412 research outputs found

    On the elliptic nonabelian Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups

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    In this paper, we consider the relation between two nonabelian Fourier transforms. The first one is defined in terms of the Langlands-Kazhdan-Lusztig parameters for unipotent elliptic representations of a split p-adic group and the second is defined in terms of the pseudocoefficients of these representations and Lusztig's nonabelian Fourier transform for characters of finite groups of Lie type. We exemplify this relation in the case of the p-adic group of type G_2.Comment: 17 pages; v2: several minor corrections, references added; v3: corrections in the table with unipotent discrete series of G

    Theorie de Lubin-Tate non-abelienne et representations elliptiques

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    Harris and Taylor proved that the supercuspidal part of the cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower realizes both the local Langlands and Jacquet-Langlands correspondences, as conjectured by Carayol. Recently, Boyer computed the remaining part of the cohomology and exhibited two defects : first, the representations of GL\_d which appear are of a very particular and restrictive form ; second, the Langlands correspondence is not realized anymore. In this paper, we study the cohomology complex in a suitable equivariant derived category, and show how it encodes Langlands correspondance for all elliptic representations. Then we transfer this result to the Drinfeld tower via an enhancement of a theorem of Faltings due to Fargues. We deduce that Deligne's weight-monodromy conjecture is true for varieties uniformized by Drinfeld's coverings of his symmetric spaces.Comment: 54 page

    On a Conjecture of Rapoport and Zink

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    In their book Rapoport and Zink constructed rigid analytic period spaces FwaF^{wa} for Fontaine's filtered isocrystals, and period morphisms from PEL moduli spaces of pp-divisible groups to some of these period spaces. They conjectured the existence of an \'etale bijective morphism FaFwaF^a \to F^{wa} of rigid analytic spaces and of a universal local system of QpQ_p-vector spaces on FaF^a. For Hodge-Tate weights n1n-1 and nn we construct in this article an intrinsic Berkovich open subspace F0F^0 of FwaF^{wa} and the universal local system on F0F^0. We conjecture that the rigid-analytic space associated with F0F^0 is the maximal possible FaF^a, and that F0F^0 is connected. We give evidence for these conjectures and we show that for those period spaces possessing PEL period morphisms, F0F^0 equals the image of the period morphism. Then our local system is the rational Tate module of the universal pp-divisible group and enjoys additional functoriality properties. We show that only in exceptional cases F0F^0 equals all of FwaF^{wa} and when the Shimura group is GLnGL_n we determine all these cases.Comment: v2: 48 pages; many new results added, v3: final version that will appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    Impact of culture towards disaster risk reduction

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    Number of natural disasters has risen sharply worldwide making the risk of disasters a global concern. These disasters have created significant losses and damages to humans, economy and society. Despite the losses and damages created by disasters, some individuals and communities do not attached much significance to natural disasters. Risk perception towards a disaster not only depends on the danger it could create but also the behaviour of the communities and individuals that is governed by their culture. Within this context, this study examines the relationship between culture and disaster risk reduction (DRR). A comprehensive literature review is used for the study to evaluate culture, its components and to analyse a series of case studies related to disaster risk. It was evident from the study that in some situations, culture has become a factor for the survival of the communities from disasters where as in some situations culture has acted as a barrier for effective DRR activities. The study suggests community based DRR activities as a mechanism to integrate with culture to effectively manage disaster risk

    Effectiveness of GenoType MTBDRsl in excluding TB drug resistance in a clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the performance of the GenoType MTBDRsl v1, a line-probe assay (LPA), to exclude baseline resistance to fluoroquinolones (FQs) and second-line injectables (SLIs) in the Standard Treatment Regimen of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs for Patients With MDR-TB 1 (STREAM 1) trial. METHODS: Direct sputum MTBDRsl results in the site laboratories were compared to indirect phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (pDST) results in the central laboratory, with DNA sequencing as a reference standard. RESULTS: Of 413 multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) patients tested using MTBDRsl and pDST, 389 (94.2%) were FQ-susceptible and 7 (1.7%) FQ-resistant, while 17 (4.1%) had an inconclusive MTBDRsl result. For SLI, 372 (90.1%) were susceptible, 5 (1.2%) resistant and 36 (8.7%) inconclusive. There were 9 (2.3%) FQ discordant pDST/MTBDRsl results, of which 3 revealed a mutation and 5 (1.3%) SLI discordant pDST/MTBDRsl results, none of which were mutants on sequencing. Among the 17 FQ- and SLI MTBDRsl-inconclusive samples, sequencing showed 1 FQ- and zero SLI-resistant results, similar to frequencies among the conclusive MTBDRsl. The majority of inconclusive MTBDRsl results were associated with low bacillary load samples (acid-fast bacilli smear-negative or scantily positive) compared to conclusive results (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: MTBDRsl can facilitate the rapid exclusion of FQ and SLI resistances for enrolment in clinical trials

    Population Dynamics of Aedes aegypti and Dengue as Influenced by Weather and Human Behavior in San Juan, Puerto Rico

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    Previous studies on the influence of weather on Aedes aegypti dynamics in Puerto Rico suggested that rainfall was a significant driver of immature mosquito populations and dengue incidence, but mostly in the drier areas of the island. We conducted a longitudinal study of Ae. aegypti in two neighborhoods of the metropolitan area of San Juan city, Puerto Rico where rainfall is more uniformly distributed throughout the year. We assessed the impacts of rainfall, temperature, and human activities on the temporal dynamics of adult Ae. aegypti and oviposition. Changes in adult mosquitoes were monitored with BG-Sentinel traps and oviposition activity with CDC enhanced ovitraps. Pupal surveys were conducted during the drier and wetter parts of the year in both neighborhoods to determine the contribution of humans and rains to mosquito production. Mosquito dynamics in each neighborhood was compared with dengue incidence in their respective municipalities during the study. Our results showed that: 1. Most pupae were produced in containers managed by people, which explains the prevalence of adult mosquitoes at times when rainfall was scant; 2. Water meters were documented for the first time as productive habitats for Ae. aegypti; 3. Even though Puerto Rico has a reliable supply of tap water and an active tire recycling program, water storage containers and discarded tires were important mosquito producers; 4. Peaks in mosquito density preceded maximum dengue incidence; and 5. Ae. aegypti dynamics were driven by weather and human activity and oviposition was significantly correlated with dengue incidence