338 research outputs found

    Electric dipole response of 208Pb from proton inelastic scattering: constraints on neutron skin thickness and symmetry energy

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    The electric dipole (E1) response of 208Pb has been precisely determined by measuring Coulomb excitation induced by proton scattering at very forward angles. The electric dipole polarizability, defined as inverse energy-weighted sum rule of the E1 strength, has been extracted as 20.1+-0.6 fm^3. The data can be used to constrain the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb to 0.168(+-0.009)_expt(+-0.013)_theo(+-0.021)_est fm, where the subscript "expt" refers to the experimental uncertainty, "theor" to the theoretical confidence band and "est" to the uncertainty associated with the estimation of the symmetry energy at the saturation density. In addition, a constraint band has been extracted in the plane of the symmetry energy (J) and its slope parameter (L) at the saturation density.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, revised manuscript submitted to special volume of Eur. Phys. J. A on symmetry energ

    Comment on "138La-138Ce-136Ce nuclear cosmochronometer of the supernova neutrino process"

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    The nuclear chosmochronometer suggested by Hayakawa et al. [Phys. Rev.C 77, 065802 (2008)] based on the 138La-138Ce-136Ce abundance ratio in presolar grains would be affected by the existence of a hitherto unknown low-energy 1+ state in 138La. Results of a recent high-resolution study of the 138Ba(3He,t) reaction under kinematics selectively populating 1+ states in 138La through Gamow-Teller transitions provides strong evidence against the existence of such a hypothetical state.Comment: Comment on Phys. Rev. C 77, 065802 (2008), submittted to Phys. Rev.

    Properties of the first excited state of 9Be derived from (gamma,n) and (e,e') reactions

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    Properties of the first excited state of the nucleus 9Be are discussed based on recent (e,e') and (gamma,n) experiments. The parameters of an R-matrix analysis of different data sets are consistent with a resonance rather than a virtual state predicted by some model calculations. The energy and the width of the resonance are deduced. Their values are rather similar for all data sets, and the energy proves to be negative. It is argued that the disagreement between the extracted B(E1) values may stem from different ways of integration of the resonance. If corrected, fair agreement between the (e,e') and one of the (gamma,n) data sets is found. A recent (gamma,n) experiment at the HIgS facility exhibits larger cross sections close to the neutron threshold which remain to be explained.Comment: 5 pages, accepted fro publication in Phys. Rev.

    Multiple Scales in the Fine Structure of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance in ^{208}Pb

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    The fine structure of the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in ^{208}Pb, observed in high-resolution (p,p') and (e,e') experiments, is studied using the entropy index method. In a novel way, it enables to determine the number of scales present in the spectra and their magnitude. We find intermediate scales of fluctuations around 1.1 MeV, 460 keV and 125 keV for an excitation energy region 0 - 12 MeV. A comparison with scales extracted from second RPA calculations, which are in good agreement with experiment, shows that they arise from the internal mixing of collective motion with two particle-two hole components of the nuclear wavefunction.Comment: 14 pages including 6 figures (to be published in Phys. Lett. B

    Resonance parameters of the first 1/2+ state in 9Be and astrophysical implications

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    Spectra of the 9Be(e,e') reaction have been measured at the S-DALINAC at an electron energy E_0 = 73 MeV and scattering angles of 93{\deg} and 141{\deg} with high energy resolution up to excitation energies E_x = 8 MeV. The astrophysically relevant resonance parameters of the first excited 1/2+ state of 9Be have been extracted in a one-level approximation of R-matrix theory resulting in a resonance energy E_R = 1.748(6) MeV and width Gamma_R = 274(8) keV in good agreement with the latest 9Be(gamma,n) experiment but with considerably improved uncertainties. However, the reduced B(E1) transition strength deduced from an extrapolation of the (e,e') data to the photon point is a factor of two smaller. Implications of the new results for a possible production of 12C in neutron-rich astrophysical scenarios are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Supernova Inelastic Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Sections from High-Resolution Electron Scattering Experiments and Shell-Model Calculations

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    Highly precise data on the magnetic dipole strength distributions from the Darmstadt electron linear accelerator for the nuclei 50Ti, 52Cr and 54Fe are dominated by isovector Gamow-Teller-like contributions and can therefore be translated into inelastic total and differential neutral-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections at supernova neutrino energies. The results agree well with large-scale shell-model calculations, validating this model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX 4, version accepted in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Pair decay width of the Hoyle state and carbon production in stars

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    Electron scattering off the first excited 0+ state in 12C (the Hoyle state) has been performed at low momentum transfers at the S-DALINAC. The new data together with a novel model-independent analysis of the world data set covering a wide momentum transfer range result in a highly improved transition charge density from which a pair decay width Gamma_pi = (62.3 +- 2.0) micro-eV of the Hoyle state was extracted reducing the uncertainty of the literature values by more than a factor of three. A precise knowledge of Gamma_pi is mandatory for quantitative studies of some key issues in the modeling of supernovae and of asymptotic giant branch stars, the most likely site of the slow-neutron nucleosynthesis process.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for weak M1 transitions in 48^{48}Ca with inelastic proton scattering

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    The spinflip M1 resonance in the doubly magic nucleus 48^{48}Ca, dominated by a single transition, serves as a reference case for the quenching of spin-isospin modes in nuclei. The aim of the present work is a search for weak M1 transitions in 48^{48}Ca with a high-resolution (p,p') experiment at 295 MeV and forward angles including 0 degree and a comparison to results from a similar study using backward-angle electron scattering at low momentum transfers in order to estimate their contribution to the total B(M1) strength. M1 cross sections of individual peaks in the spectra are deduced with a multipole decomposition analysis. The corresponding reduced B(M1) transition strengths are extracted following the approach outlined in J. Birkhan et al., Phys. Rev. C 93, 041302(R) (2016). In total, 29 peaks containing a M1 contribution are found in the excitation energy region 7 - 13 MeV. The resulting B(M1) strength distribution compares well to the electron scattering results considering different factors limiting the sensitivity in both experiments and the enhanced importance of mechanisms breaking the proportionality of nuclear cross sections and electromagnetic matrix elements for weak transitions as studied here. The total strength of 1.19(6) μN2\mu_N^2 deduced assuming a non-quenched isoscalar part of the (p,p') cross sections agrees with the (e,e') result of 1.21(13) μN2\mu_N^2. A binwise analysis above 10 MeV provides an upper limit of 1.62(23) μN2\mu_N^2. The present results confirm that weak transitions contribute about 25% to the total B(M1) strength in 48^{48}Ca and the quenching factors of GT and spin-M1 strength are comparable in fp-shell nuclei. Thus, the role of of meson exchange currents seems to be neglible, in contrast to sd-shell nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, revised analysis with oxygen contamination remove

    Fine structure of the isovector giant dipole resonance in 142-150Nd and 152Sm

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    Background: Inelastic proton scattering at energies of a few hundred MeV and very-forward scattering angles including 0 ∘ has been established as a tool for the study of electric-dipole strength distributions in nuclei. The present work reports a systematic investigation of the chain of stable even-mass Nd isotopes representing a transition from spherical to quadrupole-deformed nuclei. Purpose: Extraction of the equivalent photo-absorption cross sections and analysis of their fine structure in the energy region of the isovector giant dipole resonance (IVGDR). Method: Proton inelastic scattering reactions of 200 MeV protons were measured at the iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences in Cape Town, South Africa. The scattering products were momentum-analyzed by the K600 magnetic spectrometer positioned at θ Lab = 0 ∘ . Using dispersion-matching techniques, energy resolutions of Δ E ≈ 40 – 50 keV (full width at half maximum) were obtained. After subtraction of background and contributions from other multipoles, the spectra were converted to photoabsorption cross sections using the equivalent virtual-photon method. Wavelet-analysis techniques are used to extract characteristic energy scales of the fine structure of the IVGDR from the experimental data. Results: Fine structure of the IVGDR is observed even for the most deformed nuclei studied. Comparisons between the extracted experimental energy scales and those energy scales obtained from the quasiparticle-phonon model (QPM) and Skyrme separable random phase approximation (SSRPA) predictions provide insight into the role of different giant-resonance damping mechanisms. It can be seen that the scales in the spherical and most likely also in the deformed nuclei mainly result from the fragmentation of the one-particle-one-hole (1p1h) strength into several dominant transitions serving as doorway states. In cases where calculations beyond the 1p1h level are available, some impact of the spreading due to coupling of the two-particle-two-hole (2p2h) states to the 1p1h doorway states is observed. Conclusions: New virtual-photon absorption data for the chain of stable Nd isotopes and 152 Sm are presented, with a focus on the phenomenon of nonstatistical cross-section fluctuations, referred to as fine structure, in the energy region of the IVGDR. The wavelet-analysis techniques used allowed for the features of the fine structure to be quantified in the form of characteristic scales. Comparisons between experimental results and model predictions indicate that Landau damping seems to be the main source of the fine structure in both the spherical and deformed nuclei, but calculations including 2p2h degrees of freedom would be beneficial to confirm this for the deformed cases
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