4,717 research outputs found

    Stigma and mental health: The curious case of COVID-19

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    Introduction: This article considers the impact of COVID-19 on stigma and mental health across the life spectrum and the ways that people access services. Purpose: To explore the ways that a pandemic (COVID-19) has changed/shifted the relationship between mental illness or mental ill health and stigma across the life spectrum and call to re-focus resources on sustainable healthy societies, building cultures of peace. Methodology: A literature search was employed, combined with informal interviews and observation. Results and Discussion: On the one hand, the pandemic has opened public discussion of mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression, reducing some of the stigma attached as the experience is more common amongst people who have not previously declared mental health challenges. On the other hand, people previously experiencing mental ill health have mostly had that health challenge exacerbated by the pandemic. With fewer resources available, and changes in service delivery to largely on-line resources, the reduction in stigma has not meant better mental health care and services, but rather further marginalized some of the population. Cultures of peace are inclusive and provide space for full growth of all citizens, in contrast to reactive approaches now more readily applied. Mental health services are a basic right for all people and should be considered as such in all planned health strategies. Limitations: The article focuses on literature review, anecdotal and observation and is focused over a short term, in North America.  It is a preliminary study. Strengths: As a preliminary study, the article highlights an emergent and present dilemma. It also highlights the need for a much more holistic, global approach to mental health and wellbeing across the lifespan. Conclusion: While there are calls for national strategies for mental health services and services for people with dementia, in particular, there is still a need to take a more holistic approach to mental health as part of a whole health strategy to support human dignity and inclusion across the lifespa

    Quasiparticle transport equation with collision delay. II. Microscopic Theory

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    For a system of non-interacting electrons scattered by neutral impurities, we derive a modified Boltzmann equation that includes quasiparticle and virial corrections. We start from quasiclassical transport equation for non-equilibrium Green's functions and apply limit of small scattering rates. Resulting transport equation for quasiparticles has gradient corrections to scattering integrals. These gradient corrections are rearranged into a form characteristic for virial corrections

    Defect detection in nano-scale transistors based on radio-frequency reflectometry

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    Radio-frequency reflectometry in silicon single-electron transistors (SETs) is presented. At low temperatures (<4 K), in addition to the expected Coulomb blockade features associated with charging of the SET dot, quasi-periodic oscillations are observed that persist in the fully depleted regime where the SET dot is completely empty. A model, confirmed by simulations, indicates that these oscillations originate from charging of an unintended floating gate located in the heavily doped polycrystalline silicon gate stack. The technique used in this experiment can be applied for detailed spectroscopy of various charge defects in nanoscale SETs and field effect transistorsComment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Space-time versus particle-hole symmetry in quantum Enskog equations

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    The non-local scattering-in and -out integrals of the Enskog equation have reversed displacements of colliding particles reflecting that the -in and -out processes are conjugated by the space and time inversions. Generalisations of the Enskog equation to Fermi liquid systems are hindered by a request of the particle-hole symmetry which contradicts the reversed displacements. We resolve this problem with the help of the optical theorem. It is found that space-time and particle-hole symmetry can only be fulfilled simultaneously for the Bruckner-type of internal Pauli-blocking while the Feynman-Galitskii form allows only for particle-hole symmetry but not for space-time symmetry due to a stimulated emission of Bosons

    Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Unusual Type Ia Supernova 2000cx

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    We present optical and infrared photometry of the unusual Type Ia supernova 2000cx. With the data of Li et al. (2001) and Jha (2002), this comprises the largest dataset ever assembled for a Type Ia SN, more than 600 points in UBVRIJHK. We confirm the finding of Li et al. regarding the unusually blue B-V colors as SN 2000cx entered the nebular phase. Its I-band secondary hump was extremely weak given its B-band decline rate. The V minus near infrared colors likewise do not match loci based on other slowly declining Type Ia SNe, though V-K is the least ``abnormal''. In several ways SN 2000cx resembles other slow decliners, given its B-band decline rate (Delta m_15(B) = 0.93), the appearance of Fe III lines and weakness of Si II in its pre-maximum spectrum, the V-K colors and post-maximum V-H colors. If the distance modulus derived from Surface Brightness Fluctuations of the host galaxy is correct, we find that the rate of light increase prior to maximum, the characteristics of the bolometric light curve, and the implied absolute magnitude at maximum are all consistent with a sub-luminous object with Delta m_15(B) ~ 1.6-1.7 having a higher than normal kinetic energy.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, to be published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi

