25,161 research outputs found

    Transport in random quantum dot superlattices

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    We present a novel model to calculate single-electron states in random quantum dot superlattices made of wide-gap semiconductors. The source of disorder comes from the random arrangement of the quantum dots (configurational disorder) as well as spatial inhomogeneities of their shape (morphological disorder). Both types of disorder break translational symmetry and prevent the formation of minibands, as occurs in regimented arrays of quantum dots. The model correctly describes channel mixing and broadening of allowed energy bands due to elastic scattering by disorder

    Can Local Food Go Mainstream?

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    Local Food, Relocalization, Supermarket, Distribution Center, Economies of Size, Transportation Efficiency, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,

    Pilot3 D7.1 - Dissemination, communication and exploitation plan

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    This document is the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D7.1) of the Clean Sky 2 Innovation Action Pilot3. The document defines the communication and dissemination actions to be performed during the project, and the potential exploitation of the project results. A complete strategy of communication is presented, as well as the items and content already prepared for it

    Tight coupling in thermal Brownian motors

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    We study analytically a thermal Brownian motor model and calculate exactly the Onsager coefficients. We show how the reciprocity relation holds and that the determinant of the Onsager matrix vanishes. Such condition implies that the device is built with tight coupling. This explains why Carnot's efficiency can be achieved in the limit of infinitely slow velocities. We also prove that the efficiency at maximum power has the maximum possible value, which corresponds to the Curzon-Alhborn bound. Finally, we discuss the model acting as a Brownian refrigerator

    Dispatcher3 D7.1 - Project communication, dissemination and exploitation plan

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    This document is the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D7.1) of the Clean Sky 2 Innovation Action Dispatcher3. The document defines the communication and dissemination actions to be performed during the project, and the potential exploitation of the project results. A complete strategy of communication is presented, as well as the items and content already prepared for it

    Resolving Molecular Line Emission from Protoplanetary Disks: Observational Prospects for Disks Irradiated by Infalling Envelopes

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    Molecular line observations that could resolve protoplanetary disks of ~100 AU both spatially and kinematically would be a useful tool to unambiguously identify these disks and to determine their kinematical and physical characteristics. In this work we model the expected line emission from a protoplanetary disk irradiated by an infalling envelope, addressing the question of its detectability with subarcsecond resolution. We adopt a previously determined disk model structure that gives a continuum spectral energy distribution and a mm intensity spatial distribution that are consistent with observational constraints of HL Tau. An analysis of the capability of presently working and projected interferometers at mm and submm wavelengths shows that molecular transitions of moderate opacity at these wavelengths (e.g., C17O lines) are good candidates for detecting disk lines at subarcsecond resolution in the near future. We suggest that, in general, disks of typical Class I sources will be detectable.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures. To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    On the kinematic detection of accreted streams in the Gaia era: a cautionary tale

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    The Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological scenario predicts that our Galaxy should contain hundreds of stellar streams at the solar vicinity, fossil relics of the merging history of the Milky Way and more generally of the hierarchical growth of galaxies. Because of the mixing time scales in the inner Galaxy, it has been claimed that these streams should be difficult to detect in configuration space but can still be identifiable in kinematic-related spaces like the energy/angular momenta spaces, E-Lz and Lperp-Lz, or spaces of orbital/velocity parameters. By means of high-resolution, dissipationless N-body simulations, containing between 25×106\times10^6 and 35×106\times10^6 particles, we model the accretion of a series of up to four 1:10 mass ratio satellites then up to eight 1:100 satellites and we search systematically for the signature of these accretions in these spaces. In all spaces considered (1) each satellite gives origin to several independent overdensities; (2) overdensities of multiple satellites overlap; (3) satellites of different masses can produce similar substructures; (4) the overlap between the in-situ and the accreted population is considerable everywhere; (5) in-situ stars also form substructures in response to the satellite(s) accretion. These points are valid even if the search is restricted to kinematically-selected halo stars only. As we are now entering the 'Gaia era', our results warn that an extreme caution must be employed before interpreting overdensities in any of those spaces as evidence of relics of accreted satellites. Reconstructing the accretion history of our Galaxy will require a substantial amount of accurate spectroscopic data, that, complemented by the kinematic information, will possibly allow us to (chemically) identify accreted streams and measure their orbital properties. (abridged)Comment: Accepted on A&A. A high-resolution version of the paper is available at http://aramis.obspm.fr/~paola/ELZ/Elz.pd

    Engage D3.7 Update on the Engage repository and knowledge hub functionality (initial)

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    This initial report describes the planned functionality and features of the forthcoming Engage wiki and establishes the scope of the ATM concepts roadmap

    Space VLBI Observations of 3C371

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    We present the first space VLBI observations of 3C~371, carried out at a frequency of 4.8 GHz. The combination of the high resolution provided by the orbiting antenna Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy (HALCA) and the high sensitivity of the VLBA allows imaging of the jet of 3C~371 with an angular resolution of approximately 0.26 mas, which for this relatively nearby source corresponds to \sim 0.4 h1^{-1} pc. Comparison between two epochs separated by 66 days reveals no apparent motions in the inner 7 mas jet structure above an upper limit of 1.4h1\sim 1.4 h^{-1} c. This value, the absence of detectable counterjet emission from the presumably symmetric jet, plus the presence of extended double-lobe structure, are consistent with the knots in the jet being stationary features such as standing shocks. The jet intensity declines with the angular distance from the core as ϕ1.68\phi^{-1.68}. This is more gradual than that derived for 3C~120, ϕ1.86\phi^{-1.86}, for which there is evidence for strong intereactions between the jet and ambient medium. This suggests that in 3C~371 there is a greater level of {\it in situ} acceleration of electrons and amplification of magnetic field. We interpret sharp bends in the jet at sites of off-center knots as further evidence for the interaction between the jet and external medium, which may also be responsible for the generation of standing recollimation shocks. These recollimation shocks may be responsible for the presumably stationary components. The radio properties of 3C~371 are intermediate between those of other radio galaxies with bright cores and those of BL Lacertae objects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap