10,535 research outputs found

    Investigation of critical slowing down in a bistable S-SEED

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    A simulation of S-SEED switching based upon experimental data is developed that includes the effect of critical slowing down. The simulation's accuracy is demonstrated by close agreement with the results from experimental S-SEED switching. The simulation is subsequently used to understand how the phenomenon of critical slowing down applies to switching of an S-SEED and how the effect on photonic analog-to-digital (A/D) converter performance may be minimized.B. A. Clare, K. A. Corbett, K. J. Grant, P. B. Atanackovic, W. Marwood and J. Munc

    Simulation of seismic events induced by CO2 injection at In Salah, Algeria

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    Date of Acceptance: 18/06/2015 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the operators of the In Salah JV and JIP, BP, Statoil and Sonatrach, for providing the data shown in this paper, and for giving permission to publish. Midland Valley Exploration are thanked for the use of their Move software for geomechanical restoration. JPV is a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Early Career Research Fellow (Grant NE/I021497/1) and ALS is funded by a NERC Partnership Research Grant (Grant NE/I010904).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Structure and dynamics of colloidal depletion gels: coincidence of transitions and heterogeneity

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    Transitions in structural heterogeneity of colloidal depletion gels formed through short-range attractive interactions are correlated with their dynamical arrest. The system is a density and refractive index matched suspension of 0.20 volume fraction poly(methyl methacyrlate) colloids with the non-adsorbing depletant polystyrene added at a size ratio of depletant to colloid of 0.043. As the strength of the short-range attractive interaction is increased, clusters become increasingly structurally heterogeneous, as characterized by number-density fluctuations, and dynamically immobilized, as characterized by the single-particle mean-squared displacement. The number of free colloids in the suspension also progressively declines. As an immobile cluster to gel transition is traversed, structural heterogeneity abruptly decreases. Simultaneously, the mean single-particle dynamics saturates at a localization length on the order of the short-range attractive potential range. Both immobile cluster and gel regimes show dynamical heterogeneity. Non-Gaussian distributions of single particle displacements reveal enhanced populations of dynamical trajectories localized on two different length scales. Similar dependencies of number density fluctuations, free particle number and dynamical length scales on the order of the range of short-range attraction suggests a collective structural origin of dynamic heterogeneity in colloidal gels.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    The importance of electronic correlations in exploring the exotic phase diagram of layered Li<sub>x</sub>MnO<sub>2</sub>

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    Using ab initio dynamical mean-field theory we explore the electronic and magnetic states of layered Lix_xMnO2_2 as a function of xx, the state of charge. Constructing real-space Wannier projections of Kohn-Sham orbitals based on the low-energy subspace of Mn 3d3d states and solving a multi-impurity problem, our approach focuses on local correlations at Mn sites. The antiferromagnetic insulating state in LiMnO2_2 has a moderate N\'{e}el temperature of TN=296 KT_N=296\,K in agreement with experimental studies. Upon delithiation the system proceeds through a number of states: ferrimagnetic correlated metals at xx=0.92, 0.83; multiple charge disproportionated ferromagnetic correlated metals with large quasiparticle weights at xx=0.67, 0.50, 0.33; ferromagnetic metals with small quasiparticle weights at xx=0.17, 0.08 and an antiferromagnetic insulator for the fully delithiated state, x=0.0x=0.0. At moderate states of charge, x=0.67−0.33x=0.67-0.33, a mix of +3/+4 formal oxidation states of Mn is observed, while the overall nominal oxidation of Mn state changes from +3 in LiMnO2_2 to +4 in MnO2_2. In all these cases the high-spin state emerges as the most likely state in our calculations considering the full dd~manifold of Mn based on the proximity of ege_g levels in energy to t2gt_{2g}. The quasiparticle peaks in the correlated metallic states were attributed to polaronic states based on previous literature for similar isoelectronic JT driven materials, arising due to non-Fermi liquid type behaviour of the strongly correlated system

    Lithium Diffusion in Niobium Tungsten Oxide Shear Structures.

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    Niobium tungsten oxides with crystallographic shear structures form a promising class of high-rate Li-ion anode materials. Lithium diffusion within these materials is studied in this work using density functional theory calculations, specifically nudged elastic band calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Lithium diffusion is found to occur through jumps between 4-fold coordinated window sites with low activation barriers (80-300 meV) and is constrained to be effectively one-dimensional by the crystallographic shear planes of the structures. We identify a number of other processes, including rattling motions with barriers on the order of the thermal energy at room temperature, and intermediate barrier hops between 4-fold and 5-fold coordinated lithium sites. We demonstrate differences regarding diffusion pathways between different cavity types; within the ReO3-like block units of the structures, cavities at the corners and edges host more isolated diffusion tunnels than those in the interior. Diffusion coefficients are found to be in the range of 10-12 to 10-11 m2 s-1 for lithium concentrations of 0.5 Li/TM. Overall, the results provide a complete picture of the diffusion mechanism in niobium tungsten oxide shear structures, and the structure-property relationships identified in this work can be generalized to the entire family of crystallographic shear phases.Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability Winston Churchill Foundation Herchel Smith Foundatio