    Prioritization of Managed Pork Supply Movements during a FMD Outbreak in the US

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    In the event of a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in the U.S., local, state, and federal authorities will implement a foreign animal disease emergency response plan restricting the pork supply chain movements and likely disrupting the continuity of the swine industry business. To minimize disruptions of the food supply while providing an effective response in an outbreak, it is necessary to have proactive measures in place to ensure minimal disease spread and maximum continuation of business. Therefore, it is critical to identify candidate movements for proactive risk assessments: those that are both most likely to contribute to disease spread and most necessary for business continuity. To do this, experts from production, harvest, retail, and allied pork industries assessed 30 common pork supply movements for risk of disease spread and industry criticality. The highest priority movements for conducting a risk assessment included the movement of weaned pigs originating from multiple sow farm sources to an offsite nursery or wean to finish facility, the movement of employees or commercial crews, the movement of vaccination crews, the movement of dedicated livestock hauling trucks, and the movement of commercial crews such as manure haulers and feed trucks onto, off, or between sites. These critical movements, along with several others identified in this study, will provide an initial guide for prioritization of risk management efforts and resources to be better prepared in the event of a FMD outbreak in the United States. By specifically and proactively targeting movements that experts agree are likely to spread the disease and are critical to the continuity of business operations, potentially catastrophic consequences in the event of an outbreak can be limited

    The source ambiguity problem: Distinguishing the effects of grammar and processing on acceptability judgments

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    Judgments of linguistic unacceptability may theoretically arise from either grammatical deviance or significant processing difficulty. Acceptability data are thus naturally ambiguous in theories that explicitly distinguish formal and functional constraints. Here, we consider this source ambiguity problem in the context of Superiority effects: the dispreference for ordering a wh-phrase in front of a syntactically “superior” wh-phrase in multiple wh-questions, e.g., What did who buy? More specifically, we consider the acceptability contrast between such examples and so-called D-linked examples, e.g., Which toys did which parents buy? Evidence from acceptability and self-paced reading experiments demonstrates that (i) judgments and processing times for Superiority violations vary in parallel, as determined by the kind of wh-phrases they contain, (ii) judgments increase with exposure, while processing times decrease, (iii) reading times are highly predictive of acceptability judgments for the same items, and (iv) the effects of the complexity of the wh-phrases combine in both acceptability judgments and reading times. This evidence supports the conclusion that D-linking effects are likely reducible to independently motivated cognitive mechanisms whose effects emerge in a wide range of sentence contexts. This in turn suggests that Superiority effects, in general, may owe their character to differential processing difficulty

    Three-Dimensional Spectral Classification of Low-Metallicity Stars Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    We explore the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for the estimation of atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, and [Fe/H]) for Galactic F- and G-type stars. The ANNs are fed with medium-resolution (~ 1-2 A) non flux-calibrated spectroscopic observations. From a sample of 279 stars with previous high-resolution determinations of metallicity, and a set of (external) estimates of temperature and surface gravity, our ANNs are able to predict Teff with an accuracy of ~ 135-150 K over the range 4250 <= Teff <= 6500 K, logg with an accuracy of ~ 0.25-0.30 dex over the range 1.0 <= logg <= 5.0 dex, and [Fe/H] with an accuracy ~ 0.15-0.20 dex over the range -4.0 <= [Fe/H] <= +0.3. Such accuracies are competitive with the results obtained by fine analysis of high-resolution spectra. It is noteworthy that the ANNs are able to obtain these results without consideration of photometric information for these stars. We have also explored the impact of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) on the behavior of ANNs, and conclude that, when analyzed with ANNs trained on spectra of commensurate S/N, it is possible to extract physical parameter estimates of similar accuracy with stellar spectra having S/N as low as 13. Taken together, these results indicate that the ANN approach should be of primary importance for use in present and future large-scale spectroscopic surveys.Comment: 51 pages, 11 eps figures, uses aastex; to appear in Ap