1,958 research outputs found

    The Narrow-band Ultraviolet Imaging Experiment for Wide-field Surveys (NUVIEWS)-I: Dust scattered continuum

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    We report on the first results of the Narrow-band Ultraviolet Imaging Experiment for Wide-field Surveys (NUVIEWS), a sounding rocket experiment designed to map the far-ultraviolet background in four narrow bands. This is the first imaging measurement of the UV background to cover a substantial fraction of the sky. The narrow band responses (145, 155, 161, and 174 nm, 7-10 nm wide) allow us to isolate background contributions from dust-scattered continuum, H2 fluorescence, and CIV 155 nm emission. In our first flight, we mapped one quarter of the sky with 5-10 arcminute imaging resolution. In this paper, we model the dominant contribution of the background, dust-scattered continuum. Our data base consists of a map of over 10,000 sq. degrees with 468 independent measurements in 6.25 by 6.25 sq. degree bins. Stars and instrumental stellar halos are removed from the data. We present a map of the continuum background obtained in the 174 nm telescope. We use a model that follows Witt, Friedman, and Sasseen (1997: WFS) to account for the inhomogeneous radiation field and multiple scattering effects in clouds. We find that the dust in the diffuse interstellar medium displays a moderate albedo (a=0.55+/-0.1) and highly forward scattering phase function parameter (g=0.75+/-0.1) over a large fraction of the sky, similar to dust in star forming regions. We also have discovered a significant variance from the model.Comment: 16 pages, 3 ps figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    How Community Organizations Promote Continuity of Care for Young People with Mental Health Problems

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    Young people between the ages of 16 and 25 who experience mental health problems experience transitions and need help from a variety of organizations. Organizations promote continuity of care by assisting young adults with developmental, service, and systemic transitions. Providers offer specific services to help transitions and also form cooperative relationships with other community organizations. Results from a survey of 100 service providers in one community describe organizational attributes and practices which are associated with continuity of care in a regional system for young adults. Data analyses show that full-service organizations which practice cultural competence offer more specific services that foster continuity of care. Larger, full-service organizations are also more likely to have more extensive and collaborative inter-organizational networks that help young adults continue care over time within the regional system of care

    Statistical properties of the GALEX spectroscopic stellar sample

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    The GALEX General Data Release 4/5 includes 174 spectroscopic tiles, obtained from slitless grism observations, for a total of more than 60,000 ultraviolet spectra. We have determined statistical properties of the sample of GALEX stars. We have defined a suitable system of spectroscopic indices, which measure the main mid-UV features at the GALEX low spectral resolution and we have employed it to determine the atmospheric parameters of of stars in the range 4500<Teff<9000 K. Our preliminary results indicate that the sample is formed by a majority of main sequence F- and G-type stars, with metallicity [M/H]>-1 dex.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, UV universe special issu

    Design Equation: A Novel Approach to Heteropolymer Design

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    A novel approach to heteropolymer design is proposed. It is based on the criterion by Kurosky and Deutsch, with which the probability of a target conformation in a conformation space is maximized at low but finite temperature. The key feature of the proposed approach is the use of soft spins (fuzzy monomers) that leads to a design equation, which is an analog of the Boltzmann machine learning equation in the design problem. We implement an algorithm based on the design equation for the generalized HP model on the 3x3x3 cubic lattice and check its performance.Comment: 7 pages, 3 tables, 1 figures, uses jpsj.sty, jpsjbs1.sty, epsf.sty, Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Evidence for a change in the nuclear mass surface with the discovery of the most neutron-rich nuclei with 17<Z <25

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    The results of measurements of the production of neutron-rich nuclei by the fragmentation of a 76-Ge beam are presented. The cross sections were measured for a large range of nuclei including fifteen new isotopes that are the most neutron-rich nuclides of the elements chlorine to manganese (50-Cl, 53-Ar, 55,56-K, 57,58-Ca, 59,60,61-Sc, 62,63-Ti, 65,66-V, 68-Cr, 70-Mn). The enhanced cross sections of several new nuclei relative to a simple thermal evaporation framework, previously shown to describe similar production cross sections, indicates that nuclei in the region around 62-Ti might be more stable than predicted by current mass models and could be an indication of a new island of inversion similar to that centered on 31-Na.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letters, 200

    Large-Amplitude Ultraviolet Variations in the RR Lyrae Star ROTSE-I J143753.84+345924.8

