1,721 research outputs found

    Decoherence processes in a current biased dc SQUID

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    A current bias dc SQUID behaves as an anharmonic quantum oscillator controlled by a bias current and an applied magnetic flux. We consider here its two level limit consisting of the two lower energy states | 0 \right> and | 1 \right>. We have measured energy relaxation times and microwave absorption for different bias currents and fluxes in the low microwave power limit. Decoherence times are extracted. The low frequency flux and current noise have been measured independently by analyzing the probability of current switching from the superconducting to the finite voltage state, as a function of applied flux. The high frequency part of the current noise is derived from the electromagnetic environment of the circuit. The decoherence of this quantum circuit can be fully accounted by these current and flux noise sources.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Variable electrostatic transformer: controllable coupling of two charge qubits

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    We propose and investigate a novel method for the controlled coupling of two Josephson charge qubits by means of a variable electrostatic transformer. The value of the coupling capacitance is given by the discretized curvature of the lowest energy band of a Josephson junction, which can be positive, negative, or zero. We calculate the charging diagram of the two-qubit system that reflects the transition from positive to negative through vanishing coupling. We also discuss how to construct a phase gate making use of the controllable coupling.Comment: final version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Scalable superconducting qubit circuits using dressed states

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    We study a coupling/decoupling method between a superconducting qubit and a data bus that uses a controllable time-dependent electromagnetic field (TDEF). As in recent experiments, the data bus can be either an LC circuit or a cavity field. When the qubit and the data bus are initially fabricated, their detuning should be made far larger than their coupling constant, so these can be treated as two independent subsystems. However, if a TDEF is applied to the qubit, then a "dressed qubit" (i.e., qubit plus the electromagnetic field) can be formed. By choosing appropriate parameters for the TDEF, the dressed qubit can be coupled to the data bus and, thus, the qubit and the data bus can exchange information with the assistance of the TDEF. This mechanism allows the scalability of the circuit to many qubits. With the help of the TDEF, any two qubits can be selectively coupled to (and decoupled from) a common data bus. Therefore, quantum information can be transferred from one qubit to another.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle as Probe of Entanglement Entropy: Application to Superradiant Quantum Phase Transitions

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    Quantum phase transitions are often embodied by the critical behavior of purely quantum quantities such as entanglement or quantum fluctuations. In critical regions, we underline a general scaling relation between the entanglement entropy and one of the most fundamental and simplest measure of the quantum fluctuations, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Then, we show that the latter represents a sensitive probe of superradiant quantum phase transitions in standard models of photons such as the Dicke Hamiltonian, which embodies an ensemble of two-level systems interacting with one quadrature of a single and uniform bosonic field. We derive exact results in the thermodynamic limit and for a finite number N of two-level systems: as a reminiscence of the entanglement properties between light and the two-level systems, the product ΔxΔp\Delta x\Delta p diverges at the quantum critical point as N1/6N^{1/6}. We generalize our results to the double quadrature Dicke model where the two quadratures of the bosonic field are now coupled to two independent sets of two level systems. Our findings, which show that the entanglement properties between light and matter can be accessed through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, can be tested using Bose-Einstein condensates in optical cavities and circuit quantum electrodynamicsComment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Published Versio

    Intermittent origin of the large violations of the fluctuation dissipation relations in an aging polymer glass

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    The fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR) is measured on the dielectric properties of a polymer glass (polycarbonate)in the range 20mHz100Hz20mHz - 100Hz. It is found that after a quench below the glass transition temperature the fluctuation dissipation theorem is strongly violated. The amplitude and the persistence time of this violation are decreasing functions of frequency. At frequencies larger than 1Hz it persists for about 3h3h. The origin of this violation is a highly intermittent dynamics characterized by large fluctuations. The relevance of these results for recent models of aging dynamics are discussed.Comment: to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Observation of transition from escape dynamics to underdamped phase diffusion in a Josephson junction

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    We have investigated the dynamics of underdamped Josephson junctions. In addition to the usual crossover between macroscopic quantum tunnelling and thermally activated (TA) behaviour we observe in our samples with relatively small Josephson coupling E_J, for the first time, the transition from TA behaviour to underdamped phase diffusion. Above the crossover temperature the threshold for switching into the finite voltage state becomes extremely sharp. We propose a (T,E_J) phase-diagram with various regimes and show that for a proper description of it dissipation and level quantization in a metastable well are crucial.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Intermittent quakes and record dynamics in the thermoremanent magnetization of a spin-glass

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    A novel method for analyzing the intermittent behavior of linear response data in aging systems is presented and applied to spin-glass thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) (Rodriguez et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 037203, 2003). The probability density function (PDF) of magnetic fluctuations is shown to have an asymmetric exponential tail, demonstrating that the demagnetization process is carried by intermittent, significant, spin rearrangements or \emph{quakes}. These quakes are most pronounced shortly after the field removal, t/tw1t/t_w \approx 1 and in the non-equilibrium aging regime t/tw>>1t/t_w >>1. For a broad temperature range, we study the dependence of the TRM decay rate on tt, the time since the initial quench and on twt_w, the time at which the magnetic field is cut. The tt and twt_w dependence of the rate is extracted numerically from the data and described analytically using the assumption that the linear response is subordinated to the intermittent process which spasmodically release the initial imbalances created by the quench.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. The paper has been expanded and restructured, the figures have been enlarged and improved. Final version, to appear in Phy. Rev.

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in a gaussian trap model

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    The violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem are analyzed for a trap model with a gausssian density of states. In this model, the system reaches thermal equilibrium for long times after a quench to any finite temperature and therefore all aging effect are of a transient nature. For not too long times after the quench it is found that the so-called fluctuation-dissipation ratio tends to a non-trivial limit, thus inicating the possibility for the definition of a time scale dependent effective temperature. However, different definitions of the effective temperature yield distinct results. In particular plots of the integrated response versus the correlation function strongly depend on the way they are constructed. Also the definition of effective temperatures in the frequency domain is not unique for the model considered. This may have some implications for the interpretation of results from computer simulations and experimental determinations of effective temperatures.Comment: Proceedings of the workshop on non-equilibrium phenomena in supercooled fluids, glasses and amorphous materials (17-22 September, Pisa