54 research outputs found

    Monitoring Ion Channel Function In Real Time Through Quantum Decoherence

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    In drug discovery research there is a clear and urgent need for non-invasive detection of cell membrane ion channel operation with wide-field capability. Existing techniques are generally invasive, require specialized nano structures, or are only applicable to certain ion channel species. We show that quantum nanotechnology has enormous potential to provide a novel solution to this problem. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre in nano-diamond is currently of great interest as a novel single atom quantum probe for nanoscale processes. However, until now, beyond the use of diamond nanocrystals as fluorescence markers, nothing was known about the quantum behaviour of a NV probe in the complex room temperature extra-cellular environment. For the first time we explore in detail the quantum dynamics of a NV probe in proximity to the ion channel, lipid bilayer and surrounding aqueous environment. Our theoretical results indicate that real-time detection of ion channel operation at millisecond resolution is possible by directly monitoring the quantum decoherence of the NV probe. With the potential to scan and scale-up to an array-based system this conclusion may have wide ranging implications for nanoscale biology and drug discovery.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Ion Channel Density Regulates Switches between Regular and Fast Spiking in Soma but Not in Axons

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    The threshold firing frequency of a neuron is a characterizing feature of its dynamical behaviour, in turn determining its role in the oscillatory activity of the brain. Two main types of dynamics have been identified in brain neurons. Type 1 dynamics (regular spiking) shows a continuous relationship between frequency and stimulation current (f-Istim) and, thus, an arbitrarily low frequency at threshold current; Type 2 (fast spiking) shows a discontinuous f-Istim relationship and a minimum threshold frequency. In a previous study of a hippocampal neuron model, we demonstrated that its dynamics could be of both Type 1 and Type 2, depending on ion channel density. In the present study we analyse the effect of varying channel density on threshold firing frequency on two well-studied axon membranes, namely the frog myelinated axon and the squid giant axon. Moreover, we analyse the hippocampal neuron model in more detail. The models are all based on voltage-clamp studies, thus comprising experimentally measurable parameters. The choice of analysing effects of channel density modifications is due to their physiological and pharmacological relevance. We show, using bifurcation analysis, that both axon models display exclusively Type 2 dynamics, independently of ion channel density. Nevertheless, both models have a region in the channel-density plane characterized by an N-shaped steady-state current-voltage relationship (a prerequisite for Type 1 dynamics and associated with this type of dynamics in the hippocampal model). In summary, our results suggest that the hippocampal soma and the two axon membranes represent two distinct kinds of membranes; membranes with a channel-density dependent switching between Type 1 and 2 dynamics, and membranes with a channel-density independent dynamics. The difference between the two membrane types suggests functional differences, compatible with a more flexible role of the soma membrane than that of the axon membrane

    Anaesthesia and PET of the Brain

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    Although drugs have been used to administer general anaesthesia for more than a century and a half, relatively little was known until recently about the molecular and cellular effects of the anaesthetic agents and the neurobiology of anaesthesia. Positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) studies have played a valuable role in improving this knowledge. PET studies using 11C-flumazenil binding have been used to demonstrate that the molecular action of some, but not all, of the current anaesthetic agents is mediated via the GABAA receptor. Using different tracers labelled with 18F, 11C and 15O, PET studies have shown the patterns of changes in cerebral metabolism and blood flow associated with different intravenous and volatile anaesthetic agents. Within classes of volatile agents, there are minor variations in patterns. More profound differences are found between classes of agents. Interestingly, all agents cause alterations in the blood flow and metabolism of the thalamus, providing strong support for the hypothesis that the anaesthetic agents interfere with consciousness by interfering with thalamocortical communication.</p

    Tail currents in the myelinated axon of Xenopus laevis suggest a two-open-state Na channel.

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    Na tail currents in the myelinated axon of Xenopus laevis were measured at -70 mV after steps to -10 mV. The tail currents were biexponential, comprising a fast and a slow component. The time constant of the slow tail component, analyzed in the time window 0.35-0.50 ms, was independent of step duration, and had a value of 0.23 ms. The amplitude, extrapolated back to time 0, varied, however, with step duration. It reached a peak after 0.7 ms and inactivated relatively slowly (at 2.1 ms the absolute value was reduced by approximately 30%). The amplitude of the fast component, estimated by subtracting the amplitude of the slow component from the calculated total tail current amplitude, reached a peak (three times larger than that of the slow component) after 0.5 ms and inactivated relatively fast (at 2.1 ms it was reduced by approximately 65%). The results were explained by a novel Na channel model, comprising two open states bifurcating from a common closed state and with separate inactivating pathways. A voltage-regulated use of the two pathways explains a number of findings reported in the literature

    The modulatory site for the action of gadolinium on surface charges and channel gating.

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    The gadolinium (Gd3+)-induced shift of potential dependence and modulated gating of Na and K channels were analyzed. In a previous investigation, we explained the shift in terms of pure screening (no binding) of fixed surface charges and the modulation by binding to modulatory sites on the channels. In the present paper, we have extended this model by including effects on the charge density of Gd3+ binding to the modulatory sites. From fitting the extended model to experimental data, the charge density was estimated to be -0.6 e nm-2, and the Gd(3+)-induced charge change to be +0.15 e nm-2, and the maximal scaling factor to be 7.5 for both Na and K channels. Intrinsic KD values for binding to the K and Na channels were estimated to be 140 and 380 mM, respectively. Estimations of the extracellular charge density, from primary structures of cloned channels, were found to be in agreement with estimations based on the present model. The modulatory site was suggested to be located at the cluster of negatively charged residues between the fifth transmembrane segment (S5) and the pore-forming region for both Na and K channels. These suggestions imply several testable predictions about different K channels