2,115 research outputs found

    Resting and Post-Exercise Blood Pressure Response to Repeated Bouts of Aquatic Treadmill Exercise

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    Aerobic exercise is known to reduce resting blood pressure as well as induce and acute post-exercise hypotensive response. Purpose: Determine the effect of repeated bouts of aquatic treadmill exercise on consecutive days in physically untrained, pre-hypertensive men. Methods: Nine male subjects (SBP: 132 ± 8 mmHg; DBP: 79 ± 8 mmHG; 33 ± 8 years; 183 ± 7 cm; 103 ± 31 kg; 32 ± 10% Fat; 36 ± 7 ml·kg-1·min-1) participated in the study. All subjects completed an acute aquatic treadmill exercise session (60% VO2max; 300 kcal) on two consecutive days. Prior to each exercise session and following 10 minutes of seated rest, blood pressure and heart rate were automatically taken every 3 minutes for a total of 3 measurements. Following each exercise session, blood pressure and heart rate were measured automatically every 10-minutes from 20 to 60 minutes post while subjects were seated at rest. Pre-exercise and post-exercise measures were averaged. A dependent sample t-test was performed to compare the average values between the first (ATM1) and second (ATM2) exercise sessions. Results: Data are displayed in table below. Both pre-exercise and post-exercise systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures were lower for ATM2. Conclusion: A single bout of ATM exercise resulted in reduced resting blood pressure 24-hours later. Furthermore, post-exercise blood pressure was lower following a second ATM exercise session. These data support both the efficacy of ATM exercise in regulating blood pressure and the cumulative benefit of repeated exercise bouts. Pre-Exercise Post-Exercise SBP DBP MAP HR SBP DBP MAP HR ATM1 Avg 126 78 96 72 124 77 93 83 SD 11 7 7 11 12 7 8 10 ATM2 Avg 121 74 92 70 120 75 91 80 SD 11 7 7 11 10 8 7 13 T-Test 0.035 0.005 0.003 0.113 0.047 0.028 0.034 0.058 All values represent mean ± SD. p-values compare ATM1 vs. ATM

    Environmental effects on galaxy evolution. II: quantifying the tidal features in NIR-images of the cluster Abell 85

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    This work is part of a series of papers devoted to investigate the evolution of cluster galaxies during their infall. In the present article we imaged in NIR a selected sample of galaxies through- out the massive cluster Abell 85 (z = 0.055). We obtained (JHK) photometry for 68 objects, reaching 1 mag/arcsec^2 deeper than 2MASS. We use these images to unveil asymmetries in the outskirts of a sample of bright galaxies and develop a new asymmetry index, alpha_An, which allows to quantify the degree of disruption by the relative area occupied by the tidal features on the plane of the sky. We measure the asymmetries for a subsample of 41 large area objects finding clear asymmetries in ten galaxies, most of them being in groups and pairs projected at different clustercentric distances, some of them located beyond R500 . Combining information on the Hi-gas content of blue galaxies and the distribution of sub-structures across Abell 85, with the present NIR asymmetry analysis, we obtain a very powerful tool to confirm that tidal mechanisms are indeed present and are currently affecting a fraction of galaxies in Abell 85. However, when comparing our deep NIR images with UV-blue images of two very disrupted (jellyfish) galaxies in this cluster, we discard the presence of tidal 1 interactions down to our detection limit. Our results suggest that ram-pressure stripping is at the origin of such spectacular disruptions. We conclude that across a complex cluster like Abell 85, environment mechanisms, both gravitational and hydrodynamical, are playing an active role in driving galaxy evolution.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for Publication in A

    Of Screening, Stratification, and Scores

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    Technological innovations including risk-stratification algorithms and large databases of longitudinal population health data and genetic data are allowing us to develop a deeper understanding how individual behaviors, characteristics, and genetics are related to health risk. The clinical implementation of risk-stratified screening programmes that utilise risk scores to allocate patients into tiers of health risk is foreseeable in the future. Legal and ethical challenges associated with risk-stratified cancer care must, however, be addressed. Obtaining access to the rich health data that are required to perform risk-stratification, ensuring equitable access to risk-stratified care, ensuring that algorithms that perform risk-scoring are representative of human genetic diversity, and determining the appropriate follow-up to be provided to stratification participants to alert them to changes in their risk score are among the principal ethical and legal challenges. Accounting for the great burden that regulatory requirements could impose on access to risk-scoring technologies is another critical consideration

