414 research outputs found

    Electro and gamma nuclear physics in Geant4

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    Adequate description of electro and gamma nuclear physics is of utmost importance in studies of electron beam-dumps and intense electron beam accelerators. I also is mandatory to describe neutron backgrounds and activation in linear colliders. This physics was elaborated in Geant4 over the last year, and now entered into the stage of practical application. In the {\sc Geant4} Photo-nuclear data base there are at present about 50 nuclei for which the Photo-nuclear absorption cross sections have been measured. Of these, data on 14 nuclei are used to parametrize the gamma nuclear reaction cross-section The resulting cross section is a complex, factorized function of AA and e=log(Eγ)e = log(E_\gamma), where EγE_\gamma is the energy of the incident photon. Electro-nuclear reactions are so closely connected with Photo-nuclear reactions that sometimes they are often called ``Photo-nuclear''. The one-photon exchange mechanism dominates in Electro-nuclear reactions, and the electron can be substituted by a flux of photons. Folding this flux with the gamma-nuclear cross-section, we arrive at an acceptable description of the electro-nuclear physics. Final states in gamma and electro nuclear physics are described using chiral invariant phase-space decay at low gamma or equivalent photon energies, and quark gluon string model at high energies. We will present the modeling of this physics in {\sc Geant4}, and show results from practical applications.Comment: Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, La Jolla, California, March 24-28, 2003 1 tar fil

    Chiral invariant phase space event generator

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    Efficacy of application of a sphincterpreserving operations in the treatment of complex rectal fistulas

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    Для повышения эффективности лечения больных по поводу сложных свищей прямой кишки (СПК) усовершенствованы методы сфинктеросохраняющих оперативных вмешательств, разработан принципиально новый алгоритм лечения. Обследован 291 пациент в возрасте от 20 до 62 лет, всех оперировали в Одесской областной клинической больнице в период с 2003 по 2014 г. по поводу сложных транссфинктерных и экстрасфинктерных СПК. У 120 пациентов (І клиническая группа) применен лигатурный метод по стандартной методике; у 108 (ІІ группа) — пластический метод с перемещением слизисто—подслизистого лоскута по оригинальной методике; у 63 (ІІІ группа) — метод интрасфинктерного лигирования сложных СПК. Использование пластического метода интрасфинктерного лигирования сложных СПК позволило избежать анальной инконтиненции, уменьшить длительность периода нетрудоспособности в 2 — 2,5 раза. Однако частота рецидивов после сфинктеросохраняющих операций несколько больше: при применении лигатурного метода — 5%, пластического — 11,1%, интрасфинктерного лигирования — 9,2%. Применение разработанного алгоритма лечения пациентов по поводу сложных СПК способствовало сохранению высокого качества жизни у 96,3% больных, уменьшению частоты их инвалидизации.The methods of sphincterpreserving operative interventions, and a principally new algorithm of treatment was elaborated for enhancing of the treatment efficacy in patients, suffering complex rectal fistulas. There were examined 291 patients, ageing 20 — 62 yrs old, all of whom operated on in Odessa Rural Clinical Hospital in 2003—2014 yrs for complex transsphincteric and extrasphincteric rectal fistulas. In 120 patients (І clinical group) a ligature method in accordance to standard procedure was applied; in 108 (ІІ group) — a plastic method with transposition of mucosa—submucosal flap in accordance to original procedure; in 63 (ІІІ group) — a method of intrasphincteric ligature of complex rectal fistulas. Application of plastic method of intrasphincteric ligature of complex rectal fistulas have permitted to omit the anal incontinence, to reduce the unemployment period in 2 — 2.5 times. But a recurrence rate after sphincterpreserving operations is certainly bigger: while a ligature method application — by 5%, of a plastic one — 11.1%, of intrasphincteric ligature — 9.2%. Application of elaborated algorithm for the patients treatment for complex rectal fistulas have promoted preservation of high quality of life in 96.3% patients, as well as reduction of rate of their disabling

    The guard lymph nodes when choosing tactics of operational treatment of colorectal cancer

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    In this article, we analyzed the studies, that were conducted over the past 10 years to study the role of the "guard lymph node" in colorectal cancer. Researches were studied prospectively as well as retrospectively, in which "guard lymph nodes" were defined and was studied the lesion of lymph nodes 1, 2 and 3 orders. The purpose of this work is to evaluate and compare the results of operations used in collorectal cancer. Results and conclusions are presented on the basis of developed and developing countries

    Diagnostic biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes in mammary gland cancer

