51,181 research outputs found

    Transverse Momentum Resummation for Dijet Correlation in Hadronic Collisions

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    We study the transverse momentum resummation for dijet correlation in hadron collisions based on the Collins-Soper-Sterman formalism. The complete one-loop calculations are carried out in the collinear factorization framework for the differential cross sections at low imbalance transverse momentum between the two jets. Important cross checks are performed to demonstrate that the soft divergences cancelled out between different diagrams, and in particular, those associated with final state jets. The leading and sub-leading logarithms are identified. All order resummation is derived following the transverse momentum dependent factorization at this order. Its phenomenological applications are also presented.Comment: 51 pages, 10 figure

    Long Range Correlation in Higgs Boson Plus Two Jets Production at the LHC

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    We study Higgs boson plus two high energy jets production at the LHC in the kinematics where the two jets are well separated in rapidity. The partonic processes are dominated by the t-channel weak boson fusion (WBF) and gluon fusion (GF) contributions. We derive the associated QCD resummation formalism for the correlation analysis where the total transverse momentum q_\perp of the Higgs boson and two jets is small. Because of different color structures, the resummation results lead to distinguished behaviors: the WBF contribution peaks at relative low q_\perp while all GF channel contributions are strongly de-correlated and spread to a much wider q_\perp range. By applying a kinematic cut on q_\perp, one can effectively increase the WBF signal to the GF background by a significant factor. This greatly strengthens the ability to investigate the WBF channel in Higgs boson production and study the couplings of Higgs to electroweak bosons.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Universal Non-perturbative Functions for SIDIS and Drell-Yan Processes

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    We update the well-known BLNY fit to the low transverse momentum Drell-Yan lepton pair productions in hadronic collisions, by considering the constraints from the semi-inclusive hadron production in deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) from HERMES and COMPASS experiments. We follow the Collins-Soper-Sterman (CSS) formalism with the b_*-prescription. A universal non-perturbative form factor associated with the transverse momentum dependent quark distributions is found in the analysis with a new functional form different from that of BLNY. This releases the tension between the BLNY fit to the Drell-Yan data with the SIDIS data from HERMES/COMPASS in the CSS resummation formalism.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; updated the fit with running effects of \alpha_{s}, \alpha_{em}, N_f; conclusion remains; more discussions on the result

    Resummation of High Order Corrections in ZZ Boson Plus Jet Production at the LHC

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    We study the multiple soft gluon radiation effects in ZZ boson plus jet production at the LHC. By applying the transverse momentum dependent factorization formalism, the large logarithms introduced by the small total transverse momentum of the ZZ boson plus jet final state system, are resummed to all orders in the expansion of the strong interaction coupling at the accuracy of Next-to-Leading Logarithm(NLL). We also compare the prediction of our resummation calculation to the CMS data by employing a reweighting procedure to estimate the effect from imposing kinematic cuts on the leptons from ZZ boson decay, and find good agreement for both the imbalance transverse momentum and the azimuthal angle correlation of the final state ZZ boson and jet system, for pp→Z+jetpp\to Z+jet production at the LHC.Comment: 7 pages, published versio

    Resummation of High Order Corrections in Higgs Boson Plus Jet Production at the LHC

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    We study the effect of multiple parton radiation to Higgs boson plus jet production at the LHC, by applying the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization formalism to resum large logarithmic contributions to all orders in the expansion of the strong interaction coupling. We show that the appropriate resummation scale should be the jet transverse momentum, rather than the partonic center of mass energy which has been normally used in the TMD resummation formalism. Furthermore, the transverse momentum distribution of the Higgs boson, particularly near the lower cut-off applied on the jet transverse momentum, can only be reliably predicted by the resummation calculation which is free of the so-called Sudakov-shoulder singularity problem, present in fixed-order calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling single-photon transport in waveguides with finite cross-section

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    We study the transverse-size effect of a quasi-one-dimensional rectangular waveguide on the single-photon scattering on a two-level system. We calculate the transmission and reflection coefficients for single incident photons using the scattering formalism based on the Lippmann-Schwinger equation. When the transverse size of the waveguide is larger than a critical size, we find that the transverse mode will be involved in the single-photon scattering. Including the coupling to a higher traverse mode, we find that the photon in the lowest channel will be lost into the other channel, corresponding to the other transverse modes, when the input energy is larger than the maximum bound-state energy. Three kinds of resonance phenomena are predicted: single-photon resonance, photonic Feshbach resonance, and cutoff (minimum) frequency resonance. At these resonances, the input photon is completely reflected.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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