50 research outputs found

    Low Ply Drawings of Trees

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    We consider the recently introduced model of \emph{low ply graph drawing}, in which the ply-disks of the vertices do not have many common overlaps, which results in a good distribution of the vertices in the plane. The \emph{ply-disk} of a vertex in a straight-line drawing is the disk centered at it whose radius is half the length of its longest incident edge. The largest number of ply-disks having a common overlap is called the \emph{ply-number} of the drawing. We focus on trees. We first consider drawings of trees with constant ply-number, proving that they may require exponential area, even for stars, and that they may not even exist for bounded-degree trees. Then, we turn our attention to drawings with logarithmic ply-number and show that trees with maximum degree 66 always admit such drawings in polynomial area.Comment: This is a complete access version of a paper that will appear in the proceedings of GD201

    Triangle-Free Penny Graphs: Degeneracy, Choosability, and Edge Count

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    We show that triangle-free penny graphs have degeneracy at most two, list coloring number (choosability) at most three, diameter D=Ω(n)D=\Omega(\sqrt n), and at most min(2nΩ(n),2nD2)\min\bigl(2n-\Omega(\sqrt n),2n-D-2\bigr) edges.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. To appear at the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Are there any good digraph width measures?

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    Several different measures for digraph width have appeared in the last few years. However, none of them shares all the "nice" properties of treewidth: First, being \emph{algorithmically useful} i.e. admitting polynomial-time algorithms for all \MS1-definable problems on digraphs of bounded width. And, second, having nice \emph{structural properties} i.e. being monotone under taking subdigraphs and some form of arc contractions. As for the former, (undirected) \MS1 seems to be the least common denominator of all reasonably expressive logical languages on digraphs that can speak about the edge/arc relation on the vertex set.The latter property is a necessary condition for a width measure to be characterizable by some version of the cops-and-robber game characterizing the ordinary treewidth. Our main result is that \emph{any reasonable} algorithmically useful and structurally nice digraph measure cannot be substantially different from the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. Moreover, we introduce \emph{directed topological minors} and argue that they are the weakest useful notion of minors for digraphs

    Model Counting for Formulas of Bounded Clique-Width

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    We show that #SAT is polynomial-time tractable for classes of CNF formulas whose incidence graphs have bounded symmetric clique-width (or bounded clique-width, or bounded rank-width). This result strictly generalizes polynomial-time tractability results for classes of formulas with signed incidence graphs of bounded clique-width and classes of formulas with incidence graphs of bounded modular treewidth, which were the most general results of this kind known so far.Comment: Extended version of a paper published at ISAAC 201

    Contact Representations of Graphs in 3D

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    We study contact representations of graphs in which vertices are represented by axis-aligned polyhedra in 3D and edges are realized by non-zero area common boundaries between corresponding polyhedra. We show that for every 3-connected planar graph, there exists a simultaneous representation of the graph and its dual with 3D boxes. We give a linear-time algorithm for constructing such a representation. This result extends the existing primal-dual contact representations of planar graphs in 2D using circles and triangles. While contact graphs in 2D directly correspond to planar graphs, we next study representations of non-planar graphs in 3D. In particular we consider representations of optimal 1-planar graphs. A graph is 1-planar if there exists a drawing in the plane where each edge is crossed at most once, and an optimal n-vertex 1-planar graph has the maximum (4n - 8) number of edges. We describe a linear-time algorithm for representing optimal 1-planar graphs without separating 4-cycles with 3D boxes. However, not every optimal 1-planar graph admits a representation with boxes. Hence, we consider contact representations with the next simplest axis-aligned 3D object, L-shaped polyhedra. We provide a quadratic-time algorithm for representing optimal 1-planar graph with L-shaped polyhedra

    Solving Problems on Graphs of High Rank-Width

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    A modulator of a graph G to a specified graph class H is a set of vertices whose deletion puts G into H. The cardinality of a modulator to various tractable graph classes has long been used as a structural parameter which can be exploited to obtain FPT algorithms for a range of hard problems. Here we investigate what happens when a graph contains a modulator which is large but "well-structured" (in the sense of having bounded rank-width). Can such modulators still be exploited to obtain efficient algorithms? And is it even possible to find such modulators efficiently? We first show that the parameters derived from such well-structured modulators are strictly more general than the cardinality of modulators and rank-width itself. Then, we develop an FPT algorithm for finding such well-structured modulators to any graph class which can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. We proceed by showing how well-structured modulators can be used to obtain efficient parameterized algorithms for Minimum Vertex Cover and Maximum Clique. Finally, we use well-structured modulators to develop an algorithmic meta-theorem for deciding problems expressible in Monadic Second Order (MSO) logic, and prove that this result is tight in the sense that it cannot be generalized to LinEMSO problems.Comment: Accepted at WADS 201

    Pixel and Voxel Representations of Graphs

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    We study contact representations for graphs, which we call pixel representations in 2D and voxel representations in 3D. Our representations are based on the unit square grid whose cells we call pixels in 2D and voxels in 3D. Two pixels are adjacent if they share an edge, two voxels if they share a face. We call a connected set of pixels or voxels a blob. Given a graph, we represent its vertices by disjoint blobs such that two blobs contain adjacent pixels or voxels if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent. We are interested in the size of a representation, which is the number of pixels or voxels it consists of. We first show that finding minimum-size representations is NP-complete. Then, we bound representation sizes needed for certain graph classes. In 2D, we show that, for kk-outerplanar graphs with nn vertices, Θ(kn)\Theta(kn) pixels are always sufficient and sometimes necessary. In particular, outerplanar graphs can be represented with a linear number of pixels, whereas general planar graphs sometimes need a quadratic number. In 3D, Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) voxels are always sufficient and sometimes necessary for any nn-vertex graph. We improve this bound to Θ(nτ)\Theta(n\cdot \tau) for graphs of treewidth τ\tau and to O((g+1)2nlog2n)O((g+1)^2n\log^2n) for graphs of genus gg. In particular, planar graphs admit representations with O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2n) voxels

    Compact Labelings For Efficient First-Order Model-Checking

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    We consider graph properties that can be checked from labels, i.e., bit sequences, of logarithmic length attached to vertices. We prove that there exists such a labeling for checking a first-order formula with free set variables in the graphs of every class that is \emph{nicely locally cwd-decomposable}. This notion generalizes that of a \emph{nicely locally tree-decomposable} class. The graphs of such classes can be covered by graphs of bounded \emph{clique-width} with limited overlaps. We also consider such labelings for \emph{bounded} first-order formulas on graph classes of \emph{bounded expansion}. Some of these results are extended to counting queries

    Crossing and weighted crossing number of near-planar graphs

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    A nonplanar graph G is near-planar if it contains an edge e such that G − e is planar. The problem of determining the crossing number of a near-planar graph is exhibited from different combinatorial viewpoints. On the one hand, we develop min-max formulas involving efficiently computable lower and upper bounds. These min-max results are the first of their kind in the study of crossing numbers and improve the approximation factor for the approximation algorithm given by Hliněny and Salazar (Graph Drawing GD’06). On the other hand, we show that it is NP-hard to compute a weighted version of the crossing number for near-planar graphs

    A Natural Generalization of Bounded Tree-Width and Bounded Clique-Width

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    We investigate a new width parameter, the fusion-width of a graph. It is a natural generalization of the tree-width, yet strong enough that not only graphs of bounded tree-width, but also graphs of bounded clique-width, trivially have bounded fusion-width. In particular, there is no exponential growth between tree-width and fusion-width, as is the case between tree-width and clique-width. The new parameter gives a good intuition about the relationship between tree-width and clique-width.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Latin 2014. Springer LNCS 839