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    The NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite has obtained simultaneous near and far ultraviolet light curves of the ROTSE-I Catalog RR Lyrae ab-type variable star J143753.84+345924.8. A series of 38 GALEX Deep Imaging Survey observations well distributed in phase within the star's 0.56432d period shows an AB=4.9mag variation in the far UV (1350-1750A) band and an AB=1.8mag variation in the near UV (1750-2750A) band, compared with only a 0.8mag variation in the broad, unfiltered ROTSE-I (4500-10000A) band. These GALEX UV observations are the first to reveal a large RR Lyrae amplitude variation at wavelengths below 1800A. We compare the GALEX and ROTSE-I observations to predictions made by recent Kurucz stellar atmosphere models. We use published physical parameters for the comparable period (0.57433d), well-observed RR Lyrae star WY Antliae to compute predicted FUV, NUV, and ROTSE-I light curves for J143753.84+345924.8. The observed light curves agree with the Kurucz predictions for [Fe/H]=-1.25 to within AB=0.2mag in the GALEX NUV and ROTSE-I bands, and within 0.5mag in the FUV. At all metallicities between solar and one hundredth solar, the Kurucz models predict 6-8mag of variation at wavelengths between 1000-1700A. Other variable stars with similar temperature variations, such as Cepheids, should also have large-amplitude FUV light curves, observable during the ongoing GALEX imaging surveys.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Links to the full set of papers will be available at http:/www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS after November 22, 200

    The Star Formation and Extinction Co-Evolution of UV-Selected Galaxies over 0.05<z<1.2

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    We use a new stacking technique to obtain mean mid IR and far IR to far UV flux ratios over the rest near-UV/near-IR color-magnitude diagram. We employ COMBO-17 redshifts and COMBO-17 optical, GALEX far and near UV, Spitzer IRAC and MIPS Mid IR photometry. This technique permits us to probe infrared excess (IRX), the ratio of far IR to far UV luminosity, and specific star formation rate (SSFR) and their co-evolution over two orders of magnitude of stellar mass and redshift 0.1<z<1.2. We find that the SSFR and the characteristic mass (M_0) above which the SSFR drops increase with redshift (downsizing). At any given epoch, IRX is an increasing function of mass up to M_0. Above this mass IRX falls, suggesting gas exhaustion. In a given mass bin below M_0 IRX increases with time in a fashion consistent with enrichment. We interpret these trends using a simple model with a Schmidt-Kennicutt law and extinction that tracks gas density and enrichment. We find that the average IRX and SSFR follows a galaxy age parameter which is determined mainly by the galaxy mass and time since formation. We conclude that blue sequence galaxies have properties which show simple, systematic trends with mass and time such as the steady build-up of heavy elements in the interstellar media of evolving galaxies and the exhaustion of gas in galaxies that are evolving off the blue sequence. The IRX represents a tool for selecting galaxies at various stages of evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in GALEX Special Ap.J.Suppl., December, 200

    GALEX UV Spectroscopy and Deep Imaging of LIRGs in the ELAIS S1 field

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    The ELAIS S1 field was observed by GALEX in both its Wide Spectroscopic and Deep Imaging Survey modes. This field was previously observed by the Infrared Space Observatory and we made use of the catalogue of multi-wavelength data published by the ELAIS consortium to select galaxies common to the two samples. Among the 959 objects with GALEX spectroscopy, 88 are present in the ELAIS catalog and 19 are galaxies with an optical spectroscopic redshift. The distribution of redshifts covers the range 0<z<1.60<z<1.6. The selected galaxies have bolometric IR luminosities 10<Log(LIR)<1310<Log(L_{IR})<13 (deduced from the 15ÎŒm15 \mu m flux using ISOCAM) which means that we cover a wide range of galaxies from normal to Ultra Luminous IR Galaxies. The mean (σ\sigma) UV luminosity (not corrected for extinction) amounts to Log(λ.L1530)=9.8(0.6)Log(\lambda.L_{1530}) = 9.8 (0.6) L_\sun for the low-z (z≀0.35z \le 0.35) sample. The UV slope ÎČ\beta (assuming fλ∝λÎČf_\lambda \propto \lambda^\beta) correlates with the GALEX FUV-NUV color if the sample is restricted to galaxies below z<0.1z < 0.1. Taking advantage of the UV and IR data, we estimate the dust attenuation from the IR/UV ratio and compare it to the UV slope ÎČ\beta. We find that it is not possible to uniquely estimate the dust attenuation from ÎČ\beta for our sample of galaxies. These galaxies are highly extinguished with a median value AFUV=2.7±0.8A_{FUV} = 2.7 \pm 0.8. Once the dust correction applied, the UV- and IR-based SFRs correlate. For the closest galaxy with the best quality spectrum, we see a feature consistent with being produced by a bump near 220nm in the attenuation curve.Comment: This paper has been published as part of the GALEX ApJL Special Issue (ApJ 619, L63

    Extinction Corrected Star Formation Rates Empirically Derived from Ultraviolet-Optical Colors

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    Using a sample of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopic catalog with measured star-formation rates (SFRs) and ultraviolet (UV) photometry from the GALEX Medium Imaging Survey, we derived empirical linear correlations between the SFR to UV luminosity ratio and the UV-optical colors of blue sequence galaxies. The relations provide a simple prescription to correct UV data for dust attenuation that best reconciles the SFRs derived from UV and emission line data. The method breaks down for the red sequence population as well as for very blue galaxies such as the local ``supercompact'' UV luminous galaxies and the majority of high redshift Lyman Break Galaxies which form a low attenuation sequence of their own.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJS GALEX special issu
