese dürfte allerdings nicht durch eine Aktivierung der Phosphorylase in der Nebenniere erfolgen. 2. Befunde zum biochemischen Mechanismus der Stimulation der Proteinsynthese in der Nebenniere durch ACTH werden referiert. Die Intaktheit der Proteinsynthese der Nebenniere scheint für den steroidogenen Effekt des ACTH Voraussetzung zu sein.Two current hypotheses on the mechanism of action of ACTH are reviewed: 1. The content of cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate of the adrenals is increased by ACTH, and cyclic AMP or ACTH enhance corticoid synthesis. However, stimulation of corticoid synthesis presumably is not mediated by activation of adrenal phosphorylase. 2. Experiments dealing with the biochemical mechanism of the stimulation of adrenal protein synthesis are reviewed. The integrity of the adrenal protein synthesis appears to be necessary for the enhancement of corticoid synthesis by ACTH