2,310 research outputs found

    Anatomo-functional correspondence in the superior temporal sulcus

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    The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is an intriguing region both for its complex anatomy and for the multiple functions that it hosts. Unfortunately, most studies explored either the functional organization or the anatomy of the STS only. Here, we link these two aspects by investigating anatomo-functional correspondences between the voice-sensitive cortex (Temporal Voice Areas) and the STS depth. To do so, anatomical and functional scans of 116 subjects were processed such as to generate individual surface maps on which both depth and functional voice activity can be analyzed. Individual depth profiles of manually drawn STS and functional profiles from a voice localizer (voice > non-voice) maps were extracted and compared to assess anatomo-functional correspondences. Three major results were obtained: first, the STS exhibits a highly significant rightward depth asymmetry in its middle part. Second, there is an anatomo-functional correspondence between the location of the voice-sensitive peak and the deepest point inside this asymmetrical region bilaterally. Finally, we showed that this correspondence was independent of the gender and, using a machine learning approach, that it existed at the individual level. These findings offer new perspectives for the understanding of anatomo-functional correspondences in this complex cortical region

    Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Recognition and Promotion of High-Alpine Geomorphosites

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    International audienceHigh-alpine geomorphosites are poorly understood and developed, mostly because of the heavy constraints of high mountain areas. Meanwhile, they are geoheritage areas that are often extremely vulnerable to global warming: glaciers and permafrost areas are currently affected by major changes due to increasing air temperature. To deal with the high spatial variability of landforms and processes, research on alpine geomorphosites often needs the use of advanced methods of high-resolution topography, among which terrestrial laser scanning plays an increasingly crucial role. Carried out on some tenth of high-elevation sites across the Alps since the beginning of the 2000s, this method is particularly interesting for the recognition and development of high-alpine geomorphosites. Indeed, it can be implemented for identifying and characterizing the geomorphic objects (survey, monitoring and mapping), helping planning and protection policies and serving geotouristic development (communication about the processes involved, basis for documents)

    P2X₃ Knock-Out Mice Reveal a Major Sensory Role for Urothelially Released ATP

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    The present study explores the possible involvement of a purinergic mechanism in mechanosensory transduction in the bladder using P2X₃ receptor knock-out (P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻) and wild-type control (P2X₃ ⁺⁄⁺) mice. Immunohistochemistry revealed abundant nerve fibers in a suburothelial plexus in the mouse bladder that are immunoreactive to anti-P2X₃. P2X₃ -positive staining was completely absent in the subepithelial plexus of the P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻ mice, whereas staining for calcitonin gene-related peptide and vanilloid receptor 1 receptors remained. Using a novel superfused mouse bladder–pelvic nerve preparation, we detected a release of ATP proportional to the extent of bladder distension in both P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻ mice, whereas staining for calcitonin gene-related peptide and vanilloid receptor 1 receptors remained. Using a novel superfused mouse bladder–pelvic nerve preparation, we detected a release of ATP proportional to the extent of bladder distension in both P2X₃ ⁺⁄⁺ and P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻ mice, although P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻ bladder had an increased capacity compared with that of the P2X₃ ⁺⁄⁺ bladder. The activity of multifiber pelvic nerve afferents increased progressively during gradual bladder distension (at a rate of 0.1 ml/min). However, the bladder afferents from P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻ mice showed an attenuated response to bladder distension. Mouse bladder afferents of P2X₃ ⁺⁄⁺, but not P2X₃ ⁻⁄⁻, were rapidly activated by intravesical injections of P2X agonists (ATP or α,β-methylene ATP) and subsequently showed an augmented response to bladder distension. By contrast, P2X antagonists [2′,3′-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-ATP and pyridoxal 5-phosphate 6-azophenyl-2′,4′-disulfonic acid] and capsaicin attenuated distension-induced discharges in bladder afferents. These data strongly suggest a major sensory role for urothelially released ATP acting via P2X₃ receptors on a subpopulation of pelvic afferent fibers

    Catalogue of the new marine harpacticoid copepods

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    Low Frequency Tilt Seismology with a Precision Ground Rotation Sensor

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    We describe measurements of the rotational component of teleseismic surface waves using an inertial high-precision ground-rotation-sensor installed at the LIGO Hanford Observatory (LHO). The sensor has a noise floor of 0.4 nrad/Hz/ \sqrt{\rm Hz} at 50 mHz and a translational coupling of less than 1 μ\murad/m enabling translation-free measurement of small rotations. We present observations of the rotational motion from Rayleigh waves of six teleseismic events from varied locations and with magnitudes ranging from M6.7 to M7.9. These events were used to estimate phase dispersion curves which shows agreement with a similar analysis done with an array of three STS-2 seismometers also located at LHO

    Semi-free forearm flap for pharyngeal-esophageal reconstruction after radiation therapy

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    AbstractReconstruction of the pharynx and upper esophagus uses various procedures, including pedicled or free flap. Pharyngoplasty with free forearm flap provides excellent functional results. In radiation-related pharyngeal stenosis, recipient vascularization is often poor, especially in the venous system. The authors describe pharyngeal reconstruction with semi-free forearm flap, pedicled on the cephalic vein, to minimize the risk of venous thrombosis, which is the main factor of free forearm flap necrosis. Taking the case of a laryngectomy with complete pharyngeal stenosis after radiation therapy and iterative neck surgery, the technique of pharyngeal-esophageal reconstruction by semi-free forearm flap is described in a context of impaired vascularization

    Sources of variation and genetic profile of spontaneous, out-of-season ovulatory activity in the Chios sheep

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    Organising the breeding plan of a seasonally breeding species, such as sheep, presents a challenge to farmers and the industry as a whole, since both economical and biological considerations need to be carefully balanced. Understanding the breeding activity of individual animals becomes a prerequisite for a successful breeding program. This study set out to investigate the sources of variation and the genetic profile of the spontaneous, out-of-season ovulatory activity of ewes of the Chios dairy sheep breed in Greece. The definition of the trait was based on blood progesterone levels, measured before exposing the ewes to rams, which marks the onset of the usual breeding season. Data were 707 records, taken over two consecutive years, of 435 ewes kept at the Agricultural Research Station of Chalkidiki in northern Greece. When all available pedigree was included, the total number of animals involved was 1068. On average, 29% of all ewes exhibited spontaneous, out-of-season ovulatory activity, with no substantial variation between the years. Significant sources of systematic variation were the ewe age and live weight, and the month of previous lambing. Older, heavier ewes, that had lambed early the previous autumn, exhibited more frequent activity. Heritability estimates were 0.216 (±0.084\pm 0.084) with a linear and 0.291 with a threshold model. The latter better accounts for the categorical nature of the trait. The linear model repeatability was 0.230 (±0.095\pm 0.095). The results obtained in this study support the notion that spontaneous out-of-season ovulatory activity can be considered in the development of a breeding plan for the Chios sheep breed

    Benchmarking computer platforms for lattice QCD applications

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    We define a benchmark suite for lattice QCD and report on benchmark results from several computer platforms. The platforms considered are apeNEXT, CRAY T3E, Hitachi SR8000, IBM p690, PC-Clusters, and QCDOC.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice03, machines and algorithm

    Embedded hardware for closing the gap between research and industry in the assistive powered wheelchair market

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    Literature is abound with smart wheelchair platforms of various developments, yet to date there has been little technology find its way to the market place. Many trials and much research has taken place over the last few decades however the end user has benefited precious little. There exists two fundamental difficulties when developing a smart powered wheelchair assistive system, the first is need for the system to be fully compatible with all of the manufacturers, and the second is to produce a technology and business model which is marketable and therefore desirable to the manufacturers. However this requires the researchers to have access to hardware which can be used to develop practical systems which integrate and communicate seamlessly with current manufacturer’s wheelchair systems. We present our powered wheelchair system which integrates with 95% of the powered wheelchair controller market; our system allows researchers to access the low level embedded system with more powerful computational devices running sophisticated software enabling rapid development of algorithms and techniques. When they have been evaluated they can be easily ported to the embedded processor for real-time evaluation and clinical trial