1,055 research outputs found

    D3 Brane Action and Fermion Zero Modes in Presence of Background Flux

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    We derive the fermion bilinear terms in the world volume action for a D3 brane in the presence of background flux. In six-dimensional compactifications non-perturbative corrections to the superpotential can arise from an Euclidean D3-brane instanton wrapping a divisor in the internal space. The bilinear terms give rise to fermion masses and are important in determining these corrections. We find that the three-form flux generically breaks a U(1) subgroup of the structure group of the normal bundle of the divisor. In an example of compactification on T^6/Z_2, six of the sixteen zero modes originally present are lifted by the flux.Comment: Important factor of ``i'' was overlooked in Euclidean continuation of WZ term. This changes the count of zero-modes in the T^6/Z_2 example. Main result stays unchanged. We thank Bergshoeff, Kallosh, Kashani-Poor, Sorokin and Tomasiello for pointing this ou

    Wrapped Magnetized Branes: Two Alternative Descriptions?

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    We discuss two inequivalent ways for describing magnetized D-branes wrapped N times on a torus T^2. The first one is based on a non-abelian gauge bundle U(N), while the second one is obtained by means of a Narain T-duality transformation acting on a theory with non-magnetized branes. We construct in both descriptions the boundary state and the open string vertices and show that they give rise to different string amplitudes. In particular, the description based on the gauge bundle has open string vertex operators with momentum dependent Chan-Paton factors.Comment: 60 pages, LaTe

    Moduli stabilization with positive vacuum energy

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    We study the effect of anomalous U(1) gauge groups in string theory compactification with fluxes. We find that, in a gauge invariant formulation, consistent AdS vacua appear breaking spontaneously supergravity. Non vanishing D-terms from the anomalous symmetry act as an uplifting potential and could allow for de Sitter vacua. However, we show that in this case the gravitino is generically (but not always) much heavier than the electroweak scale. We show that alternative uplifting scheme based on corrections to the Kahler potential can be compatible with a gravitino mass in the TeV range.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    On supersymmetric Minkowski vacua in IIB orientifolds

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    Supersymmetric Minkowski vacua in IIB orientifold compactifications based on orbifolds with background fluxes and non-perturbative superpotentials are investigated. Especially, microscopic requirements and difficulties to obtain such vacua are discussed. We show that orbifold models with one and two complex structure moduli and supersymmetric 2-form flux can be successfully stabilized to such vacua. By taking additional gaugino condensation on fixed space-time filling D3-branes into account also models without complex structure can be consistently stabilized to Minkowski vacua.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures; More detailed proof for absence of complex flat directions in susy AdS vacua given; Footnotes and reference adde

    F-Actin Interactome Reveals Vimentin as a Key Regulator of Actin Organization and Cell Mechanics in Mitosis.

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    Most metazoan cells entering mitosis undergo characteristic rounding, which is important for accurate spindle positioning and chromosome separation. Rounding is driven by contractile tension generated by myosin motors in the sub-membranous actin cortex. Recent studies highlight that alongside myosin activity, cortical actin organization is a key regulator of cortex tension. Yet, how mitotic actin organization is controlled remains poorly understood. To address this, we characterized the F-actin interactome in spread interphase and round mitotic cells. Using super-resolution microscopy, we then screened for regulators of cortex architecture and identified the intermediate filament vimentin and the actin-vimentin linker plectin as unexpected candidates. We found that vimentin is recruited to the mitotic cortex in a plectin-dependent manner. We then showed that cortical vimentin controls actin network organization and mechanics in mitosis and is required for successful cell division in confinement. Together, our study highlights crucial interactions between cytoskeletal networks during cell division

    Type IIB Flux Vacua from M-theory via F-theory

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    We study in detail some aspects of duality between type IIB and M-theory. We focus on the duality between type IIB string theory on K3 x T^2/Z_2 orientifold and M-theory on K3 x K3, in the F-theory limit. We give the explicit map between the fields and in particular between the moduli of compactification, studying their behavior under the F-theory limit. Turning on fluxes generates a potential for the moduli both in type IIB and in M-theory. We verify that the type IIB analysis gives the same results of the F-theory analysis. In particular, we check that the two potentials match.Comment: 24 pages; reference correcte

    Fermion Zero Modes in the Presence of Fluxes and a Non-perturbative Superpotential

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    We study the effect of background fluxes of general Hodge type on the supersymmetry conditions and on the fermionic zero modes on the world-volume of a Euclidean M5/D3-brane in M-theory/type IIB string theory. Using the naive susy variation of the modulino fields to determine the number of zero modes in the presence of a flux of general Hodge type, an inconsistency appears. This inconsistency is resolved by a modification of the supersymmetry variation of the modulinos, which captures the back-reaction of the non-perturbative effects on the background flux and the geometry.Comment: 21 pages, revised version contains a new appendix on dimensional reduction of spinors and some changes in the spinor equation

    Towards a Realistic Type IIA T^6/Z_4 Orientifold Model with Background Fluxes, Part 1: Moduli Stabilization

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    We apply the methods of DeWolfe et al. [hep-th/0505160] to a T^6/Z_4 orientifold model. This is the first step in an attempt to build a phenomenologically interesting meta-stable de Sitter model with small cosmological constant and standard model gauge groups.Comment: 1+30 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, v2: minor corrections, stability analysis of b_a moduli added, refs added, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Moduli stabilization with Fayet-Iliopoulos uplift

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    In the recent years, phenomenological models of moduli stabilization were proposed, where the dynamics of the stabilization is essentially supersymmetric, whereas an O'Rafearthaigh supersymmetry breaking sector is responsible for the "uplift" of the cosmological constant to zero. We investigate the case where the uplift is provided by a Fayet-Iliopoulos sector. We find that in this case the modulus contribution to supersymmetry breaking is larger than in the previous models. A first consequence of this class of constructions is for gauginos, which are heavier compared to previous models. In some of our explicit examples, due to a non-standard gauge-mediation type negative contribution to scalars masses, the whole superpartner spectrum can be efficiently compressed at low-energy. This provides an original phenomenology testable at the LHC, in particular sleptons are generically heavier than the squarks.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure
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