2,556 research outputs found

    Results from the 4PI Effective Action in 2- and 3-dimensions

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    We consider a symmetric scalar theory with quartic coupling and solve the equations of motion from the 4PI effective action in 2- and 3-dimensions using an iterative numerical lattice method. For coupling less than 10 (in dimensionless units) good convergence is obtained in less than 10 iterations. We use lattice size up to 16 in 2-dimensions and 10 in 3-dimensions and demonstrate the convergence of the results with increasing lattice size. The self-consistent solutions for the 2-point and 4-point functions agree well with the perturbative ones when the coupling is small and deviate when the coupling is large.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures; v5: added numerical calculations in 3D; version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking for Scalar QED with Non-minimal Chern-Simons Coupling

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    We investigate the two-loop effective potential for both minimally and non-minimally coupled Maxwell-Chern-Simons theories. The non-minimal gauge interaction represents the magnetic moment interaction between a charged scalar and the electromagnetic field. In a previous paper we have shown that the two loop effective potential for this model is renormalizable with an appropriate choice of the non-minimal coupling constant. We carry out a detailed analysis of the spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by radiative corrections. As long as the renormalization point for all couplings is chosen to be the true minimum of the effective potential, both models predict the presence of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Two loop corrections are small compared to the one loop result, and thus the symmetry breaking is perturbatively stable.Comment: Revtex 25 pages, 9 figure

    Perturbative and Nonperturbative Kolmogorov Turbulence in a Gluon Plasma

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    In numerical simulations of nonabelian plasma instabilities in the hard-loop approximation, a turbulent spectrum has been observed that is characterized by a phase-space density of particles n(p)∼p−νn(p)\sim p^{-\nu} with exponent ν≃2\nu\simeq 2, which is larger than expected from relativistic 2↔22\leftrightarrow 2 scatterings. Using the approach of Zakharov, L'vov and Falkovich, we analyse possible Kolmogorov coefficients for relativistic (m≥4)(m \ge 4)-particle processes, which give at most ν=5/3\nu=5/3 perturbatively for an energy cascade. We discuss nonperturbative scenarios which lead to larger values. As an extreme limit we find the result ν=5\nu=5 generically in an inherently nonperturbative effective field theory situation, which coincides with results obtained by Berges et al.\ in large-NN scalar field theory. If we instead assume that scaling behavior is determined by Schwinger-Dyson resummations such that the different scaling of bare and dressed vertices matters, we find that intermediate values are possible. We present one simple scenario which would single out ν=2\nu=2.Comment: published versio

    Measurements of the absolute value of the penetration depth in high-Tc T_c superconductors using a tunnel diode resonator

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    A method is presented to measure the absolute value of the London penetration depth, λ\lambda, from the frequency shift of a resonator. The technique involves coating a high-TcT_c superconductor (HTSC) with film of low - Tc material of known thickness and penetration depth. The method is applied to measure London penetration depth in YBa2Cu3O{7-\delta} (YBCO) Bi2Sr2CaCu2O{8+\delta} (BSCCO) and Pr{1.85}Ce{0.15}CuO{4-\delta}(PCCO).ForYBCOandBSCCO,thevaluesof (PCCO). For YBCO and BSCCO, the values of \lambda (0)areinagreementwiththeliteraturevalues.ForPCCO are in agreement with the literature values. For PCCO \lambda \approx 2790$ \AA, reported for the first time.Comment: RevTex 4 (beta 4). 4 pages, 4 EPS figures. Submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Tool support for statistical testing of software components

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    We describe the "STSC" prototype tool that supports the statistical testing of software components. The tool supports a wide range of operational profiles and test oracles for test case generation and output evaluation. The tool also generates appropriate values for different types of input parameters of operations. STSC automatically generates a test driver from an operational profile. This test driver invokes a test oracle that is implemented as a behaviour-checking version of the implementation. To evaluate the flexibility and usability of the tool, it has been applied to several case studies using different types of operational profiles and test oracles

    Perceptions Of School By Two Teenage Boys With Asperger Syndrome And Their Mothers: A Qualitative Study

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    This qualitative study aimed to develop an understanding of the challenges faced by teenage boys with Asperger syndrome and their mothers. A case study approach was used to collect data from two 13-year-old boys who have Asperger syndrome and their mothers in Queensland, Australia. Data were collected through the use of semi¬structured interviews. The words of the boys and their mothers provide a valuable insight into the personal experiences and feelings of the par¬ticipants. An inductive approach to data analysis identified four themes: (1) developmental differences; (2) problems associated with the general characteristics of Asperger syndrome (i.e. communication and social difficulties, restricted range of interests, a need for routine); (3) stress; and (4) 'masquerading'. The first three themes relate strongly to the current literature, but the emergence of masquerading is of particular interest in developing a fuller understanding of the experiences of individuals with Asperger syndrome at school

