186 research outputs found

    VINDIJI, KOKI i VINDONU dodijeljen certifikat HALA

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    Istrian cattle is the most numerous autochtonous breed of cattle in Croatia. It represents a vivid monument of time and climate, well provided together by breeders and wider community for allmoust two decades. Negative movements in the population of Istrian cattle caused by global trends in animal production of economically developed societies has been stoped. Actual population of of Istrian cattle is in the phase of recovery and mild stagnation. Reduced further growth of population is conditioned by the lack of verified economic reafirmation which needs to conect interests between breeders and consumers, ensuring in that way the sustainability of the breed. The project of reafirmation of the Istrian cattle, allready underway, through the production programme of "Meat of Istrian cattle" has initialized the consensus of all subjects in the sequence of the food-stuff (breeding, processing, gastronomy) and it gives first positive results.Istarsko govedo najbrojnija je autohtona pasmina goveda u Hrvatskoj. Predstavlja živi spomenik vremena i podneblja o kojem gotovo dva desetljeća brinu vrijedni uzgajivači i Å”ira druÅ”tvena zajednica. Zaustavljena su negativna kretanja u populaciji istarskog goveda izazvana globalnim trendovima u animalnoj proizvodnji gospodarski razvijenijih druÅ”tava, a aktualna populacija nalazi se u fazi oporavka i blage stagnacije. Usporavanje daljnjeg rasta populacije uvjetovano je izostankom provjerene gospodarske reafirmacije koja treba interesno povezati uzgajivače i potroÅ”ače, osiguravajući time samoodrživost pasmine. Pokrenuti projekt reafirmacije istarskog goveda kroz program proizvodnje \u27\u27Mesa istarskog goveda\u27\u27 potakao je konsenzus svih subjekata u slijedu namirnice (uzgoj, procesing, gastronomija), te daje prve pozitivne učinke

    Interleukin-13 induces expression and release of interleukin-1 decoy receptor in human polymorphonuclear cells.

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether interleukin-13 (IL-13), a cytokine with anti-inflammatory activities, affected expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors (R) in human polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). Treatment with IL-13 augmented both type I and type II (decoy) R transcripts, with the latter being by far the most represented. The transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D blocked the induction of IL-1 R mRNAs by IL-13. Nuclear run-off experiments demonstrated an augmented transcriptional rate of IL-1 decoy R in IL-13-treated B lymphoblastoid cells. The protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide blocked type I R expression but superinduced decoy R expression. IL-13 augmented the binding of radiolabeled IL-1 beta on the PMN surface with an increased number of IL-1 receptors and no change in Kd values. IL-13 induced the surface expression of IL-1 decoy R and the release by PMN of an IL-1-binding protein identified as a soluble version of the IL-1 decoy R. These results show that PMN is an important target for IL-13 and that induction of expression and release of the IL-1 decoy R, in concert with inhibition of cytokine synthesis, may represent an important mechanism by which IL-13 blocks IL-1, a central mediator of inflammatory reactions

    The genetic structure and sustainability of autochthonous cattle breeds in Croatia

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    Prepoznavanje i potvrđivanje autohtonosti pasmine temeljna je odrednica u njenom očuvanju, budući da se na njoj temelji kontinuitet logike uzgojnog rada kojim se gubitak genetske osobitosti nastoji svesti na najmanju mjeru. Razložno je činiti redoviti osvrt na minuli uzgojni rad na autohtonim pasminama kako bi uočili manjkavosti u pogledu genetske ali i ekonomske održivosti. Analizirano je stanje genetske strukture i održivosti dvaju hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina goveda koje su viÅ”e od desetljeća u žiži znanstvenog i Å”ireg interesa. Istarsko govedo samo je dijelom konsolidirano u genetskom pogledu, uz joÅ” uvijek nejasnu uzgojnu strategiju u pogledu dostupnih linija i majčinskih rodova. Procijenjena razina uzgoj u srodstvu istarskog goveda na temelju rodoslovlja umjerene je razine (0,0175), no broj i distribucija linija ukazuju na potrebu pažljivije provedbe uzgojnog programa. Razina uzgoja u srodstvu (izračunata na temelju rodoslovlja) slavonsko srijemskog podolca (0,0186) ukazuje na sustavan selekcijski rad, no brojno stanje populacije i distribucija grla ukazuju na postojeću ozbiljnost situacije. Uzgajivačima nezadovoljavajuća visina novčanih poticaja, uz nerazvijene programe gospodarskog koriÅ”tenja, dovode u pitanje i fizičku održivost populacije u aktivnom in situ programu očuvanja.Recognizing and affirmation of autochthonism are basic points protection breeds, whereas is ground of continuity of breeding work which loss genetic rarity reduces to minimum. Necessary is seems the routine overview over the breeding work on autochthonous breeds in order to notice inadequacies in view of genetic and also economic sustainability. Has been analyzed genetic structure and sustainability of two autochthonous cattle breeds which are more than decades in center scientific and wider interest. The Istrian cattle has been partly consolidated in the genetic sight, beside still is unclear breeding strategy with regard to the accessible lineages. Has been estimated the level inbreeding of Istrian cattle on the basis of pedigree data is moderate level (0,0175), but the number and distribution of lineages suggest the needs of more careful implementation breeding program. Levels of inbreeding (calculated on the basis of pedigree) Slavonian syrmian podolian cattle (0,0186) points to the systematic selection work, but numerical situation of populations and distribution of herds suggest on the existing seriousness situations. Breeders unsatisfactory heights of financial stimulus, by undeveloped programs of economic use, call in question too physical sustainability populations the in situ program preservations

    Cloning and expression of a complementary DNA encoding a high affinity human neurotensin receptor

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    AbstractA human neurotensin receptor (hNTR) cDNA was cloned from the colonic adenocarcinoma cell line HT29. The cloned cDNA encodes a putative peptide of 418 amino acids with 7 transmembrane domains. The amino acid sequence of the hNTR is 84% identical to the rat NTR [Neuron, 4 (1990) 847-854]. Transfection of this cDNA into COS cells results in the expression of receptors with pharmacological properties similar to those found with HT29 cells. Northern blot analysis using the hNTR cDNA probe indicated a single transcript of 4 kb in the brain, the small intestine and blood mononuclear cells
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