5,082 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Breaking of Translational Invariance in One-Dimensional Stationary States on a Ring

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    We consider a model in which positive and negative particles diffuse in an asymmetric, CP-invariant way on a ring. The positive particles hop clockwise, the negative counterclockwise and oppositely-charged adjacent particles may swap positions. Monte-Carlo simulations and analytic calculations suggest that the model has three phases; a "pure" phase in which one has three pinned blocks of only positive, negative particles and vacancies, and in which translational invariance is spontaneously broken, a "mixed" phase with a non-vanishing current in which the three blocks are positive, negative and neutral, and a disordered phase without blocks.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, needs epsf.st

    Yang-Lee Theory for a Nonequilibrium Phase Transition

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    To analyze phase transitions in a nonequilibrium system we study its grand canonical partition function as a function of complex fugacity. Real and positive roots of the partition function mark phase transitions. This behavior, first found by Yang and Lee under general conditions for equilibrium systems, can also be applied to nonequilibrium phase transitions. We consider a one-dimensional diffusion model with periodic boundary conditions. Depending on the diffusion rates, we find real and positive roots and can distinguish two regions of analyticity, which can identified with two different phases. In a region of the parameter space both of these phases coexist. The condensation point can be computed with high accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let

    Experimental verification of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for hot fullerene molecules

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    The Heisenberg uncertainty principle for material objects is an essential corner stone of quantum mechanics and clearly visualizes the wave nature of matter. Here we report a demonstration of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the most massive, complex and hottest single object so far, the fullerene molecule C70 at a temperature of 900 K. We find a good quantitative agreement with the theoretical expectation: dx * dp = h, where dx is the width of the restricting slit, dp is the momentum transfer required to deflect the fullerene to the first interference minimum and h is Planck's quantum of action.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetry breaking and phase coexistence in a driven diffusive two-channel system

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    We consider classical hard-core particles moving on two parallel chains in the same direction. An interaction between the channels is included via the hopping rates. For a ring, the stationary state has a product form. For the case of coupling to two reservoirs, it is investigated analytically and numerically. In addition to the known one-channel phases, two new regions are found, in particular the one, where the total density is fixed, but the filling of the individual chains changes back and forth, with a preference for strongly different densities. The corresponding probability distribution is determined and shown to have an universal form. The phase diagram and general aspects of the problem are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Universality of Long-Range Correlations in Expansion-Randomization Systems

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    We study the stochastic dynamics of sequences evolving by single site mutations, segmental duplications, deletions, and random insertions. These processes are relevant for the evolution of genomic DNA. They define a universality class of non-equilibrium 1D expansion-randomization systems with generic stationary long-range correlations in a regime of growing sequence length. We obtain explicitly the two-point correlation function of the sequence composition and the distribution function of the composition bias in sequences of finite length. The characteristic exponent χ\chi of these quantities is determined by the ratio of two effective rates, which are explicitly calculated for several specific sequence evolution dynamics of the universality class. Depending on the value of χ\chi, we find two different scaling regimes, which are distinguished by the detectability of the initial composition bias. All analytic results are accurately verified by numerical simulations. We also discuss the non-stationary build-up and decay of correlations, as well as more complex evolutionary scenarios, where the rates of the processes vary in time. Our findings provide a possible example for the emergence of universality in molecular biology.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    One-Dimensional Partially Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process on a Ring with a Defect Particle

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    The effect of a moving defect particle for the one-dimensional partially asymmetric simple exclusion process on a ring is considered. The current of the ordinary particles, the speed of the defect particle and the density profile of the ordinary particles are calculated exactly. The phase diagram for the correlation length is identified. As a byproduct, the average and the variance of the particle density of the one-dimensional partially asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries are also computed.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Symmetry breaking through a sequence of transitions in a driven diffusive system

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    In this work we study a two species driven diffusive system with open boundaries that exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking in one dimension. In a symmetry broken state the currents of the two species are not equal, although the dynamics is symmetric. A mean field theory predicts a sequence of two transitions from a strongly symmetry broken state through an intermediate symmetry broken state to a symmetric state. However, a recent numerical study has questioned the existence of the intermediate state and instead suggested a single discontinuous transition. In this work we present an extensive numerical study that supports the existence of the intermediate phase but shows that this phase and the transition to the symmetric phase are qualitatively different from the mean-field predictions.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Exact solution and asymptotic behaviour of the asymmetric simple exclusion process on a ring

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    In this paper, we study an exact solution of the asymmetric simple exclusion process on a periodic lattice of finite sites with two typical updates, i.e., random and parallel. Then, we find that the explicit formulas for the partition function and the average velocity are expressed by the Gauss hypergeometric function. In order to obtain these results, we effectively exploit the recursion formula for the partition function for the zero-range process. The zero-range process corresponds to the asymmetric simple exclusion process if one chooses the relevant hop rates of particles, and the recursion gives the partition function, in principle, for any finite system size. Moreover, we reveal the asymptotic behaviour of the average velocity in the thermodynamic limit, expanding the formula as a series in system size.Comment: 10 page

    Yang-Lee zeroes for an urn model for the separation of sand

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    We apply the Yang-Lee theory of phase transitions to an urn model of separation of sand. The effective partition function of this nonequilibrium system can be expressed as a polynomial of the size-dependent effective fugacity zz. Numerical calculations show that in the thermodynamic limit, the zeros of the effective partition function are located on the unit circle in the complex zz-plane. In the complex plane of the actual control parameter certain roots converge to the transition point of the model. Thus the Yang-Lee theory can be applied to a wider class of nonequilibrium systems than those considered previously.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures include

    On Matrix Product States for Periodic Boundary Conditions

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    The possibility of a matrix product representation for eigenstates with energy and momentum zero of a general m-state quantum spin Hamiltonian with nearest neighbour interaction and periodic boundary condition is considered. The quadratic algebra used for this representation is generated by 2m operators which fulfil m^2 quadratic relations and is endowed with a trace. It is shown that {\em not} every eigenstate with energy and momentum zero can be written as matrix product state. An explicit counter-example is given. This is in contrast to the case of open boundary conditions where every zero energy eigenstate can be written as a matrix product state using a Fock-like representation of the same quadratic algebra.Comment: 7 pages, late