385 research outputs found

    Marxistiese perspektiewe op die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie

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    The author states at the outset that the paper deals with scientific or theoretical Marxism, and not with the extent to which Marxism has found room in the thoughts and deeds of the concrete institutions and organizations like, for instance, the ANC. The discussion starts off with a consideration of the fact that it is not easy nowadays to get away from a wide variety of interpretations of Marx, and he offers a useful schematic division for the historical course of Marx interpretations. Following this there is a consideration of some aspects of a non-Marxist perspective on the South African African economy, which offers a background to a consideration of aspects of a Marxist perspective. He refers to the fact that a long-drawn out debate has gone on between a group of Marxist academics and a variety of non-Marxists, and the struggle in the main has been about the question as to what constitutes the main source of conflict in South Africa, a question which can be reduced to the implications of capitalist development in South Africa

    Die tweede erediens

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    Evening ServiceFor many years the evening service of the Afrikaans speaking churches has been unsuccessful as far as attendances are concerned. Many endeavours to improve this have failed. This study is an attempt to argue that the Bible and history do not insist on an evening meeting of the church on Sunday, especially not as a second service. In the light of biblical and historical facts the problem of the evening service could be resolved if, in every parish, there were a service on Sunday as well as other types of gatherings, including an educational meeting, which could be held at different times, according to local demands

    Liturgiese klere met besondere verwysing na die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

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    Liturgical clothes with special reference to the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van AfrikaIn the Old Testament it was ruled that church officials should wear special clothes depicting the seperation between God and man. The function of the high priest was fulfilled by Jesus Christ and the gulf between God and man eliminated, making the need for liturgical dress unnecessary from the time of the New Testament. Since the earliest centuries of the church, official clothes for clergymen has been uncommon. Although the medieval Roman Catholic Church enforced official liturgical attire, the church reformists viewed such dress with scepticism. It is also considered that in the Hervormde Kerk no liturgical clothes should be worn, other than the academic robe as proof of competence

    Beskrywing en evaluering van verskillende kategetiese beskouings met die oog op die formulering van basisteorieë vir die kategese

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    Description and evaluation of different catechetical ideas in order to formulate basic  theories for catechesis In order to formulate basic theories for catechesis various views are considered and evaluated in this article. The following basic theories are the  result of the evaluation: Catechesis is an act of communication founded on baptism in service to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It takes place in the form of instruction, with the  aid of curriculum models. It takes place during formal catechesis, but it is indirectly affiliated to other functions of the church. It is directed at children of the covenant, and  enlists their co-operation. It is ministered by parents, catechists, and the community of  the covenant, presenting the Bible as the word of God

    Die ontstaan en inrigting van die SVTT (Praktiese Opleiding) van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika aan die Universiteit van Pretoria

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    The inception and establishment of the Centre for Continued Theological Education (Practical Training) of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika at the University of PretoriaDuring 1988 the Curriculum Committee of the Faculty of Theology (Sec A) launched an in-depth investigation into the training of ministers of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. With a view to maintaining the practical and academical training standards, it was decided to provide for more practical training to take place at the Centre for Continued Theological Education (CCTE). During 1989 this decision culminated in a second division of the CCTE which started to provide this important supplement to the existing curriculum, known as Practical Training. This division has since been called the CCTE (Practical Training) Department


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    Die aktualisering van die gemeenskap van die gelowiges binne die erediens

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    The actualising of the commimity of believers within public worshipThe youth experiences the public service in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Church of Africa as cold and dead. According to investigations it feels that the public service lacks warmth and intimate atmosphere. Therefore this article wants to investigate the community of believers in the church. The question of how the church can realise the community of believers is raised. To reach this point, firstly the Bible and the articles of faith is investigated, and after that a look is taken at the nature of the public service, and the actualising of the believers

    Evaluering van verskillende gemeenteboumodelle met die oog op die daarstelling van 'n eie model vir die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

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    Evaluation of different congregation-development models with a view of introducing a model for the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. Since 1982 congregation development has been offered as a subject in most of the recognized practical theology departments. Certain factors have given rise to the fact that this subject and its practical application have not yet established themselves in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. Scientific, systematic, goal-orientated planning and leading of a congregation in the light of the current situation in many congregations of the church have become absolutely essential. This article is an attempt to look into the evaluation of the Dreyer, Nel, Hendriks and Callahan congregation-development models with a view to develop a model for the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika