4,551 research outputs found

    A method for atomistic spin dynamics simulations: implementation and examples

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    We present a method for performing atomistic spin dynamic simulations. A comprehensive summary of all pertinent details for performing the simulations such as equations of motions, models for including temperature, methods of extracting data and numerical schemes for performing the simulations is given. The method can be applied in a first principles mode, where all interatomic exchange is calculated self-consistently, or it can be applied with frozen parameters estimated from experiments or calculated for a fixed spin-configuration. Areas of potential applications to different magnetic questions are also discussed. The method is finally applied to one situation where the macrospin model breaks down; magnetic switching in ultra strong fields.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure

    Atomistic spin dynamics of the CuMn spin glass alloy

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    We demonstrate the use of Langevin spin dynamics for studying dynamical properties of an archetypical spin glass system. Simulations are performed on CuMn (20% Mn) where we study the relaxation that follows a sudden quench of the system to the low temperature phase. The system is modeled by a Heisenberg Hamiltonian where the Heisenberg interaction parameters are calculated by means of first-principles density functional theory. Simulations are performed by numerically solving the Langevin equations of motion for the atomic spins. It is shown that dynamics is governed, to a large degree, by the damping parameter in the equations of motion and the system size. For large damping and large system sizes we observe the typical aging regime.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamics of diluted magnetic semiconductors from atomistic spin dynamics simulations: Mn doped GaAs as a case study

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    The dynamical behavior of the magnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) has been investigated by means of atomistic spin dynamics simulations. The conclusions drawn from the study are argued to be general for DMS systems in the low concentration limit, although all simulations are done for 5% Mn-doped GaAs with various concentrations of As antisite defects. The magnetization curve, M(T)M(T), and the Curie temperature TCT_C have been calculated, and are found to be in good correspondence to results from Monte Carlo simulations and experiments. Furthermore, equilibrium and non-equilibrium behavior of the magnetic pair correlation function have been extracted. The dynamics of DMS systems reveals a substantial short ranged magnetic order even at temperatures at or above the ordering temperature, with a non-vanishing pair correlation function extending up to several atomic shells. For the high As antisite concentrations the simulations show a short ranged anti-ferromagnetic coupling, and a weakened long ranged ferromagnetic coupling. For sufficiently large concentrations we do not observe any long ranged ferromagnetic correlation. A typical dynamical response shows that starting from a random orientation of moments, the spin-correlation develops very fast (\sim 1ps) extending up to 15 atomic shells. Above \sim 10 ps in the simulations, the pair correlation is observed to extend over some 40 atomic shells. The autocorrelation function has been calculated and compared with ferromagnets like bcc Fe and spin-glass materials. We find no evidence in our simulations for a spin-glass behaviour, for any concentration of As antisites. Instead the magnetic response is better described as slow dynamics, at least when compared to that of a regular ferromagnet like bcc Fe.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Performance of an Operating High Energy Physics Data Grid: D0SAR-Grid

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    The D0 experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron will record several petabytes of data over the next five years in pursuing the goals of understanding nature and searching for the origin of mass. Computing resources required to analyze these data far exceed capabilities of any one institution. Moreover, the widely scattered geographical distribution of D0 collaborators poses further serious difficulties for optimal use of human and computing resources. These difficulties will exacerbate in future high energy physics experiments, like the LHC. The computing grid has long been recognized as a solution to these problems. This technology is being made a more immediate reality to end users in D0 by developing a grid in the D0 Southern Analysis Region (D0SAR), D0SAR-Grid, using all available resources within it and a home-grown local task manager, McFarm. We will present the architecture in which the D0SAR-Grid is implemented, the use of technology and the functionality of the grid, and the experience from operating the grid in simulation, reprocessing and data analyses for a currently running HEP experiment.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, conference proceedings of DPF04 tal

    Fluid Particle Accelerations in Fully Developed Turbulence

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    The motion of fluid particles as they are pushed along erratic trajectories by fluctuating pressure gradients is fundamental to transport and mixing in turbulence. It is essential in cloud formation and atmospheric transport, processes in stirred chemical reactors and combustion systems, and in the industrial production of nanoparticles. The perspective of particle trajectories has been used successfully to describe mixing and transport in turbulence, but issues of fundamental importance remain unresolved. One such issue is the Heisenberg-Yaglom prediction of fluid particle accelerations, based on the 1941 scaling theory of Kolmogorov (K41). Here we report acceleration measurements using a detector adapted from high-energy physics to track particles in a laboratory water flow at Reynolds numbers up to 63,000. We find that universal K41 scaling of the acceleration variance is attained at high Reynolds numbers. Our data show strong intermittency---particles are observed with accelerations of up to 1,500 times the acceleration of gravity (40 times the root mean square value). Finally, we find that accelerations manifest the anisotropy of the large scale flow at all Reynolds numbers studied.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Radiation-Hard Optical Link for SLHC

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    We study the feasibility of fabricating an optical link for the SLHC ATLAS silicon tracker based on the current pixel optical link architecture. The electrical signals between the current pixel modules and the optical modules are transmitted via micro-twisted cables. The optical signals between the optical modules and the data acquisition system are transmitted via rad-hard SIMM fibres spliced to rad-tolerant GRIN fibres. The link has several nice features. We have measured the bandwidths of the transmission lines and the results indicate that the micro twisted-pair cables can transmit signals up to ~ 1 Gb/s. The fusion spliced fibre ribbon can transmit signals up to ~ 2 Gb/s as reported in the previous conference. We have irradiated VCSEL arrays with 24 GeV protons and find four types of VCSEL arrays from three vendors survive to the SLHC dosage. We have also demonstrated the feasibility of fabricating a novel opto-pack for housing VCSEL and PIN arrays with BeO as the substrate

    Study of the Radiation-Hardness of VCSEL and PIN

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    The silicon trackers of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva) use optical links for data transmission. An upgrade of the trackers is planned for the Super LHC (SLHC), an upgraded LHC with ten times higher luminosity. We study the radiation-hardness of VCSELs (Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser) and GaAs and silicon PINs using 24 GeV/c protons at CERN for possible application in the data transmission upgrade. The optical power of VCSEL arrays decreases significantly after the irradiation but can be partially annealed with high drive currents. The responsivities of the PIN diodes also decrease significantly after irradiation, but can be recovered by operating at higher bias voltage. This provides a simple mechanism to recover from the radiation damage

    A Precise Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering

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    We report a precise measurement of the weak mixing angle from the ratio of neutral current to charged current inclusive cross-sections in deep-inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering. The data were gathered at the CCFR neutrino detector in the Fermilab quadrupole-triplet neutrino beam, with neutrino energies up to 600 GeV. Using the on-shell definition, sin2θW1MW2MZ2{\rm sin ^2\theta_W} \equiv 1 - \frac{{\rm M_W} ^2}{{\rm M_Z} ^2}, we obtain sin2θW=0.2218±0.0025(stat.)±0.0036(exp.syst.)±0.0040(model){\rm sin ^2\theta_W} = 0.2218 \pm 0.0025 ({\rm stat.}) \pm 0.0036 ({\rm exp.\: syst.}) \pm 0.0040 ({\rm model}).Comment: 10 pages, Nevis Preprint #1498 (Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Status Report of the ATLAS SCT Optical Links

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    The ATLAS SCT optical links system is reviewed. The assembly and testing of prototype opto-hamesses are described. Results are also given from a system test of the SCT barrel modules, including optical readout