    Dynamical renormalization group approach to transport in ultrarelativistic plasmas: the electrical conductivity in high temperature QED

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    The DC electrical conductivity of an ultrarelativistic QED plasma is studied in real time by implementing the dynamical renormalization group. The conductivity is obtained from the realtime dependence of a dissipative kernel related to the retarded photon polarization. Pinch singularities in the imaginary part of the polarization are manifest as growing secular terms that in the perturbative expansion of this kernel. The leading secular terms are studied explicitly and it is shown that they are insensitive to the anomalous damping of hard fermions as a result of a cancellation between self-energy and vertex corrections. The resummation of the secular terms via the dynamical renormalization group leads directly to a renormalization group equation in real time, which is the Boltzmann equation for the (gauge invariant) fermion distribution function. A direct correspondence between the perturbative expansion and the linearized Boltzmann equation is established, allowing a direct identification of the self energy and vertex contributions to the collision term.We obtain a Fokker-Planck equation in momentum space that describes the dynamics of the departure from equilibrium to leading logarithmic order in the coupling.This determines that the transport time scale is given by t_{tr}=(24 pi)/[e^4 T \ln(1/e)}]. The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation approaches asymptotically the steady- state solution as sim e^{-t/(4.038 t_{tr})}.The steady-state solution leads to the conductivity sigma = 15.698 T/[e^2 ln(1/e)] to leading logarithmic order. We discuss the contributions beyond leading logarithms as well as beyond the Boltzmann equation. The dynamical renormalization group provides a link between linear response in quantum field theory and kinetic theory.Comment: LaTex, 48 pages, 14 .ps figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Shear viscosity in Ï•4\phi^4 theory from an extended ladder resummation

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    We study shear viscosity in weakly coupled hot Ï•4\phi^4 theory using the CTP formalism . We show that the viscosity can be obtained as the integral of a three-point function. Non-perturbative corrections to the bare one-loop result can be obtained by solving a decoupled Schwinger-Dyson type integral equation for this vertex. This integral equation represents the resummation of an infinite series of ladder diagrams which contribute to the leading order result. It can be shown that this integral equation has exactly the same form as the Boltzmann equation. We show that the integral equation for the viscosity can be reexpressed by writing the vertex as a combination of polarization tensors. An expression for this polarization tensor can be obtained by solving another Schwinger-Dyson type integral equation. This procedure results in an expression for the viscosity that represents a non-perturbative resummation of contributions to the viscosity which includes certain non-ladder graphs, as well as the usual ladders. We discuss the motivation for this resummation. We show that these resummations can also be obtained by writing the viscosity as an integral equation involving a single four-point function. Finally, we show that when the viscosity is expressed in terms of a four-point function, it is possible to further extend the set of graphs included in the resummation by treating vertex and propagator corrections self-consistently. We discuss the significance of such a self-consistent resummation and show that the integral equation contains cancellations between vertex and propagator corrections.Comment: Revtex 40 pages with 29 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cricket, migration and diasporic communities

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    Ever since different communities began processes of global migration, sport has been an integral feature in how we conceptualise and experience the notion of being part of a diaspora. Sport provides diasporic communities with a powerful means for creating transnational ties, but also shapes ideas of their ethnic and racial identities. In spite of this, theories of diaspora have been applied sparingly to sporting discourses. Due mainly to its central role in spreading dominant white racial narratives within the British Empire, and the various ways different ethnic groups have ‘played’ with the meanings and associations of the sport in the (post-)colonial period, cricket is an interesting focus for academic research. Despite W.G. Grace’s claim that cricket advances civilisation by promoting a common bond, binding together peoples of vastly different backgrounds, to this day cricket operates strict symbolic boundaries; defining those who do, and equally, do not belong. C.L.R. James’ now famous metaphor of looking ‘beyond the boundary’ captures the belief that, to fully understand the significance of cricket, and the sport’s roles in changing and shaping society, one must consider the wider social and political contexts within which the game is played. The collection of papers in this special issue does just that. Cricket acts as the point of departure in each, but the way in which ideas of power, representation and inequality are ‘played out’ is unique in each
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