17 research outputs found

    Predicting total reaction cross sections for nucleon-nucleus scattering

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    Nucleon total reaction and neutron total cross sections to 300 MeV for 12C and 208Pb, and for 65 MeV spanning the mass range, are predicted using coordinate space optical potentials formed by full folding of effective nucleon-nucleon interactions with realistic nuclear ground state densities. Good to excellent agreement is found with existing data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Применение вейвлет-анализа для фильтрации электрокардиографических данных

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    Показано можливість застосування вейвлет-перетворення для фільтрації електрокардіографічних даних, що дозволяє зробити не тільки відсічення сторонніх шумів, відновлення ізолінії та виділення інтервалів R-R, але і враховувати локалізацію особливостей електрокардіосигналу при його фільтрації.The opportunity of application wavelet-transformation for a filtration electrocardiography the data that allows to make not only cutting off of extraneous noise, restoration isoline and allocation of intervals R-R but also to take into account localization of features electrocardiosignal at his filtration.Показано возможность использования вейвлет-преобразования для фильтрации электрокардиографических данных, что позволяет сделать не только отсечение посторонних шумов, восстановление изолинии и выделение интервалов R-R, но и учитывать локализацию особенностей электрокардиосигнала при его фильтрации


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    The methodology of rating of the galvanic final tailings applicability for further processing in the interests of needs of metallurgical production of the Republic Belarus is offered


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    The problems of galvanic production waste recovery, conditions, influencing on the final tailings composition, influence of the chemical composition of final tailings on the ways of their recovery are examined

    Elements of lead metabolism in the body of dairy cows

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    The article is devoted to the actual problem of studying the peculiarities of lead exchange in the organism of dairy cows in conditions of winter and summer feeding rations. The experimental and analytical part of the research was carried out at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands (FGBNU VNIIMZ) on cows of black-nosed breed with productivity of 4600.5000 kg of milk. To study the exchange of macro- and microelements in the body of cows, physiological experiments were carried out according to the methods of the FGBNU VIZH and FGBNU VIC and zootechnical analysis taking into account the recommendations. In the experiments it was provided by the methodical principle of “unity of intergroup differences” and the presence of the control animals. It is possible to obtain objective comparative experimental data and credible conclusions based on mathematical processing using statistical computer programs. Results of physiological test were studied by correlation and regression analyzes. The method of correlation analysis determined mutual dependence of lead content in the feed, feces, urine, milk, and in the body of animals on its content in a ration. It has allowed to reveal total (linear) relationship in the metabolism of the element occurring in an organism of the animal in the winter and summer feeding rations. Equations the pair non-linear regression, showing the dependence of the content of a particular chemical element in the feces, urine, breast milk, and in the body of an animal from its content in a ration, make it possible to identify the true form of communication, due to the influence factor of the element content in ration on the chemical composition of the products, and animal excrement. In experiments with dairy cows (balance tests) characteristics of lead intake in the body of animals with food and water, the degree of removing it from the feces and urine were installed, as well as the degree of contamination of milk