    Hacia una Antropología compartida. Reflexiones, experiencias y propuestas acerca de la fotografía participativa en investigación antropológica

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    Este artículo tiene dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, trazar un recorrido por las experiencias colaborativas a través de la fotografía y el video en Antropología, y en segundo lugar, contextualizar y mostrar los resultados de una investigación realizada recientemente sobre proyectos de fotografía participativa impulsados desde colectivos de fotógrafos documentales. Para estos objetivos me he centrado en trabajos pioneros y en autores que han puesto a prueba este tipo de metodologías con niños y adolescentes, escenario de mi trabajo de campo. Esta investigación, que está en sus comienzos, pretende buscar sinergias con otros profesionales y poder así establecer teorías y colaboraciones de cara a próximos proyectos de investigación aplicada a través del uso de los medios audiovisuales. This article has two main objectives. Firstly, to portray the diverse collaborative photography and video experiences in Anthropology. Secondly, to contextualize and share the results of recent research on participatory photography projects promoted by documentary photography collectivities. To this end, I have focused on pioneering works and authors who have tested these methodologies with children and adolescents who are the subject of my fieldwork. This research, which is at a commencing stage, aims to establish synergies with other professionals and therefore establish theories and collaborations in regards to future applied research projects through the use of audiovisual media

    The Membrane Cholesterol Modulates the Interaction Between 17-βEstradiol and the BK Channel

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    BK channels are composed by the pore forming α subunit and, in some tissues, is associated with different accessory β subunits. These proteins modify the biophysical properties of the channel, amplifying the range of BK channel activation according to the physiological context. In the vascular cells, the pore forming BKα subunit is expressed with the β1 subunit, where they play an essential role in the modulation of arterial tone and blood pressure. In eukaryotes, cholesterol is a structural lipid of the cellular membrane. Changes in the ratio of cholesterol content in the plasma membrane (PM) regulates the BK channel activation altering its open probability, and hence, vascular contraction. It has been shown that the estrogen 17β-Estradiol (E2) causes a vasodilator effect in vascular cells, inducing a leftward shift in the V0.5 of the GV curve. Here, we evaluate whether changes in the membrane cholesterol concentration modify the effect that E2 induces on the BKα/β1 channel activity. Using binding and electrophysiology assays after cholesterol depletion or enrichment, we show that the cholesterol enrichment significantly decreases the expression of the α subunit, while cholesterol depletion increased the expression of that α subunit. Additionally, we demonstrated that changes in the membrane cholesterol cause the loss of the modulatory effect of E2 on the BKα/β1 channel activity, without affecting the E2 binding to the complex. Our data suggest that changes in membrane cholesterol content could affect channel properties related to the E2 effect on BKα/β1 channel activity. Finally, the results suggest that an optimal membrane cholesterol content is essential for the activation of BK channels through the β1 subunit

    Crotonaldehyde hydrogenation on Rh/TiO2 catalysts. In situ DRIFTS studies

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    The surface and catalytic properties in the vapor-phase hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde on Rh/TiO2 has been studied. It was found that a partial reduction of the support produces a surface decoration of the metal component. Thus, interfacial sites are created, which are responsible of an increase in the selectivity to crotyl alcohol, via enhancement of the polarization of the C=O bond. Photoelectron spectra revelead that rhodium is in different oxidation states, with a contribution of ca. 20 % Rhd + and 80 % Rhº species for LTR catalyst and only a slight increase of Rhd + for HTR catalyst. TEM studies revelead that Rh has metal particle size close 3 nm with small increases in the catalyst reduced at high temperature. DRIFTS essayed carried out under reaction conditions allowed to identify crotonaldehyde species strongly adsorbed through the C=C bond and weakly coordinated through both the C=C and C=O bonds. After reduction at 723 K an increase in the peak at 1660 cm-1 ascribed to an interaction between the carbonyl group and the surface, was observed. This peak seems to be stabilized at interfacial Rh/TiOx sites The deactivation in crotyl alcohol formation can be ascribed to the generation of strongly chemisorbed asymmetric carboxylate species detected by band at 1740 cm-1. This band grows at expense of crotonaldehyde O s - bonded intermediate chemisorbed on coordinatively unsaturated sites (Lewis acid sites) responsible of the crotyl alcohol obtaintion (detected by a band at 1653 cm-1). Additionally, a small band at 2068 cm-1 assigned to CO adsorbed on transition metals, which increases with time on-stream may explain the deactivation of the catalysts in flow systems