31 research outputs found

    Fast Calibration Method for Active Cameras

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    In this paper a model for active cameras that considers complex camera dynamics and lens distortion is presented. This model is particularly suited for real-time applications, thanks to the low computational load required when the active camera is moved. In addition, a simple technique for interpolating calibration parameters is described, resulting in very accurate calibration over the full range of focal lengths. The proposed system can be employed to enhance the patrolling activity performed by a network of active cameras that supervise large areas. Experiments are also presented, showing the improvement provided over traditional pin-hole camera models

    Un progetto fattibile

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    Presentazione del progetto di assetto paesaggistico del Lambro Milanese e delle azioni di miglioramento. Il volume raccoglie sotto il titolo ReLambro i risultati dello studio di fattibilità finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo nel 2012 nell’ambito del piano di azione “promuovere la sostenibilità ambientale a livello locale. Realizzare la connessione ecologica”. Il titolo originale del progetto, “Gli spazi aperti e gli ambiti agronaturalistici, il fiume Lambro, l’area metropolitana milanese - esempio di attivazione di rete ecologica”, nel corso del lavoro è stato precisato e orientato a rappresentare il fiume come ritrovata infrastruttura ecologica della metropoli milanese. Il progetto è stato coordinato da ERSAF (Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e alle Foreste di Regione Lombardia), ente capola, e sviluppato nel corso dei due anni successivi dalla partnership costituita dallo stesso ERSAF, dal DASTU (Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani) del Politecnico di Milano, che si è avvalso del supporto di IRS (Istituto di Ricerca Sociale), dal Comune di Milano, dal Parco Locale di Interesse Sovracomunale Media Valle Lambro e da Legambiente Lombardi

    Degradation of starch-filled polyethylene films in a composting environment

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    Studies were made of the microbial degradation of a series of low density polyethylene films filled with different amount of starch in the range 0-40% by weight. Biodegradability was evaluated by three different procedures of exposure of test samples to microbial attack in which the samples were either maintained in active composting piles, or aerobically incubated in the liquid obtained by pressing the initial composting material, or treated in a minimal mineral medium inoculated with a thermophilic actinomycete isolated from samples retrieved from compost. Spectroscopic analysis and optical and electron scanning microscopy, as well as dynamic-mechanical properties, molecular weight, and weight loss of the retrieved samples were utilized for a semiquantitative evaluation of microbial attack. The results indicate that the composting microbial ecosystem seems to be the most efficient degradative environment among the three systems, although this conclusion may hold only for the polymer sample containing 40% starch

    Degradation of starch filled polyethylene films in a composting environment

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    Studies were made of the microbial degradation of a series of low density polyethylene films filled with different amount of starch in the range 0-40% by weight. Biodegradability was evaluated by three different procedures of exposure of test samples to microbial attack in which the samples were either maintained in active composting piles, or aerobically incubated in the liquid obtained by pressing the initial composting material, or treated in a minimal mineral medium inoculated with a thermophilic actinomycete isolated from samples retrieved from compost. Spectroscopic analysis and optical and electron scanning microscopy, as well as dynamic-mechanical properties, molecular weight, and weight loss of the retrieved samples were utilized for a semiquantitative evaluation of microbial attack. The results indicate that the composting microbial ecosystem seems to be the most efficient degradative environment among the three systems, although this conclusion may hold only for the polymer sample containing 40% starch

    FeedNetBack-D01.04 - Tool Specifications

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    FEEDNETBACK deals with problems arising in networked control applications, whose solution requires putting together the instruments of different disciplines, namely control theory, communication and information theory, and computer science. Each of these disciplines has its own characteristics in terms of problems that are typically faced, and in terms of the requirements which are typically desirable in the systems to be designed. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate in a software different functionalities in order to simulate correctly the behavior of the whole set. This deliverable focuses on the different tool specifications which are proper in the simulators of each of these disciplines and significant in the class of problems considered in the present project. In this way, we first present a survey on available tools for each of these disciplines, in which we analyze the functionalities than can be used to simulate the behavior of networked control systems. Next, we explore how existing tools can be combined in order to provide different functionalities with good results. After this overview, we present a discussion about the guidelines for determining the tools functionalities related to control, communication and computation which make sense in networked control systems. Especially we focus on the case studies developed in work packages WP7 and WP8, respectively Smart camera networks for surveillance and motion capture and Application to underwater exploration by multi-agent systems. Finally, we determine the functionalities and specifications that will serve as guidelines for the tool development efforts of work packages WP2-5. This report presents the functionalities and specifications of the computational tools that enable the simulation of networked control systems, and thus, the application of theoretical results. This document is an input to WP2-5 where the described tool set will be developed.

    FeedNetBack-D01.04 - Tool Specifications

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    FEEDNETBACK deals with problems arising in networked control applications, whose solution requires putting together the instruments of different disciplines, namely control theory, communication and information theory, and computer science. Each of these disciplines has its own characteristics in terms of problems that are typically faced, and in terms of the requirements which are typically desirable in the systems to be designed. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate in a software different functionalities in order to simulate correctly the behavior of the whole set. This deliverable focuses on the different tool specifications which are proper in the simulators of each of these disciplines and significant in the class of problems considered in the present project. In this way, we first present a survey on available tools for each of these disciplines, in which we analyze the functionalities than can be used to simulate the behavior of networked control systems. Next, we explore how existing tools can be combined in order to provide different functionalities with good results. After this overview, we present a discussion about the guidelines for determining the tools functionalities related to control, communication and computation which make sense in networked control systems. Especially we focus on the case studies developed in work packages WP7 and WP8, respectively Smart camera networks for surveillance and motion capture and Application to underwater exploration by multi-agent systems. Finally, we determine the functionalities and specifications that will serve as guidelines for the tool development efforts of work packages WP2-5. This report presents the functionalities and specifications of the computational tools that enable the simulation of networked control systems, and thus, the application of theoretical results. This document is an input to WP2-5 where the described tool set will be developed.