427 research outputs found

    Effect of primary organic sea spray emissions on cloud condensation nuclei concentrations

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    This work estimates the primary marine organic aerosol global emission source and its impact on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations by implementing an organic sea spray source function into a series of global aerosol simulations. The source function assumes that a fraction of the sea spray emissions, depending on the local chlorophyll concentration, is organic matter in place of sea salt. Effect on CCN concentrations (at 0.2% supersaturation) is modeled using the Two-Moment Aerosol Sectional (TOMAS) microphysics algorithm coupled to the GISS II-prime general circulation model. The presence of organics affects CCN activity in competing ways: by reducing the amount of solute available in the particle and decreasing surface tension of CCN. To model surfactant effects, surface tension depression data from seawater samples taken near the Georgia coast were applied as a function of carbon concentrations. A global marine organic aerosol emission rate of 17.7 Tg C yr<sup>−1</sup> is estimated from the simulations. Marine organics exert a localized influence on CCN(0.2%) concentrations, decreasing regional concentrations by no more than 5% and by less than 0.5% over most of the globe, assuming direct replacement of sea salt aerosol with organic aerosol. The decrease in CCN concentrations results from the fact that the decrease in particle solute concentration outweighs the organic surfactant effects. The low sensitivity of CCN(0.2%) to the marine organic emissions is likely due to the small compositional changes: the mass fraction of OA in accumulation mode aerosol increases by only ~15% in a biologically active region of the Southern Ocean. To test the sensitivity to uncertainty in the sea spray emissions process, we relax the assumption that sea spray aerosol number and mass remain fixed and instead can add to sea spray emissions rather than replace existing sea salt. In these simulations, we find that marine organic aerosol can increase CCN by up to 50% in the Southern Ocean and 3.7% globally during the austral summer. This vast difference in CCN impact highlights the need for further observational exploration of the sea spray aerosol emission process as well as evaluation and development of model parameterizations

    Imaging a 1-electron InAs quantum dot in an InAs/InP nanowire

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    Nanowire heterostructures define high-quality few-electron quantum dots for nanoelectronics, spintronics and quantum information processing. We use a cooled scanning probe microscope (SPM) to image and control an InAs quantum dot in an InAs/InP nanowire, using the tip as a movable gate. Images of dot conductance vs. tip position at T = 4.2 K show concentric rings as electrons are added, starting with the first electron. The SPM can locate a dot along a nanowire and individually tune its charge, abilities that will be very useful for the control of coupled nanowire dots

    Defining and controlling double quantum dots in single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We report the experimental realization of double quantum dots in single-walled carbon nanotubes. The device consists of a nanotube with source and drain contact, and three additional top-gate electrodes in between. We show that, by energizing these top-gates, it is possible to locally gate a nanotube, to create a barrier, or to tune the chemical potential of a part of the nanotube. At low temperatures we find (for three different devices) that in certain ranges of top-gate voltages our device acts as a double quantum dot, evidenced by the typical honeycomb charge stability pattern.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum mechanical time-delay matrix in chaotic scattering

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    We calculate the probability distribution of the matrix Q = -i \hbar S^{-1} dS/dE for a chaotic system with scattering matrix S at energy E. The eigenvalues \tau_j of Q are the so-called proper delay times, introduced by E. P. Wigner and F. T. Smith to describe the time-dependence of a scattering process. The distribution of the inverse delay times turns out to be given by the Laguerre ensemble from random-matrix theory.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Evolution of avalanche conducting states in electrorheological liquids

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    Charge transport in electrorheological fluids is studied experimentally under strongly nonequlibrium conditions. By injecting an electrical current into a suspension of conducting nanoparticles we are able to initiate a process of self-organization which leads, in certain cases, to formation of a stable pattern which consists of continuous conducting chains of particles. The evolution of the dissipative state in such system is a complex process. It starts as an avalanche process characterized by nucleation, growth, and thermal destruction of such dissipative elements as continuous conducting chains of particles as well as electroconvective vortices. A power-law distribution of avalanche sizes and durations, observed at this stage of the evolution, indicates that the system is in a self-organized critical state. A sharp transition into an avalanche-free state with a stable pattern of conducting chains is observed when the power dissipated in the fluid reaches its maximum. We propose a simple evolution model which obeys the maximum power condition and also shows a power-law distribution of the avalanche sizes.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Mid-21st Century Ozone Air Quality and Health Burden in China Under Emissions Scenarios and Climate Change

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    Despite modest emissions reductions of air pollutants in recent years, China still suffers from poor air quality, and the outlook for future air quality in China is uncertain. We explore the impact of two disparate 2050 emissions scenarios relative to 2015 in the context of a changing climate with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Atmospheric Model version 3 (GFDL-AM3) chemistry-climate model. We impose the same near-term climate change for both emission scenarios by setting global sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice cover (SIC) to the average over 20102019 and 20462055, respectively, from a three-member ensemble of GFDL coupled climate model simulations under the RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Pathway) scenario. By the 2050s, annual mean surface ozone increases throughout China by up to 8 ppbv from climate change alone (estimated by holding air pollutants at 2015 levels while setting SIC and SST to 2050 conditions in the model) and by 812 ppbv in a scenario in which emissions of ozone precursors nitrogen oxides (NO (sub x) ) and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) increase by ~10%. In a scenario in which NO (sub x) and anthropogenic VOC emissions decline by 60%, annual mean surface ozone over China decreases by 1620 ppbv in the 2050s relative to the 2010s. The ozone increase from climate change alone results in an additional 62 000 premature deaths in China as compared to 330 000 fewer premature deaths by the 2050s under a strong emissions mitigation scenario. In springtime over Southwestern China in the 2050s, the model projects 912 ppbv enhancements to surface ozone from the stratosphere (diagnosed with a model tracer) and from international anthropogenic emissions (diagnosed by differencing AM3 simulations with the same emissions within China but higher versus lower emissions in the rest of the world). Our findings highlight the effectiveness of emissions controls in reducing the health burden in China due to air pollution, and also the potential for climate change and rising global emissions to offset, at least partially, some of the ozone decreases attained with regional emission reductions in China

    Optical dephasing on femtosecond time scales: Direct measurement and calculation from solvent spectral densities

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    The connection between dephasing of optical coherence and the measured spectral density of the pure solvent is made through measurements and calculations of photon echo signals. 2-pulse photon echo measurements of a cyanine dye in polar solvents are presented. Signals are recorded for both phase matched directions enabling accurate determination of the echo signal time shift. Echo signals are calculated by two approaches that employ the response function description of nonlinear spectroscopy; ͑i͒ a single Brownian oscillator line shape model, and ͑ii͒ the line shape obtained using the solvent spectral density. The strongly overdamped Brownian oscillator model incorporates only a single adjustable parameter while the experimental data present two fitting constraints. The second model incorporates the measured solvent spectral density. Both give very good agreement with the experimental results. The significance of the second method lies in this being a new approach to calculate nonlinear spectroscopic signals, for comparison with experimental data, that uses directly the measured spectrum of equilibrium fluctuations of the solvent. This approach also provides a better conceptual perspective for deriving insight into the nature of the solute-solvent coupling mechanism. Comparing the parameters for the strength of interaction in a variety of polar solvents it is found that the coupling involves the solvent polarizability and not the solvent polarity. The interaction mechanism cannot be deduced from the Brownian oscillator calculations

    Absorbing boundary conditions for the Westervelt equation

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    The focus of this work is on the construction of a family of nonlinear absorbing boundary conditions for the Westervelt equation in one and two space dimensions. The principal ingredient used in the design of such conditions is pseudo-differential calculus. This approach enables to develop high order boundary conditions in a consistent way which are typically more accurate than their low order analogs. Under the hypothesis of small initial data, we establish local well-posedness for the Westervelt equation with the absorbing boundary conditions. The performed numerical experiments illustrate the efficiency of the proposed boundary conditions for different regimes of wave propagation

    A quantum point contact for neutral atoms

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    We show that the conductance of neutral atoms through a tightly confining waveguide constriction is quantized in units of lambda_dB^2/pi, where lambda_dB is the de Broglie wavelength of the incident atoms. Such a constriction forms the atom analogue of an electron quantum point contact and is an example of quantum transport of neutral atoms in an aperiodic system. We present a practical constriction geometry that can be realized using a microfabricated magnetic waveguide, and discuss how a pair of such constrictions can be used to study the quantum statistics of weakly interacting gases in small traps.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let