31 research outputs found

    Quantum phases in mixtures of fermionic atoms

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    A mixture of spin-polarized light and heavy fermionic atoms on a finite size 2D optical lattice is considered at various temperatures and values of the coupling between the two atomic species. In the case, where the heavy atoms are immobile in comparison to the light atoms, this system can be seen as a correlated binary alloy related to the Falicov-Kimball model. The heavy atoms represent a scattering environment for the light atoms. The distributions of the binary alloy are discussed in terms of strong- and weak-coupling expansions. We further present numerical results for the intermediate interaction regime and for the density of states of the light particles. The numerical approach is based on a combination of a Monte-Carlo simulation and an exact diagonalization method. We find that the scattering by the correlated heavy atoms can open a gap in the spectrum of the light atoms, either for strong interaction or small temperatures.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Thermodynamic studies of the two dimensional Falicov-Kimball model on a triangular lattice

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    Thermodynamic properties of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model are studied on a triangular lattice using numerical diagonalization technique with Monte-Carlo simulation algorithm. Discontinuous metal-insulator transition is observed at finite temperature. Unlike the case of square lattice, here we observe that the finite temperature effect is not able to smear out the discontinuous metal-insulator transition seen in the ground state. Calculation of specific heat (C_v) shows single and double peak structures for different values of parameters like on-site correlation strength (U), f-electron energy (E_f) and temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Charge-transfer metal-insulator transitions in the spin-one-half Falicov-Kimball model

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    The spin-one-half Falicov-Kimball model is solved exactly on an infinite-coordination-number Bethe lattice in the thermodynamic limit. This model is a paradigm for a charge-transfer metal-insulator transition where the occupancy of localized and delocalized electronic orbitals rapidly changes at the metal-insulator transition (rather than the character of the electronic states changing from insulating to metallic as in a Mott-Hubbard transition). The exact solution displays both continuous and discontinuous (first-order) transitions.Comment: 22 pages including 4 figures(eps), RevTe

    Electronic dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study

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    A model to describe electronic correlations in energy bands is considered. The model is a generalization of the conventional Hubbard model that allows for the fact that the wavefunction for two electrons occupying the same Wannier orbital is different from the product of single electron wavefunctions. We diagonalize the Hamiltonian exactly on a four-site cluster and study its properties as function of band filling. The quasiparticle weight is found to decrease and the quasiparticle effective mass to increase as the electronic band filling increases, and spectral weight in one- and two-particle spectral functions is transfered from low to high frequencies as the band filling increases. Quasiparticles at the Fermi energy are found to be more 'dressed' when the Fermi level is in the upper half of the band (hole carriers) than when it is in the lower half of the band (electron carriers). The effective interaction between carriers is found to be strongly dependent on band filling becoming less repulsive as the band filling increases, and attractive near the top of the band in certain parameter ranges. The effective interaction is most attractive when the single hole carriers are most heavily dressed, and in the parameter regime where the effective interaction is attractive, hole carriers are found to 'undress', hence become more like electrons, when they pair. It is proposed that these are generic properties of electronic energy bands in solids that reflect a fundamental electron-hole asymmetry of condensed matter. The relation of these results to the understanding of superconductivity in solids is discussed.Comment: Small changes following referee's comment

    Weak-coupling Treatment of Electronic (Anti-)Ferroelectricity in the Extended Falicov-Kimball Model

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    We study the (spinless) Falicov-Kimball model extended by a finite band width (hopping tft_f) of the localized (f-) electrons in infinite dimensions in the weak-coupling limit of a small local interband Coulomb correlation UU for half filling. In the case of overlapping conduction- and f-bands different kinds of ordered solutions are possible, namely charge-density wave (CDW) order, electronic ferroelectricity (EFE) and electronic antiferroelectricity (EAFE). The order parameters are calculated as a function of the model parameters and of the temperature. There is a first-order phase transition from the CDW-phase to the EFE- or EAFE-phase. The total energy is calculated to determine the thermodynamically stable solution. The quantum phase diagrams are calculated.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure