41 research outputs found

    SemClinBr -- a multi institutional and multi specialty semantically annotated corpus for Portuguese clinical NLP tasks

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    The high volume of research focusing on extracting patient's information from electronic health records (EHR) has led to an increase in the demand for annotated corpora, which are a very valuable resource for both the development and evaluation of natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. The absence of a multi-purpose clinical corpus outside the scope of the English language, especially in Brazilian Portuguese, is glaring and severely impacts scientific progress in the biomedical NLP field. In this study, we developed a semantically annotated corpus using clinical texts from multiple medical specialties, document types, and institutions. We present the following: (1) a survey listing common aspects and lessons learned from previous research, (2) a fine-grained annotation schema which could be replicated and guide other annotation initiatives, (3) a web-based annotation tool focusing on an annotation suggestion feature, and (4) both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation of the annotations. The result of this work is the SemClinBr, a corpus that has 1,000 clinical notes, labeled with 65,117 entities and 11,263 relations, and can support a variety of clinical NLP tasks and boost the EHR's secondary use for the Portuguese language

    The exchangeability of shape

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Landmark based geometric morphometrics (GM) allows the quantitative comparison of organismal shapes. When applied to systematics, it is able to score shape changes which often are undetectable by traditional morphological studies and even by classical morphometric approaches. It has thus become a fast and low cost candidate to identify cryptic species. Due to inherent mathematical properties, shape variables derived from one set of coordinates cannot be compared with shape variables derived from another set. Raw coordinates which produce these shape variables could be used for data exchange, however they contain measurement error. The latter may represent a significant obstacle when the objective is to distinguish very similar species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show here that a single user derived dataset produces much less classification error than a multiple one. The question then becomes how to circumvent the lack of exchangeability of shape variables while preserving a single user dataset. A solution to this question could lead to the creation of a relatively fast and inexpensive systematic tool adapted for the recognition of cryptic species.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To preserve both exchangeability of shape and a single user derived dataset, our suggestion is to create a free access bank of reference images from which one can produce raw coordinates and use them for comparison with external specimens. Thus, we propose an alternative geometric descriptive system that separates 2-D data gathering and analyzes.</p

    El uso del analisis fractal como discriminacion de sistemas filonianos auriferos en el area de la Codosera, Extremadura (Espana)

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    Fractal analysis in drill-cores and trenches in the gold potential area of the La Codesera in Extremadura, Spain, have demonstrated that the vein thickness generally follows a power-law distribution in the relationship N(t)=Ct-(D), where N(t) is the number of veins with a thickness greater than t.This may be interpreted in terms of the self-affine scaling of vein geometry. Gold bearing veins show lower D values than barren veins and high C values have higher overall grades

    La mineralización de Li de Tres Arroyos (Alburquerque, Badajoz), como resultado de la evolución mineralógica y geoquímica del batolito de Alburquerque

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    La mineralización de Tres Arroyos está formada por un haz de pegmatitas litin fieras situado en el límite SW del batolito de Alburquerque. Los diques pegmatíticos aparecen en transición petrológica y geoquímica con el batolito, constituido por granitos de dos micas y diversas facies leucogranfticas marginales. Geoquímicamente, los grupos litológicos establecidos corresponden a granitos calcoalcalinos, peralumínicos, fértiles, con elevados contenidos en P y F. La evolución geoquímica observada se caracteriza por un fraccionamiento extremo, con concentración de elementos incompatibles (Li, Rb, Cs, Ga, Sn, Nb, Ta) en las fracciones magmáticas residuales y una evolución compleja en cuanto a los contenidos en Tierras Rara

    Geología y metalogenia del yacimiento de estibina - sheelita de "San Antonio" Alburquerque (Badajoz).

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    33 p.[ESP]Se estudian en este trabajo la geología en general de las inmediaciones de la mina "Ssn Antonio" (paragénesis antimonita-scheelita), y sus caracteres metalo?6nicos. Estratieráficamente se ha " caracterizado un conjunto esquisto-grauwáquico infraardovicica, un Ordovicico-Silúrico de cuarcitas y esquistos ampeliticos y un Drvónico rico en materiales carbanatados. Se han apreciado tres fases de deformación y dos sistemas de fracturas. La mineralización es de origen endógeno, y corresponde a un yacimiento hidrotermal en el que el primer mineral en depositarse fue la scheeiita. Esta mineralización se encuentra dentro de una banda auraantimonífera de dirección hercinica que atraviesa la Península desde Oporto hasta Valdepeñas, en la provincia de Ciudad Real.[ENG] The geoiogical setting of the stibnite-scheelite "San Antonio" deposit is studied in this paper. The region consists of Lower Ordovician schists and graywackes. Ordavician to Silurian quartzites and carbonaceous schists, and Devonian carbonate rocks. Three tectonic phases and two fracture systems have been identified in the area. The mineralization was originated by hydrothermal solutions -scheelite being the first mineral to be deposited. The mine is located within an Hercinian Au-Sb belt which crosses the Iberian Peninsula from Oparto (Portugal) to Valdepetias, in the Ciudad Real province (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Fractal analysis and percolation properties of veins

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