11 research outputs found

    Superficial Scald versus Ethanol Vapours: A Dose Response

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    Early picked "Granny Smith" apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) were stored under air or CA (controlled atmosphere at 2 kPa O2 and <1 kPa CO2) at 1°C. During the first week of storage, fruit was subjected to ethanol vapours in doses from 0 to 8 g/kg of fruit. Ethanol at 4 g/kg protected fruit against superficial scald in CA storage for at least 5.5 months, plus two weeks in cold air storage, plus a week at ambient temperature. Ethanol at 6 g/kg protected fruit in cold air storage for 3 months, plus a week at ambient temperature. Effects of ethanol vapours and CA on headspace ethylene levels are discussed. Ethanol vapours did not cause significant off-flavours in "Granny Smith" apples (consumer panel, hedonic scale), or purpling of the skin of Red Delicious apples (visual assessment)

    Isotopic scintigraphy coupled to tomodensitometry: Interest in the diagnosis of baclofen pump dysfonction

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    Introduction.– Intrathecal baclofen (ITB) infusion is an established method for the treatment of diffuse and disabling spasticity. The most frequent technical problems are due to catheter/pump dysconnections and diagnosis of dysfunction may be difficult. Observation.– We report the case of a 53-years-old woman suffering from multiple sclerosis with spastic paraplegia treated with ITB pump. Spasticity remained uncontrolled despite a gradual increase of ITB dosage up to 850 μg/day. Tests with baclofen infusion by lumbar puncture (150 μg) refuted any resistance to this drug. Plain films found a distal catheter directed downward with a catheter tip at L5 level without apparent disconnection or failure. An Indium 111 DTPA scintigraphy coupled with a tomodensitometry was performed. It was found that the activity of the radioisotope was maximal next to the first sacral vertebra related with the atypical orientation of the intrathecal catheter distal extremity. No leakage of the product was revealed. Very low activity of the radioisotope was observed above the lumbar level. The catheter was then replaced at T7 level. One month later, spasticity was well controlled. Six months later, a second Indium111 DTPA scintigraphy confirmed a high activity of intrathecal radioisotope up to the basal cisterns. Discussion.– This observation emphasizes the importance of Indium111 DTPA scintigraphy coupled with a tomodensitometry in the etiologic diagnosis of uncontrolled spasticity in patients with ITB pump. Baclofen stagnation in the dural sac shown in these investigations is related with the orientation of the catheter

    Disproportion foeto-pelvienne et radiopelvimétrie Fetal-pelvic disproportion and X-ray pelvimetry

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    International audienceÉcole de sages-femmes René-Rouchy et pôle de gynécologie-obstétrique, médecine foetale, reproduction humaine et orthogénie, CHU d'Angers, 4, rue Larrey, 49933 Angers cedex 9, France Résumé Objectifs La radiopelvimétrie permet l'exploration du bassin osseux et permettrait d'expliquer en partie les « disproportions foeto-pelviennes ». Nos objectifs sont d'évaluer la capacité de la pelvimétrie à documenter ces disproportions et de relever son influence sur la prise en charge des grossesses ultérieures. Patientes et méthodes Une étude rétrospective conduite sur onze ans a permis d'inclure 90 patientes césarisées à leur première grossesse pour « disproportion foeto-pelvienne » et suivies pour leurs grossesses suivantes au CHU d'Angers. Quarante-quatre patientes sont retenues pour étudier les mécanismes de stagnation de la dilatation. Résultats Seules 55,5 % des patientes ont un indice de Magnin défavorable (<23cm) et 47,8 % sont dans la zone d'incertitude ou de dystocie selon le diagramme de Magnin. La stagnation de la dilatation s'explique par des phénomènes mécaniques (72 % des patientes ont des anomalies pelviennes) et/ou dynamiques (42 % de présentations postérieures, 16 % d'hypocinésies). À la grossesse ultérieure, le nombre de césariennes programmées est important (cinquante-cinq cas). Les indications sont liées à la pelvimétrie (trente-cinq cas), mais également au désir de la patiente (deux cas), à une pathologie maternelle (quatre cas), à un hydramnios (trois cas), à une suspicion de souffrance foetale (cinq cas). Discussion et conclusions Le terme « disproportion foeto-pelvienne » doit être utilisé avec précaution : certains auteurs proposent de le réserver aux cas où l'on observe une stagnation pendant au moins deux heures de temps en phase active du travail, associée à une dynamique utérine satisfaisante, dans un contexte de variété antérieure. Abstract Objective

    Which Foetal-Pelvic Variables Are Useful for Predicting Caesarean Section and Instrumental Assistance

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    International audiencea narrow pelvic inlet had a greater risk for requiring CD. The most efficient variables for discrimination were the transverse diameter and foetal weight. The antero-posterior inlet and obstetric conjugate were considered in this model, with the former being a useful variable but not the latter. For the SVD versus IAD model, the most important variables were the foetal variables, particularly the bi-parietal diameter. Women with a reduced antero-posterior outlet diameter and a narrow pubic arch were more at risk of requiring an IAD. Conclusion: The antero-posterior inlet was an efficient variable unlike the obstetric conjugate. The obstetric conjugate diameter should no longer be considered a useful variable in estimating the arrest of labour. Antero-posterior inlet diameter was a sagittal variable that should be taken into account. The comparison of sub-pubic angle and bi-parietal and antero-posterior outlet diameters was useful in identifying a risk of requiring instrumental assistance. Abstract Objective: To assess the variables useful to predict caesare-an delivery (CD) and instrumental assistance, through the analysis of a large number of foetal-pelvic variables, using discriminant analysis. Materials and Methods: One hundred and fourteen pregnant women were included in this single-centre prospective study. For each mother-foetus pair, 43 pelvic and 18 foetal variables were measured. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis was performed to identify foe-tal-pelvic variables that could statistically separate the 3 delivery modality groups: spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD), CD, and instrument-assisted delivery (IAD). Results: For the SVD versus CD model, voluminous foetuses and women wit

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