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    Objective.To improve the diagnostic biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes in patients, suffering mammary gland cancer, using fluorescent lymphography, and to reduce the quantity of postoperative complications. Materials and methods. In 2016 – 2021yrs period on the base of Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital 400 patients, suffering mammary gland cancer Stages Т1–Т3N0М0, were operated on with application of fluorescent lymphography, using two dyers – the patent blue and indocyanine green. All the patients were distributed into two groups. In Group I (a control one) in 200 patients the sentinel lymph nodes biopsy was performed. The dyer patent blue was applied for the lymph nodes coloring.In Group II (the main) in 200 women–patients the sentinel lymph nodes biopsy, using the patent blue and fluorescent dyer indocyanine green, was performed. Both dyers were injected subdermally along the external areolar edge in the dose 2 ml of the dyer solution. Results. Total 5–year survival after axillary lymphodissection and after the sentinel lymph node biopsy have constituted 91and 92%, accordingly, while the recurrence–free 5–year survival – 82.2 and 83.9%, accordingly. Regional recurrence in sentinel lymph nodes on the affected mammary gland side was diagnosed in 1.1% of the women–patients. In 58% of the women–patients the sentinel lymph nodes were clear, and that’s why a subsequent lymphodissection was not indicated to perform. Metastatic lymph nodes were revealed in 42% of the women–patients. Conclusion. The method of diagnostic biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes in patients, suffering mammary gland cancer, using dyers, permits in majority of them to abandon traumatic operations in favor of organ–preserving interventions, thus reducing the postoperative complications rate significantly

    ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest

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    Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on ‘small’ chemical compounds. The molecular entities in question are either natural products or synthetic products used to intervene in the processes of living organisms. Genome-encoded macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins and peptides derived from proteins by cleavage) are not as a rule included in ChEBI. In addition to molecular entities, ChEBI contains groups (parts of molecular entities) and classes of entities. ChEBI includes an ontological classification, whereby the relationships between molecular entities or classes of entities and their parents and/or children are specified. ChEBI is available online at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi

    Bioinformatics advances in saliva diagnostics

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    There is a need recognized by the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research and the National Cancer Institute to advance basic, translational and clinical saliva research. The goal of the Salivaomics Knowledge Base (SKB) is to create a data management system and web resource constructed to support human salivaomics research. To maximize the utility of the SKB for retrieval, integration and analysis of data, we have developed the Saliva Ontology and SDxMart. This article reviews the informatics advances in saliva diagnostics made possible by the Saliva Ontology and SDxMart

    Трансанальні ендоскопічні операції при пухлинах прямої кишки

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    Мета. Покращити діагностику та результати лікування хворих з пухлинами прямої кишки шляхом застосування тран- санальної ендоскопічної мікрохірургії і вивчення «сторожових» лімфатичних вузлів. Матеріали і методи. За період з 2009 по 2017 р. у клініці трансанальні ендоскопічні операції виконані 115 хворим у віці від 29 до 82 років. У 92 пацієнтів була тубуловорсинчата аденома прямої кишки, із них у 26 гістологічним дослі- дженням видалених пухлин виявлено малігнізацію (TisN0M0). У 23 пацієнтів до операції виявлено ранній рак прямої кишки Т1–2N0M0.  Результати. У строки спостереження від 12 до 60 міс рецидив виявили у 2 (2,2%) хворих з аденомою і у 3 (13%) з раком прямої кишки. Рецидив раку виник у хворих, які відмовилися від хіміотерапії та променевої терапії. Висновки. Ідентифікація і прицільне дослідження «сторожових» лімфатичних вузлів при раку прямої кишки умож- ливлює вірогідну (чутливість=0,89, специфічність=0,99) оцінку стадії захворювання і застосування адекватної схеми комбінованого і комплексного лікування пацієнтів

    Tactic of surgical treatment of complex rectal fistula

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    Обобщен опыт обследования и лечения 646 пациентов по поводу различных форм сложных свищей прямой кишки (СПК). Разработана и внедрена рабочая классификация СПК с учетом их сложности. Применение дифференцированного подхода позволило более широко использовать сфинктеросохраняющие методы, улучшить функциональные результаты, качество жизни пациентов, уменьшить продолжительность периода нетрудоспособности и частоту инвалидизации больных.The experience of the examination and treatment of 646 patients for different forms of complex rectal fistula (CRF) summarized. A working classification of the CRF with regard to their complication was developed and implemented. A differentiated approach has allowed greater use sphincter—preserving methods to improve functional outcome, quality of life, reduce the duration of the disability period and frequency of patients disability