51 research outputs found

    Hannah Arendt, Foucault e a reinvenção do espaço público Hannah Arendt, Foucault and the reinvention of the public space

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    O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar algumas convergências entre o pensamento de Hannah Arendt e o de Foucault. Minha tese a respeito é, que no fundo, ambos os autores visam a um pensamento do aberto e do não determinado, uma alternativa política que vai além de uma política partidista e que aponta para recuperar o espaço público. Política como atividade de criação e de experimentação. A teoria política de Hannah Arendt representa uma tentativa de pensar o acontecimento, de afrontar a contingência, de recusar as imagens e metáforas tradicionais oferecidas para imaginar o político, como uma vontade de agir, de transgredir e superar os limites.<br>The object of this article is to show some convergences between the thought of Hannah Arendt and of Michel Foucault. My thesis is that both authors aims a thought of the openess and not determined, a political alternative that goes beyong the party politics and aims to recover the public space. Politics as activity of creation and experimentation. The political theory of Hannah Arendt represents a tentative to think the event, to affront the contingency and to deny the traditional images and metaphors offered to imagine the political. It is a will to act, to transgress and overcome the limits

    Democratic legitimacy in the era of fiscal integration

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    While several countries still struggle to return to sustainable growth and Euroscepticism has shown growing strength ever since the 2014 European Elections, Europe is slowly advancing on the path of fiscal integration. This paper reassesses how legitimacy is provided and why the advancing economic and fiscal integration constitutes a ‘genetic change’ of the Union. The second section discusses the functional deadlock emerging from the interaction between demos democracy and redistribution, which invites the EMU to make a fundamental choice between ‘convergence of the identities’ and ‘convergence of the economies’